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Mod Deployment Error While Managing New Games


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Vortex 1.4.15 using Windows 10 and 16gb of RAM


I've been trying to mod a new game using Vortex and I'm getting an error saying "mods were not correctly deployed" (a picture of the message has been attached). I've been using the application for years with Skyrim and Fallout 4, and those games still work perfectly fine, but trying to mod a new game (in this instance Cyberpunk, Skyrim SE, and Mechwarrior) and the error appears. After some initial research it appears the issue might be a deployment.json file corruption; all of my file location directories are perfectly fine and properly connected, my vortex is up to date, and any new mod files that I download have all their associated files.
I've already tried to reinstall Vortex to see if I could refresh any directory files (albeit I didn't purge my mods beforehand), but the error still occurs. I was going to try and delete the deployment.json file myself from the Vortex program file and restart the program to get a fresh json, but I cannot seem to find it. I do not know if I am looking in the wrong place. Otherwise if there is a more efficient (or safer) approach to this problem I am all ears.
I've saved off a copy of my vortex log files which should have the error recorded. I would upload the files, but the forum isn't letting me.
Any help or assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
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