PppPlyr1 Posted September 1, 2021 Share Posted September 1, 2021 (edited) If you are like me, you have a tough time choosing which perk mod to play with. All of them contain great ideas that improve upon the vanilla system. Of course, you could go with "Vokriinator" if you want all of them. Like, ALL of the perks. However, being the pedantic that I am, it becomes cluttered in the end, and the creator of "Vokriinator" sometimes made perk choices with which I disagree. So, I thought, "Why not make my own perk mod?" What I basically did is that I added the perk descriptions of every major perk mod out there (specifically "Adamant", "Cosmonach", "Ordinator", "Path of Sorcery", "SPERG", and "Vokrii", all credit goes to the creators of these fantastic perk mods) into a single document. Then I looked at every perk and tried to categorize them according to their effects; in the Conjuration tree, every mod had perks that affect reanimation, soul trapping, and bound weapons, for example. After categorizing each perk, I scribbled down all of the ideas and concepts that every mod had. Finally, I tried formulating new perks. In trying to formulate the perks, I tried to follow these principles: 1) Make it as minimalistic as possible. No special gimmicks, no game-breaking effects, no lore-breaking advantages, no redundant abilities. Just stop beating around the bush and ask yourself, "How exactly does this benefit the core function of this particular skill in a concrete way?" 2) Make them scalable. Instead of giving you a flat bonus, most perks grant you benefits that become gradually stronger the more you level up a particular skill. For example, the perk "Necromancer's Potency" increases the duration and attack damage of reanimated minions by 1% per Conjuration level, which means that at level 25, the bonus is 25%, and at level 74, it is 74%, and so on. This kind of system gives you the feeling of truly becoming stronger over time. It also has the additional benefit of playing nicely with mods that increase the level cap of skills. 3) Make the skill trees self-contained, but compatible. It was my goal to make each skill sufficient in itself, so you don't have to rely upon other skill trees to have an effective skill tree. Nevertheless, each perk tree can in some ways benefit others, which encourages "broad investments" and carefully choosing each perk to suit your needs. All of this is good and all, and this might become a great mod after some feedback and tweaking. There is only one problem: I don't have the know-how to create this mod. That is why I thought it might be a good idea to post my idea here. Maybe someone can point me to a tutorial on how to create your own perk mod, from scratch, perhaps with additional resources and information, or, heck, maybe someone might be interested in creating this mod. Either way, I would be most grateful! In any case, here are my notes for every perk tree. Any feedback is welcome: Alteration PerksArmor10 - Armor Specialization: For every Alteration level, Armor spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude.20 - Mage's Armor: If not wearing any armor, Armor spells have a 0.25% increased magnitude and duration per Alteration level.40 - Mage's Bastion: Armor spells also affect allies within 0.5 meters per Alteration level.60 - Mage's Fortress: Armor spells also grant 0.1% Magic Resistance per Alteration level.Casting10 - Spell Charge: After charging an Alteration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Alteration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Alteration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting an Alteration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Alteration level.Defense10 - Mage's Resistance: Increases your Magic Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Flames: Increases your Fire Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Depths: Increases your Frost Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Storm: Increases your Shock Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.60 - Imposing Presence: Emanate an aura with a radius of 0.5 meters per Alteration level that reduces the Magicka Regeneration of hostile targets by 0.5% per Alteration level.60 - Engulfing Presence: Emanate an Aura with a radius of 0.25 meters per Alteration level that drains 0.1 Magicka per Alteration level per second from hostile targets.80 - Mage's Absorption: Grants 0.1% spell absorption per Alteration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Alteration level, Novice Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Alteration level, Apprentice Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Alteration level, Adept Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Alteration level, Expert Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Alteration level, Master Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Robes10 - Mage's Robes: When not wearing armor, increases your Magicka Regeneration by 1% per Alteration level.20 - Mage's Defense: When not wearing armor, increases the magnitude of armor enchantments by 1% per Alteration level.20 - Mage's Offense: When not wearing armor, increases the magnitude of weapon enchantments by 1% per Alteration level.40 - Mage's Meditation: When not wearing armor, Magicka regeneration is increased by an additional 1% per Alteration level when your Magicka falls below 33%.60 - Mage's Conservation: When not wearing armor, spell cost from every school is reduced by 0.1% per Alteration level.80 - Mage's Redirection: When not wearing armor, 0.1% of incoming spells per Alteration level are absorbed.Spellblade10 - Spellblade's Skill: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, increases your spell magnitude and duration by 0.2% per Alteration level.20 - Spellblade's Strikes: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, every melee strike decreases your