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Deflect Arrows


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Deflecting arrows with a shield is morfe effective, but I kinda' agree, because my current character uses two handed weapons primarily with some magic on the side and very limited marksmanship for targets too far away.


Maybe if you take the perk in blocking that allows you to deflect arrows (or have the heavy armor skill/perk) it could be somehow made so that it also affect your weapons, if they're large enough.

I second this idea.

Edited by Gerandirr
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Deflecting arrows in Skyrim doesn't mean you swat them away. You block and the arrow bounces off your shield (or in this case, hopefully your large weapon) without you taking any damage.

Basicly, when you're fighting someone who has a bow in Skyrim, just start blocking when you see them readying their shot.

Block arrow, then run towards them as fast as you can before blocking again.

Rinse and repeat, until you reach them.

Don't need to overcomplicate the request, that'll just reduce the chance of it being made.

Edited by Gerandirr
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I was actually referring to swatting the arrows away with like a sword, ninja style. I understand blocking and running. But if that blacksupernova can make an arrow bounce off a sword, then the only thing left to be skilled enough in timing to hit it. I didn't expect it to be easy to hit. I'd imagine it being a simple If-else statement:

If contact = 1

//the mod would go here


// what normally would happen.



btw, I never actually looked at any of the coding so I couldn't tell you if it would even look like that but the concept seems simple enough.

Edited by Savalric
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If you have high enough skills and the perks needed, you'd take no damage if you blocked the hit. As I said, block when you see them notcing the arrow, then run in for the kill.

How complicated that can be ? I don't know what codes are involved though, so it could be something hard-coded.

Or something that can be solved with a few clicks in the CK.

Who knows.

Nevertheless, it's a good idea.

Edited by Gerandirr
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