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Should weapons reload automatically?


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Automatic reload for me is one of the most annoying features of FO4. It should at least be absent in Survival mode. Managing ammo is an important aspect of combat and taking it away is just bad. I would even vote for a system where you have to manually repeat weapons which you had to ... repeat manually in real world, like the hunting rifle. Plus a system of jams, mostly for semi-automatics and automatics, as balance, and because jams are not so seldom in an environment of dust, dirt and decay (I use a mod for this but I'm not sure wether it works or not). Pipe weapons should be affected the most by jams, of course

Fallout New Vegas had a 'weapon condition' system. Condition would degrade with use, and you would need to 'repair' it occasionally, to keep it in good working order. Drop below a certain threshold, and problems would appear, the worse the weapon condition, the more problems you would have, until it simply wouldn't function at all. Not a perfect imitation of 'real world' dynamics, but, kept things interesting. :D

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Weapons Framework Beta adds a feature to create that degradation dynamic to the game, along with a host of other features.

Disclaimer: F4SE mod.

Imagine the following - all are possible with that mod:

Case Example: You are using an Uzi

a) You want to fire it in Semi-Auto mode. Simple hotkey press switches firing modes (and the Uzi was a select fire weapon).

b) You want to add an Acog scope to that Uzi. You can swap components on the fly in the field - no workbench needed.

c) You have weapon degradation in place - so you will need to repair your weapon.

d) You have a variable "jam" dynamic you can activate - which will force you to press the manual reload to clear it.

e) Since most mods have you throw away your mag on a reload - you actually throw away that ammo from your inventory that is still in the mag......


If you want something close to realism - Weapons Framework Beta will help you get there.

If you want a point-shoot-kill environment - that is what Todd and the boys created......

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The player in this game is suffering from a severe case of "One Track Mind". :smile: Change course in the middle of an action, and he/she forgets what they were doing previously. :D




I thought one track mind meant thinking about sex all the time.


Well, that would distract you from reloading as well, especially if you were in combat with a bunch of women. :D (or, whatever sex you happen to be attracted to. :smile: )



According to the Brotherhood of Steel, most of the commonwealth are attracted to animals. Apparently this is illegal in real life. Haven't we all seen the infamous Pamela Anderson + horse picture? Ok I'm showing my age, that was in the 90s.


Automatic reload for me is one of the most annoying features of FO4. It should at least be absent in Survival mode. Managing ammo is an important aspect of combat and taking it away is just bad. I would even vote for a system where you have to manually repeat weapons which you had to ... repeat manually in real world, like the hunting rifle. Plus a system of jams, mostly for semi-automatics and automatics, as balance, and because jams are not so seldom in an environment of dust, dirt and decay (I use a mod for this but I'm not sure wether it works or not). Pipe weapons should be affected the most by jams, of course


It should be an option. I can understand you liking realism, but I have too many different buttons to press as it is. I want to press one mouse button to fire until the ammo runs out. I think of myself making the character's decisions, but allowing his subconscious to do things like not trip over a rock, reload the weapon, etc.



Automatic reload for me is one of the most annoying features of FO4. It should at least be absent in Survival mode. Managing ammo is an important aspect of combat and taking it away is just bad. I would even vote for a system where you have to manually repeat weapons which you had to ... repeat manually in real world, like the hunting rifle. Plus a system of jams, mostly for semi-automatics and automatics, as balance, and because jams are not so seldom in an environment of dust, dirt and decay (I use a mod for this but I'm not sure wether it works or not). Pipe weapons should be affected the most by jams, of course

Fallout New Vegas had a 'weapon condition' system. Condition would degrade with use, and you would need to 'repair' it occasionally, to keep it in good working order. Drop below a certain threshold, and problems would appear, the worse the weapon condition, the more problems you would have, until it simply wouldn't function at all. Not a perfect imitation of 'real world' dynamics, but, kept things interesting. :D



Sounds good. Also I think armour should degrade. And show it, so you can see the dents and holes in your enemy and know you can easily destroy them. (It does this already with power armour pieces falling off).

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There are only two buttons you need to push when firing a weapon. The trigger, and the reload. This isn't Differential Calculus here.

When you combine no required manual reload with fast animations, with perks that accelerate reload speed - you might as well just be playing with a fire hose opened up full throttle. The speed at which everything happens just looks stupid - especially when you look at a Bolt-Action reload sequence on steroids.

Edited by Haanjo63
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There are only two buttons you need to push when firing a weapon. The trigger, and the reload. This isn't Differential Calculus here.

When you combine no required manual reload with fast animations, with perks that accelerate reload speed - you might as well just be playing with a fire hose opened up full throttle. The speed at which everything happens just looks stupid - especially when you look at a Bolt-Action reload sequence on steroids.


Two buttons? What about dodging the enemy's bullets and taking a stimpak?


No, with some weapons it takes a while to reload.

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