target's Magic Resistance by 15% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.40 - Spellblade's Presence: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, enemies within 5 meters lose 15% Magic Resistance.60 - Spellblade's Fortification: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, casting a spell on a target or yourself increases your weapon damage by 15% for 10 seconds.80 - Spellblade's Fortress: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, your magic and damage resistance is increased by 15%.Telekinesis10 - Mind over Matter: Objects thrown with Telekinesis deal 5% more damage per Alteration level.20 - Mind Reach: Dual casting Telekinesis grabs your enemy.40 - Mind Crush: Grabbing an enemy deals 0.25 damage per second per Alteration level. Conjuration PerksBound10 - Conjurer's Blade: The damage and duration of bound weapons is increased by 1% per Conjuration level. Bound weapons also cast Soul Trap on targets.20 - Conjurer's Vulnerability: Bound Weapons cause targets to receive 20% more damage from summoned and reanimated minions for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.20 - Conjurer's Banishment: Bound weapons banish summoned creatures and turn reanimated ones.40 - Conjurer's Depletion: Bound weapons absorb 1% magicka and stamina per second for 5 seconds from the target.60 - Conjurer's Dissipation: Bound weapons reduce the magic resistance of targets by 0.15% per Conjuration level.80 - Conjurer's Fortification: Bound weapons grant their wielder 0.1% magic and physical damage resistance per Conjuration level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Conjuration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Conjuration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Conjuration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Conjuration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Conjuration level, Novice Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Conjuration level, Apprentice Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Conjuration level, Adept Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Conjuration level, Expert Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Conjuration level, Master Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Reanimate10 - Necromancer's Potency: Increases the duration and attack damage of reanimated minions by 1% per Conjuration level.20 - Necromancer's Fervor: The movement and attack speed of reanimated minions are increased by 0.33% per Conjuration level.30 - Necromancer's Defiance: The magic and physical damage resistance of reanimated minions are increased by 0.33% per Conjuration level.40 - Necromancer's Vigor: The health, stamina and magicka of reanimated minions are increased by 1% per Conjuration level.50 - Necromancer's Pact: Your reanimated minions drain 0.5% health, stamina and magicka from foes within 5 meters, and an additional 1.5% when they successfully hit their target.60 - Necromancer's Scourge: The number of minions that can be reanimated is increased by one for every 25th level of Conjuration, up to a maximum of five.70 - Necromancer's Revenge: Reanimated minions are no longer disintegrated when they die. Instead, they cause their killer to lose 5% of their Health, Stamina and Magicka per second for 3 seconds.Summons10 - Summoner's Potency: Increases the duration and attack damage of summoned minions by 1% per Conjuration level.20 - Summoner's Reach: Summon distance is increased by 0.25 meters per Conjuration level.30 - Summoner's Zeal: The movement and attack speed of summoned minions are increased by 0.33% per Conjuration level.40 - Summoner's Resilience: The magic and physical damage resistance of summoned minions are increased by 0.33% per Conjuration level.50 - Summoner's Endurance: The health, stamina and magicka of summoned minions are increased by 1% per Conjuration level.60 - Summoner's Rejuvenation: Summoned minions regenerate 2% of their health, magicka and stamina per second.70 - Summoner's Legion: The number of minions that can be summoned is increased by one for every 25th level of Conjuration, up to a maximum of five. Destruction PerksArcane10 - Arcane Potency: The magnitude of non-elemental destruction spells is increased by 1% per Destruction level.20 - Arcane Penetration: Non-elemental destruction spells reduce the magic resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Arcane Imprint: Non-elemental destruction spells linger, causing an additional 1% of the spell's damage every second. The duration of this effect is equal to 0.25 seconds per Destruction level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Destruction spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Destruction spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Destruction spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Conjuration level.60 - Hindrance: Dual cast Destruction spells have a 33% chance to stagger the target.Fire10 - Fire Mage's Potency: The magnitude of fire spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your fire resistance by 0.1% per Destruction level.20 - Fire Mage's Penetration: Fire spells reduce the fire resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Fire Mage's Burn: Fire spells damage 1% of the target's health every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Fire Mage's Inferno: Fire spells cause the target to ignite other hostile targets within 5 meters when their health reaches 15% and below. This damage is equal to 1% of the target's health every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level.80 - Fire Mage's Conflagration: Fire spells cause a fire wall to appear beneath any target whose health reaches below 10%.Ice10 - Frost Mage's Potency: The magnitude of frost spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your frost resistance by 0.1% per Destruction level.20 - Frost Mage's Penetration: