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DDoS season begins, sites a little bit unstable


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snowden is busy with the UFO's currently terrorizing the skies over moscow. He's explaining that it is part of a larger US conspiracy to make people believe in flying saucers to distract them from the truth of the United States having flying saucers since the end of World War II when plans and incomplete prototypes were seized from the Nazis. Roswell was a part of that cover-up, they deliberately stated it was a flying saucer of unknown origin so that they could retract the claim & convince the people that there was a conspiracy involving the cover-up of beings that do not exist. I doubt he has time to ddos the nexus, let alone actually get in any gaming time. From the amount of Morley butts found around the airport recently, Snowden should be extra careful as he's no doubt being watched for any mistake on his part by a very dangerous person involved in this cover-up.

Edited by Necronomnicon
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In response to post #8478274. #8481421, #8481882, #8482170, #8482915, #8495941, #8497932 are all replies on the same post.

Well @ all those who're wondering - I don't know if that's what the original Comment was about, but I for sure know someone who made a Mod for Skyrim that's been deleted and banned, because of someone of Nexus' Staff didn't like it on here - whoever that was.

The Mod didn't do anything new, there are still lots of worse ones out there, and there really was no Reason to delete and ban this one Mod and be okay with all the others at the same Time, and Stuff like that. Stuff which, I gotta say that, was really unfair and something completely based on personal Judgement, like saying, "oh I [personally] don't like that one Mod on here, let's ban it". For Reasons that would have applied to lots of other Stuff as well, but yeah, obviously they did -just- apply for the one Mod someone didn't really like to see on here.

I can pretty much assure you there wasn't any other Reason to the Deletion of said Mod and as its Author questioned the Reasons why it was deleted while there still were all the others [which STILL haven't been deleted yet BTW], and was pretty much told to lay down, "or else"...

So yeah, if there were more Incidents like that, I could imagine that may be a Reason why. Sure, I still don't think it's right either, but it still may be a Reason for someone else.
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