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How to import face code to a new game?


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You have fiddled with a facecode for a long time. You think this character looks just perfect - or at least is one you have become attached to somehow.

Now you want to start up a brand new game from scratch.
There is just one problem: Your player character doesn't look like the one you liked and played with before.

So, you fiddle with the sliders for hours, but it only gets familiar. Then you search the net and discovers you can export the face code with a simple command: SPF [character name]

Well..., yes. But where to use it then? Skyrim has no import function, and you can't edit a save game to insert the code. There is no savegame editor for Skyrim.


It's really nice that you are able to export the code. But isn't it a bit pointless when you can't use it?

Does anyone have a solution to this?

How do you get an exact face code BACK into a game?

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How do you get an exact face code BACK into a game?

After you export the file and it's saved as a .npc file, all you have to do is open the Creation Kit and create a new mod. Use one of the preset NPCs (or create another) and import your .npc file. Save as a new plugin, activate, and enjoy reusing your character. I've lost count of the number of restarts I've done with mine. LOL

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Thank you for replying, SavageArtistry.

Yes, that is a way to do it. I have been thinking about this too. It would be easy enough. I was looking for a way to avoid making a mod. A way to insert the codes into the game without having to have a help-file.

Mass Effect has an inbuild option where you can do this from game to game (onwards, not reversible to the first game though). It works pretty well. It is not perfect, but it works fairly well.
Mass Effect also has save game editors that can import the face codes directly into the saved game files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The RaceMenu mod lets you copy faces. Just install it and type "ShowRaceMenu" in the console (after loading the save you want to copy), and on the bottom of the screen one of the keys will copy the face settings. I'm actually planning to try it myself tonight.

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