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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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I blocked all that is possible (through the special features of Opera), and still site is very slow or *BAD Gateway*...

Edited by DKZZ2
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For those asking Anonymous to help: it's not advisable to fight the devils with the help of other devils.

Secondly, as someone else already stated, Anonymous is one of the causes of the spreading of DDoS attacks in the last years. Kids helping other kids to DDoS who they hate o do not agree with, like a raging baby who cannot buy candies and sets fire to the candy store.

Anonymous is (one of the) problem(s), not a solution.

Last of all, the guy bringing political ideology in the discussion is a total ignorant: "capitalists" companies do not DDoS each other as the risk to be compromised is too high. Why should they DDoS when with a single lawsuit they can take down who they want? Instead, your chinese communist friends adopt this way of acting against other nations' agencies, you should check international reports about this issue.

And maybe stop living in the XIX century.


By the way, the oblivion nexus has been down for 2 hours now. I'll patiently wait and I've like to say thanks to the staff for the hard work.


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The DoS attack is probably from someone who is butt hurt about getting banned and just wants to ruin it for the rest of use.


I think it'd be a lot easier for them to just make a new account, and use a proxy if necessary. That's quite a bit of rage behind it if you're right, but I also suspected it myself. It's one of the more likely culprits, if it's not a random drive-by ddos or one of a number of similar types of sites hit in a large 'operation' of sorts by bored people with low-esteem.

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Using an antivirus on your own system does not stop the DDoS attacks - it just prevents your computer from being used for this type of attack without your knowledge.

As for the person that suggested getting anonymous to 'do something' they already did - they are the ones who released the code for the most popular and easiest to use tool to do these kind of attacks to the kiddies. Then they asked everyone who supported them to volunteer their own computer (allow it to be used as a zombie) for DDoS attacks on the Church of Scientology, the RIAA and anyone who opposed Wikileaks among others. Once this program is running in the background, you will not notice anything when you use your computer. Once you signed your computer to be used for that one purpose, if you never bothered to completely remove that program - then you authorized your computer to be used for DDoS attacks by whoever had the info for that group of zombie computers. And running an antivirus scan will not do any good - because YOU authorized the program and during that sign up, told your antivirus that this was a ligit program. - Now, it is likely being used against sites you never intended.

If you ever allowed your computer to be used for a LOIC DDoS attack by Anonymous - Your own computer may now be DDoSing the Nexus. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif


We have met the enemy, and he is us.

From Pogo - a once very popular comic strip by Walt Kelly



good point there.They added heavily to their botnet that way. From one perspective, it can be viewed as a mass infection through social engineering. I never took part in that, there is no way in tartarus I will install anything like that especially considering the sources.



In response to post #8485024.

"To take an arrow in the knee" means "to marry" in old norse slang.



"I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I got married." Sounds legit.

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