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CBBE Presets: How?


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So I am that idiot. Want to get that out of the way before I go into this.


I don't know how to load any of the presets (any of them at all). Can someone please direct to a step by step guide into how to do it? Just would like to get more out of character customization. Thanks.

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CBBE presets are used in Bodyslide to generate custom body shapes that replace the vanilla one. The preset shape won't appear in the game until you use Bodyslide to build the CBBE body using the preset.




Match the settings in the orange box. The green box is where your preset goes, select it from the drop down menu. Then hit Build.


Edit: Every female in the game will share that same body shape. While there are mods that can change that there tend to be complications using them, namely that clothes that fit one shape won't fit the other.

Edited by aurreth
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