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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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In response to post #8475192. #8475255, #8476142, #8476876, #8477152 are all replies on the same post.

Right, so, hey, thanks for letting me know that there is a significant detectable difference in normal huge traffic increase and DDoS attacks.

I'm not even going to touch what god damn political ideology the nexus holds.
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There are many reasons why someone should have anti-virus software. It's not only preventing the site from DDos attacks, but it also protects your own computer. I have have Kaspersky Lab and it's by far the best anti-virus software I've used. Nobody wants to have their computer they spent money on to have problems, especially a virus. Edited by xVirtuosity
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xyloritus, look, no one is 'asking' for this type of nonsense. I agree this is unlikely random. Some weenie got himself banned for being an idiot and now he seeks revenge by this bs. The Nexus sites have a set of rules, hard and fast rules. They can be harsh, and I don't agree with all of them but I follow them. Not unlike getting a drivers license. You may not like the rules but if you want to use the roads, you better obey them or expect to be punished. Not a difficult concept. If some little pissant gets banned because he can't follow a simple set of rules, whether he agrees with them or not, shame on him. As far as this DDOS stuff, This Too Shall Pass. It will be a pain in the neck for a few days and than the pissant will get bored and the Nexus will go on as before. Nothing really accomplished except some dweeb, living in his parents basement can claim some cred from his equally useless peers.

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Well, it's hilarious if some kiddie is really venting his frustration on the Nexus sites. I really have a hard time wrapping my head around a notion that there are people so stupid yet so stubborn that they learn all this "hacking" stuff just to do stuff like this. Shouldn't they focus on big commercial and government sites instead where their attacks may have actual impact on something important?
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