Frost spells reduce the frost resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Frost Mage's Drain: Frost spells damage 1% of the target's stamina every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Frost Mage's Freeze: Frost spells decrease the target's movement and attack speed by 0.25% per Destruction level.80 - Frost Mage's Glacier: Frost spells freeze any target whose health reaches below 10% in a block of ice.Lightning10 - Lightning Mage's Potency: The magnitude of lightning spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your shock resistance by 0.1% per Destruction level.20 - Lightning Mage's Penetration: Lightning spells reduce the lightning resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Lightning Mage's Drain: Lightning spells damage 1% of the target's magicka every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Lightning Mage's Stun: Lightning spells have a chance equal to 0.25% per Destruction level to stun the target.80 - Lightning Mage's Annihilation: Lightning spells disintegrate any target whose health reaches below 10%.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Destruction level, Novice Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Destruction level, Apprentice Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Destruction level, Adept Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Destruction level, Expert Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Destruction level, Master Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Runes10 - Rune Potency: The magnitude of runes is increased by 1% per Destruction level.20 - Rune Reach: Runes can be place 1 meter per Destruction level further away.40 - Runes Galore: The number of runes that can be placed is increased by 1 per 25th Destruction level, with a maximum of five runes.60 - Silent Runes: Runes are silent. Enchanting PerksCharge10 - Enchanter's Bounteousness: Soul gems provide 1% more charge per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Maintenance: Weapons drain 0.75% less charge per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Enlargement: Trapped souls are one size larger.60 - Enchanter's Magnitude: Weapon enchantments are stronger when power attacking.80 - Enchanter's Conservation: There is a chance equal to 0.75% per Enchanting level that soul gems will remain when used to enchant items and charge enchanted weapons.100 - Enchanter's Perpetuity: Artifacts consume no charge.Proficiency0 - Enchanting Mastery: New enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.10 - Enchanter's Armor: Enchantments placed on armor and clothing is 1% stronger per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Weapon: Enchantments placed on weapons are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.30 - Enchanter's Shield: Enchantments placed on shields are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Jewelry: Enchantments placed on jewelry and other accessories are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.50 - Enchanter's Preservation: Learning an item's enchantment no longer destroys it.60 - Enchanter's Constitution: Enchantments that boost your health, stamina and magicka, as well as their respective regeneration, are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.70 - Enchanter's Defense: Defensive enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.80 - Enchanter's Offense: Offensive enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.90 - Enchanter's Fortification: Skill enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.100 - Enchanter's Plenitude: Able to place three enchantments on a single item.Scrolls10 - Enchanter's Scrolls: Scrolls are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Luck: Increases your chance of finding a scroll on a defeated opponent by 1% per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Commerce: Merchants have a 1% chance per Enchanting level of selling scrolls.Staff10 - Enchanter's Staff: Staves consume 0.75% less charge per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Conservation: Staves regenerate their charge by 1% per second.40 - Enchanter's Conduit: Staves decrease the charge consumption of other enchanted items by 0.75% per Enchanting level. Illusion PerksCalm10 - Calm Specialization: The magnitude and duration of calm spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Escapism: Calm spells have a chance equal to 1% per Illusion level of persisting, even when struck.40 - Illusionist's Serenity: Targets affected by calm spells and effects ignore crimes and attacks against allies.60 - Illusionist's Peace: Calm spells and effects decrease the armor rating and magic resistance of targets by 0.5% per Illusion level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Conjuration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Conjuration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Conjuration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Conjuration level.60 - Silence: All spells and shouts you cast from any school of magic is silent to others.Courage/Command10 - Courage specialization: The magnitude and duration of courage and command spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Bravery: The health, stamina and magicka of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Heroism: The damage and magic resistance of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 0.25% per Illusion level.60 - Illusionist's Valor: The physical and magical attack damage of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 0.25% per Illusion level.Fear10 - Fear Specialization: The magnitude and duration of fear spells is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Anxiety: Absorbs 1% stamina from targets affected by fear spells and effects.40 - Illusionist's Dread: Fear spells and effects have a chance equal to 1% per Illusion level of causing the target to