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[HELP] Strugling to make a working helmet mod from scratch with the weight/bones

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Hi, I started trying to modelize my own helmet meshes from scratch starting with blender and then painted it with photoshop creating the diffuse normal and shadow texture puting them in BGSM format and applying them on the 3 obj file in niskope for then copying the bones/weight of the raidermalehelmet03 as reference but it crash my creation kit when I change the armor addon with my model (I also had some error message that not all vertex of my 3 model where containing bones/weight when I was in outfit studio) I know it might be the problem but I just wanted to try to put even a half working helmet in the game just to see if I could achieve to put something in game, 3 weeks since I try to do a helmet and youtube tutorial on making an armor from scratch are scarce if anyone has any tips or tutorial to point me to that would be great, thx for your read.

Edited by SammyMemento
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Wow. You might want to try that again with, you know, punctuation. It's rather hard to figure out the steps you took up until the CK crashed My on you.

My bad, the step I took before CK was exportation of my helmet nif file, then I opened the CK and modified a raider helmetcloth and it's armor addon. In the armor addon I changed the model path with my armor in the meshe folder, then it crashed.

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Wow. You might want to try that again with, you know, punctuation. It's rather hard to figure out the steps you took up until the CK crashed on you.

The full step: created 3 models in blender, then I unwraped them so I can paint them and exported their models as obj.


-photoshop and crazybump used to paint and create the diffusen normal an specular texture for each of the 3 models


-then I imported the 3 obj in nifskope and defined the path to the BGSM file for each model (that I previously put in the material folder and it's texture in the text folder)


-then outfit studio where I loaded the RaiderHelmet03M nif as reference, and after that my 3 model as a working outfit


-I copied all the bones/weight


-finally I opened the CK and you know the rest

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Ah. You can't just import an OBJ into Nifskope and get it to work. The NIF will be in the wrong format. There's a recent post about a Blender plugin that will export to NIF in the correct format, but currently what most people do is export to OBJ, import that into Outfit Studio, then use Outfit Studio to export to NIF. Outfit Studio does the correct conversion.

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Ah. You can't just import an OBJ into Nifskope and get it to work. The NIF will be in the wrong format. There's a recent post about a Blender plugin that will export to NIF in the correct format, but currently what most people do is export to OBJ, import that into Outfit Studio, then use Outfit Studio to export to NIF. Outfit Studio does the correct conversion.

Sorry that my post didn't clear that but I did just as you say opened my obj in outfit studio applied weight and bones and then exporting it as nif to be able to open it in nifskope. My problem on the other end does seem to have something to do with the applying texture of my model in nifskope, when I write the correct material path it does not make my texture show up correctly, the model go from pink to black, I don't understand why and it turn invisible while doing a model preview in CK

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I have seen vertex colors cause this. Might give the nif a look and see if the vertex colors show up at the BSTriShape.

How do I do that ? I only know how to add the material path inthe BSlightingShaderproperty and the BSshadertextureset, I don't see how to add it on the BSsubindextrishape, could you guide me ?

Edited by SammyMemento
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I don't know what kind of helmet you make. Is it supposed to repeat facial morphs, or something like that? Because no skinning is required for regular hats, if they do not interact with the body. Just open your helmet in os, import BaseFemaleHead from the characterassets folder. Click on the head mesh setReference. Go to the mesh of the helmet. Click CopyBoneWeight. To prevent the mesh from leaving the head, it must have a pivot of 0/0/0. Weights are not copied during this operation. Only bones are copied. You rig the helmet. Everything. You do not need to copy the weights.Next, remove the Set Reference from the head. Click Set Reference on the helmet. Delete the head. Save the project by choosing paths. Go to bs. Build. Find your project, build it nif. Nothing else is needed for helmets.

I don't know how the blender model is exported. I use 3d max, import as nif (whatever, basically I choose pe weapon). The material can be either bsLightingFx or bsEffectFx. I preliminarily pass the model through erich, but it seems that this is not necessary for clothes. Because I once inserted a skyrim body just by reassigning the material. I removed the old bones, tied them to the fo4 bones, and copied the sliders from cbbe. The body was no different from the bodies for fo4. Outfit Studio eats everything, and this super program doesn't care what sources the mesh came from.In general, if you fail. Drop your mesh here (link). I easily, in 5 minutes, adapt it to a game nif.

Edited by South8028
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I don't know what kind of helmet you make. Is it supposed to repeat facial morphs, or something like that? Because no skinning is required for regular hats, if they do not interact with the body. Just open your helmet in os, import BaseFemaleHead from the characterassets folder. Click on the head mesh setReference. Go to the mesh of the helmet. Click CopyBoneWeight. To prevent the mesh from leaving the head, it must have a pivot of 0/0/0. Weights are not copied during this operation. Only bones are copied. You rig the helmet. Everything. You do not need to copy the weights.Next, remove the Set Reference from the head. Click Set Reference on the helmet. Delete the head. Save the project by choosing paths. Go to bs. Build. Find your project, build it nif. Nothing else is needed for helmets.

I don't know how the blender model is exported. I use 3d max, import as nif (whatever, basically I choose pe weapon). The material can be either bsLightingFx or bsEffectFx. I preliminarily pass the model through erich, but it seems that this is not necessary for clothes. Because I once inserted a skyrim body just by reassigning the material. I removed the old bones, tied them to the fo4 bones, and copied the sliders from cbbe. The body was no different from the bodies for fo4. Outfit Studio eats everything, and this super program doesn't care what sources the mesh came from.In general, if you fail. Drop your mesh here (link). I easily, in 5 minutes, adapt it to a game nif.

Yes it's a simple helmet like a hat do not need to adapt to bodymorph, finally I achieved to export it with bones (at least contrary to before when I copy the bones of the raiderhelmet03 as ref it cover my model of all the color) it does not crash the CK anymore but it is invisible, I am not sur if the problem is with the model/bones, or the material wha do you think, I would be interest to know if you achieve to make it show up in the CK/game if you want: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17kPDxY-QHX_7Vmsjz0UHKpjUHx6FLhbZ?usp=sharing


(I have also put the diffuse, normal and specular texture of each piece if you need them)


Also other question at first I intended to make it as a helmet divided in 3 pieces that I would later assemble in outfit studio in one mesh but I don't know if that is even working with the fallout engine, and know if I can apply each individual texture in outfit studio (can you apply texture/material in OS ?)

Thanks for the help to a random stranger

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