drop their weapons.60 - Illusionist's Panic: Fear spells and effects reduce the armor and magic resist of the target by 1% per Illusion level.Frenzy10 - Frenzy Specialization: The magnitude and duration of frenzy spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Craze: Targets affected by frenzy spells and effects deal 1% less damage against you per Illusion level. Against everyone else, they deal 1% more damage per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Furor: Whenever a target affected by frenzy spells and effects attack someone, they receive 0.25% of their total health as damage per Illusion level.60 - Illusionist's Rage: When a target affected by frenzy spells and effects has no one to attack, they receive 1% of their total health as damage per second for as long as the spell is active.Mind10 - Illusionist's Influence: Mind affecting spells and effects cast on creatures are up to 1 level per Illusion level stronger.20 - Illusionist's Manipulation: Mind affecting spells and effects cast on humanoids are up to 1 level per Illusion level stronger.40 - Illusionist's Dominance: Mind affecting spells and effects now affect Undead, Daedra and Dwemer automatons.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Illusion level, Novice Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Illusion level, Apprentice Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Illusion level, Adept Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Illusion level, Expert Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Illusion level, Master Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Silence10 - Silence Specialization: The magnitude and duration of silence spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Redirection: Silence spells cause defensive spells and effects to be cast on you instead of the target.40 - Illusionist's Rebound: Silence spells cause offensive spells and effects to be cast on the target instead of you.60 - Illusionist's Consumption: You absorb 1% magicka every second from targets affected by silence spells for as long as the spell is active.Stealth10 - Illusionist's Invisibility: While invisible, reduces incoming damage by 0.25% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Stride: While invisible, reduces movement noise by 1% per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Cloak: When casting an invisibility spell, allies within 0.25 meters per Illusion level are also granted invisibility. Your allies also benefit from "Illusionist's Stride" and "Illusionist's Invisibility". Restoration PerksAura10 - Healer's Presence: Emanate an aura that restores you and your allies, healing 0.25 health, stamina and magicka per Restoration level per second. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Offense: Emanate an aura that strengthens you and your allies, increasing physical and magical damage by 0.25% per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Protection: Emanate an aura that fortifies you and your allies, increasing magical and physical damage resistance by 0.25% per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Delivery: Emanate an aura that instantly heals yourself and allies when the health bar falls below 15%, regaining 3% of the total health, magicka and stamina for a short time. The duration of this heal is equal to 0.33 seconds per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level. This effect can only happen once per battle.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Restoration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Restoration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Restoration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Restoration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Restoration level.Divines10 - Healer's Boon: The duration and magnitude of shrine blessings is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Favor: Shrine blessings also increase the duration and magnitude of your Restoration spells by 0.25% per Restoration level.Healing10 - Healer's Emergency: When health reaches 50%, healing spells are 0.25% stronger per Restoration level. When health reaches 25%, healing spells are 0.5% stronger per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Respite: Healing spells also restore stamina.40 - Healer's Mend: Healing spells linger, restoring an additional 1% of the spell's healing for a short time. The duration of this effect is equal to 0.25 seconds per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Abundance: Casting a healing spell on a target with full health overheals them, causing their health to be increased by an amount equal to 1% per Restoration level.80 - Healer's Retribution: When cast on foes, healing spells instead cause damage equal to their healing. This effect also benefits from "Healer's Emergency", "Healer's Respite", "Healer's Mend", and "Healer's Abundance, but in reverse.Magicka10 - Healer's Meditation: Increases your magicka regeneration by 0.5% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Concentration: Your magicka is regenerated at full speed in combat.Poison/Disease10 - Healer's Toxin: The magnitude and duration of poison and disease spells is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Bane: Poison and disease spells cause your target to suffer lingering damage, damaging the target by 1% of the spell's damage for 0.25 seconds per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Venom: Poison and disease spells decreases the poison and disease resistance of enemies by 0.1% per Restoration level for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable.60 - Healer's Virulence: Poison and disease spells ignore 0.25% of the target's poison and disease resistance per Restoration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Restoration level, Novice Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Restoration level, Apprentice Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Restoration level, Adept Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Restoration level, Expert Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Restoration level, Master Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Sun10 - Healer's Fury: The magnitude and duration of sun spells is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Daybreak: When hit by a sun spell, the target suffers an additional 1% of the spell's damage as lingering damage for 1 second per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Blaze: Sun spells and effects decreases the target's sun resistance by 0.1% per Restoration level for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable.60 - Healer's Sunlight: Your melee attacks are imbued with the sun, causing 1 sun damage per Restoration level with every successful hit.80 - Healer's Wrath: Sun spells also affect the living, daedra, automatons, and dragons.Turn10 - Healer's Expulsion: The magnitude of Turn Undead spells is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Banishment: Turn Undead spells cause undead to suffer 1% of the spell's damage per Restoration level as lingering damage for as long as the spell is active.40 - Healer's Purge: Turn Undead spells automatically kill undead whose health reaches below 10%.Undead10 - Healer's Smite: Your damage against undead is increased by 0.2% per Restoration level and your incoming damage from undead is decreased by 0.2% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Magnification: The magnitude and duration of restoration spells is increased by 0.25% per Restoration level when targeting undead. This includes yourself if you are undead.Ward10 - Healer's Ward: The magicka cost of wards is reduced by 0.25% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Shield: Wards reduce incoming physical and magical damage by 0.2% per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Bulwark: If not wearing any armor, the magnitude of wards is increased by 0.25% per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Aegis: When hit by a spell, wards absorb magicka equal to 0.25% of the spell's damage per Restoration level. Alchemy PerksIngredient10 - Alchemist's Palate: When tasting an ingredient, gain a 1% chance per Alchemy level of discovering its second, third and fourth effect. The chance of discovering each effect is calculated separately.20 Alchemist's Harvest: Increases the number of gathered ingredients by 1 ingredient every 25th level, up to a total of five ingredients per harvest.40 - Alchemist's Appetite: Reduces the negative effects of eaten ingredients and increases their positive effects by 1% per Alchemy level.60 - Alchemist's Luck: Increases the chance of merchants selling rare ingredients by 1% per Alchemy level.Poison10 - Alchemist's Toxin: Increases the magnitude and duration of poisons by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Resistance: Increases your poison resistance by 0.25% per Alchemy level.40 - Alchemist's Persistence: Poisons applied on weapons last for one more hit per 10th Alchemy level, up to a total of ten hits.60 - Alchemist's Corrosion: Poisoned weapons reduce the poison resistance of your opponent by 1% per Alchemy level.80 - Alchemist's Blade: Poisoned weapons deal 1% more damage per Alchemy level against poisoned targets.Potion10 - Alchemist's Concoctions: Increases the magnitude and duration of potions by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Regeneration: Regenerate an additional 0.25% health, stamina and magicka per Alchemy level when under the effect of a beneficial potion.40 - Alchemist's Haste: Move 0.25% faster per Alchemy level when under the effect of a beneficial potion.60 - Alchemist's Boon: Beneficial potions have a 0.5% chance per Alchemy level of randomly granting an additional beneficial effect.Proficiency0 - Alchemy Mastery: The duration and magnitude of created potions and poisons is increased by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Productivity: For every 25th Alchemy level, create one additional potion or poison, up to a total of five.40 - Alchemist's Purity: For every Alchemy level, the negative effects of potions and positive effects of poisons are decreased by 1%. At level 100, negative effects are removed from potions and positive effects are removed from poisons completely. Light Armor PerksAugment10 - Rogue's Celerity: Increases your movement speed and sprinting speed by 0.1% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Retaliation: When struck by your opponent, there is a chance equal to 0.25% per Light Armor level that they will be disarmed.40 - Rogue's Weight: Reduces the weight of worn light armor by 1% per Light Armor level.60 - Rogue's Rejuvenation: For every piece of worn light armor, your stamina regeneration is increased by 5%.80 - Rogue's Landing: Reduces fall damage by 0.5% per Light Armor level.100 - Rogue's Presence: Emanate an aura that increases the attack and movement speed of allies within 0.25 meters per Light Armor level by 0.25% per Light Armor level.Proficiency0 - Light Armor Mastery: The armor rating of light armor is increased by 1% per Light Armor level.10 - Rogue's Padding: If wearing at least three pieces of light armor, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Set: If wearing at least three pieces of light armor in a matching set, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Light Armor.30 - Rogue's Haste: When entering combat, your movement speed is increased by 10%. This effect ends when you leave combat.40 - Rogue's Stamina: When your stamina falls below 50%, your stamina regeneration is increased by 10%. This effect persists until your stamina reaches 50% and above.50 - Rogue's Dexterity: When an enemy is power attacking towards you, time slows down for 3 seconds, allowing you to dodge their attack.60 - Rogue's Finesse: When power attacking, drawing a bow or casting a spell, your stamina regeneration is increased by 0.1% per Light Armor level.70 - Rogue's Fortitude: The incoming damage of close combat attacks is decreased by 0.1% per Light Armor level.80 - Rogue's Avoidance: There is a chance that incoming damage is reduced to 0%. The likelihood of this effect is equal to 0.1% per Light Armor level.90 - Rogue's Speed: For every enemy within 25 meters, your movement speed is increased by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%.Unarmed10 - Rogue's Punch: Increases unarmed damage by 0.5% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Quickness: Increases unarmed attack speed b 0.33% per Light Armor level.40 - Rogue's Accuracy: Increases unarmed critical chance and critical damage by 0.33% per Light armor level.60 - Rogue's Disarm: Unarmed power attacks have a 0.25% chance per Light Armor level of disarming your opponent. Lockpicking PerksCarry10 - Lockpicker's Bag: Your carry capacity is increased by 1% per Lockpicking level.Loot10 - Lockpicker's Cache: The amount of gold found in chests is increased by 1% per Lockpicking level.20 - Lockpicker's Treasure: The chance of finding precious gems in chests is increased by 0.5% per Lockpicking level.40 - Lockpicker's Armory: The chance of finding armor and weapons in chests is increased by 0.5% per Lockpicking level.60 - Lockpicker's Jackpot: The chance of finding rare items, such as enchanted items, crafting materials, books, spells, and jewelry, is increased by 0.25% per Lockpicking level.Proficiency0 - Lockpicking Mastery: Locks are 1% easier per Lockpicking level.10 - Lockpicker's Stealth: Able to pick locks without being noticed.20 - Lockpicker's Luck: For every Lockpicking level, lockpicks start 1% closer to lock opening position.30 - Lockpicker's Craft: Successfully picking a lock grants you a copy of its key, if there is one.40 - Lockpicker's Finesse: Lockpicks are 1% more durable per Lockpicking level. At level 100 in Lockpicking, lockpicks never break. Pickpocket PerksAugment10 - Pickpocket's Chase: After successfully pickpocketing, increases your movement speed by 0.3% per Pickpocket level for 10 seconds.20 - Pickpocket's Inebriation: Consuming alcoholic beverages during combat increases your attack damage and decreases incoming attack damage by 0.3% per Pickpocket level.40 - Pickpocket's Strike: If not wearing armor, increases your physical attack damage by 0.3% per Pickpocket level.60 - Pickpocket's Accuracy: If not wearing armor, increases your critical chance and damage by 0.2% per Pickpocket level.Carry10 - Pickpocket's Bag: Your carry capacity is increased by 1% per Pickpocket level.Crime10 - Pickpocket's Fading: Your bounties for non-violent crimes diminish by 0.5% per Pickpocket level per day.Loot10 - Pickpocket's Eye: Increases the amount of gold that people carry by 1% per Pickpocket level.Poison10 - Pickpocket's Poison: Silently poison your opponents by placing poisons in their inventory when pickpocketing them.20 - Pickpocket's Venom: The magnitude and duration of silent poisons is increased by 1% per Pickpocket level.Proficiency0 - Pickpocket Mastery: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 1% per Pickpocket level.10 - Pickpocket's Silence: If undetected, increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.20 - Pickpocket's Stealth: If the target is asleep, increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 1% per Pickpocket level.30 - Pickpocket's Riches: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing coins and keys by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.40 - Pickpocket's Treasure: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing gems and jewelry by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.60 - Pickpocket's Disarm: Can pickpocket equipped weapons.80 - Pickpocket's Touch: Can pickpocket equipped armor. Sneak PerksAttack10 - Infiltrator's Strike: One-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, and unarmed attacks deal 7,5% more sneak damage per Sneak level.20 - Infiltrator's Shot: Bows and crossbows deal 3% more sneak damage per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Blade: Daggers deal 15% more sneak damage per sneak level.60 - Infiltrator's Ambush: When striking a target from behind, your sneak attacks deal 3% more damage per Sneak level.80 - Infiltrator's Precision: The critical chance and critical damage of your sneak attacks is increased by 1% per Sneak level.100 - Infiltrator's Pierce: Sneak attacks ignore 1% of the target's armor per Sneak level.Proficiency0 - Sneaking Mastery: You are 0.5% harder to detect per Sneak level. When remaining still, you are 0.75% harder to detect per Sneak level.20 - Infiltrator's Silence: Movement noise is reduced by 1% per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Roll: Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll for 15 stamina. Silent rolls make 1% less noise per Sneak level.60 - Infiltrator's Step: You no longer trigger pressure plates when sneaking.80 - Infiltrator's Stride: Running no longer affects detection.100 - Infiltrator's Cloak: Entering sneak mode in combat makes you invisible for 5 seconds, enabling sneak attacks. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.Spells10 - Infiltrator's Spell: The magnitude and duration of spells is increased by 3% per Sneak level while sneaking.20 - Infiltrator's Accuracy: The critical chance and critical damage of spells is increased by 1% per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Flank: When casting at a target from behind, your spells deal 3% more damage per Sneak level. Speech PerksAnimal10 - Elocutionist's Taming: Able to tame animals, making them your companion until you release them.20 - Companion's Endurance: The health, magicka and stamina of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.20 - Companion's Rejuvenation: The health, magicka and stamina regeneration of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.40 - Companion's Assault: The attack damage of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.40 - Companion's Precision: The critical chance and critical damage of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.60 - Companion's Haste: The movement speed of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.60 - Companion's Quickness: The attack speed of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.80 - Companion's Toughness: The damage resistance of your animal companion is increased by 0.25% per speech level.80 - Companion's Resistance: The magic resistance of your animal companion is increased by 0.25% per Speech level.Bard10 - Elocutionist's Melody: Grants you the power "Perform", which allows you to play a song with either a lute, drums or the flute. Once finished, you receive gold from nearby listeners. The amount of gold you receive is equal to 1% of a listener's total gold per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Sonnet: Listeners of the opposite sex grant you an additional 1% of their total gold per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Tune: Able to activate "Perform" during combat, which forces enemies within 20 meters to start dancing uncontrollably for as long as you are playing.60 - Elocutionist's Soothing: When activating "Perform" during combat, allies within 20 meters regenerate 1% of their total health, stamina and magicka per second for as long as you are playing.70 - Elocutionist's Crescendo: When activating "Perform" during combat, the attack damage, critical chance and critical damage of allies within 20 meters is increased by 0.15% per Speech level.80 - Elocutionist's Discontinuance: When activating "Perform" during combat, the health, stamina and magicka of opponents within 20 meters is reduced by 1% per second, until only 1% of each respective bar remains. Your opponents will keep dancing as long as you are playing, but their health, stamina and magicka will not decrease any further.Conversation10 - Elocutionist's Persuasion: Persuade attempts are 1% more likely to succeed per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Intimidation: Intimidation attempts are 1% more likely to succeed per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Corruption: Can bribe guards to ignore crimes. The price of the bribe is decreased by 0.5% per Speech level.Shout10 - Elocutionist's Thu'um: The magnitude and duration of shouts are increased by 1% per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Drem: The cooldown of shouts is decreased by 0.5% per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Kogaan: Shouting restores 1% health, stamina and magicka per second for 0.25 seconds per Speech level.Trade0 - Speechcraft Mastery: Sell items for 0.5% more gold per Speech level. Buy items for 0.5% less gold per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Kinship: Prices are 0.15% better when trading with the same race.20 - Elocutionist's Allure: Prices are 0.15% better when trading with the opposite sex.40 - Elocutionist's Trade: Sell any item to merchants.60 - Elocutionist's Fence: Sell stolen items to any merchant.80 - Elocutionist's Investment: Invest 500 gold with a merchant to permanently increase their available gold. In return, merchants are 1% more likely per Speech level to sell rare items.100 - Elocutionist's Enterprise: Merchants have 10% more gold per Speech level in their inventory. Archery PerksAugment10 - Archer's Retort: Bashing causes your foe to stagger. While the target is staggering, your drawing speed is increased by 0.25% per Archery level and you deal 0.25% more damage per Archery level with bows and crossbows for 5 seconds.20 - Archer's Retrieval: The chance of recovering arrows and bolts from your enemies is increased by 1% per Archery level.40 - Archer's Impediment: Ranged weapons decrease the movement speed of your enemies by 20% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Archer's Focus: While drawing bow, you are immune to being staggered.Precision10 - Archer's Sight: Pressing block while aiming zooms in your view.20 - Archer's Perception: Zooming while aiming slows down time by 0.5% per Archery level.Proficiency0 - Marksman Mastery: The damage of ranged weapons is increased by 1% per Archery level.20 - Archer's Precision: The critical chance of ranged weapons is increased by 0.2% per Archery level. The critical damage of ranged weapons is increased by 1% per Archery level.40 - Crossbow Specialization: Within 10 meters, crossbows deal 0.2% more damage per Archery level. Within 20 meters, crossbows deal 0.1% more damage per Archery level.60 - Crossbow's Penetration: Crossbows ignore 0.5% armor per Archery level.40 - Bow Specialization: Beyond 20 meters, bows deal 0.1% more damage per Archery level. Beyond 30 meters, bows deal 0.2% more damage per Archery level.60 - Bow's Precision: The critical chance of bows is increased by 0.1% per Archery level, and their critical damage is increased by 0.25% per Archery level.80 - Archer's Snipe: If your opponent has 100% health, the critical chance of your arrows and bolts is increased by 100%.Speed10 - Archer's Haste: The drawing speed of bows and crossbows is increased by 0.33% per Archery level.20 - Archer's Speed: Your movement speed while drawing a bow or aiming a crossbow is increased by 0.33% per Archery level.40 - Archer's Momentum: Releasing a fully drawn arrow or bolt increases your draw speed by an additional 1% for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable. Block PerksBash10 - Blocker's Bash: Bash damage is increased by 1% per Block level. Bashes with a shield have a 0.25% chance per Block level to stagger your opponent.20 - Blocker's Shove: Able to do a power bash. Power bashes deal 3% damage per Block level. Power bashes with a shield have a 0.5% chance per Block level to stagger your opponent.30 - Blocker's Taunt: Power bashing taunts your enemy, forcing them to attack you for 10 seconds.40 - Blocker's Debilitation: Power bashing an enemy reduces their attack damage by 0.25% per Block level.80 - Blocker's Knockdown: Power bashing an enemy whose stamina is below 25% knocks them down.Proficiency0 - Block Mastery: Blocking is increased by 0.5% per Block level.10 - Blocker's Retaliation: Successfully blocking an incoming attack increases your attack damage by 0.1% per Block level for 5 seconds.20 - Blocker's Deflection: Blocking decreases incoming arrow damage by 0.5% per Block level. Arrows that hit the shield deal no damage.20 - Blocker's Resistance: Blocking decreases incoming spell damage by 0.5% per Block level. Spells that hit the shield deal no damage.40 - Blocker's Sturdiness: Successfully blocking an incoming physical attack increases your physical damage resistance by 0.1% per Block level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every incoming hit.40 - Blocker's Resilience: Successfully blocking an incoming spell increases your magic resistance by 0.1% per Block level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every incoming hit.50 - Blocker's Determination: Successfully blocking an incoming close combat attack staggers the enemy.60 - Blocker's Defiance: While blocking, you are immune to being staggered.70 - Blocker's Exhaustion: Successfully blocking an incoming close combat attack drains 1% of the attacker's stamina.80 - Blocker's Recuperation: While blocking, regenerate 1% of your total health, stamina and magicka per second.Speed10 - Blocker's Haste: Your movement speed while blocking is increased by 1% per Block level.20 - Blocker's Perception: Blocking during an incoming power attack slows down time for 1 second.40 - Blocker's Charge: Able to sprint with a raised shield, which knocks down enemies.Weapon10 - Weapon Block: Increases the magnitude of blocking with a weapon by 0.25% per Block level.20 - Weapon Retaliation: Successfully blocking an incoming attack with a weapon increases your attack damage by 0.3% per Block level for 5 seconds. Heavy Armor PerksAugment10 - Warrior's Resilience: Increases your stagger resistance by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Retaliation: When struck by your opponent, there is a chance equal to 0.25% per Heavy Armor level that they will be staggered.40 - Warrior's Weight: Reduces the weight of worn heavy armor by 1% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Rejuvenation: For every piece of worn heavy armor, increases your health regeneration by 5%.80 - Warrior's Plunge: Reduces fall damage by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.100 - Warrior's Presence: Emanate an aura that increases the armor rating of allies within 0.25 meters per Heavy Armor level by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.Proficiency0 - Heavy Armor Mastery: The armor rating of heavy armor is increased by 1% per Heavy Armor level.10 - Warrior's Padding: If wearing at least three pieces of heavy armor, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Set: If wearing at least three pieces of heavy armor in a matching set, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Heavy Armor level.30 - Warrior's Defiance: When struck by your enemy, your armor rating is increased by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit.40 - Warrior's Health: When your health falls below 50%, your health regeneration is increased by 10%. This effect persists until your health reaches 50% and above.50 - Warrior's Supremacy: Incoming damage from enemies whose stamina reaches 50% or less is decreased by 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Charge: When power attacking, drawing a bow or casting a spell, your armor rating is increased by 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.70 - Warrior's Fortitude: The incoming damage of arrows and bolts is decreased by 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.80 - Warrior's Fortune: There is a chance that incoming damage is reduced to 0%. The likelihood of this effect is equal to 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.90 - Warrior's Bastion: For every enemy within 25 meters, your armor is increased by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%.Unarmed10 - Warrior's Punch: Increases unarmed damage by 0.5% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Pummel: Increases unarmed power attack damage by 0.5% per Heavy Armor level.40 - Warrior's Efficiency: Reduces the stamina cost of unarmed power attacks by 0.33% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Knockdown: Unarmed power attacks have a 0.25% chance per Heavy Armor level to knock down your enemy. One-Handed PerksAxe10 - Duelist's Wounds: Axes cause the target to bleed 0.75% of their total health per second for 5 seconds. This effect is stackable.20 - Duelist's Laceration: Axes deal 0.2% more damage per One-Handed level against bleeding targets.Dagger10 - Duelist's Cut: The critical chance and critical damage of daggers is increased by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Stab: Daggers cause your opponent to receive a debuff that increases incoming critical damage by 20% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit.Dual10 - Duelist's Quickness: Increases your attack speed by 0.1% per One-Handed level while dual wielding.20 - Duelist's Incapacitation: While dual wielding, power attacks increases your attack speed by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every power attack.Mace10 - Duelist's Blows: Maces ignore 0.5% of the targets armor per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Impact: Maces have a 0.33% chance per One-Handed level to knock down targets.Power Attacks10 - Duelist's Endurance: Reduces the stamina cost of power attacks by 0.33% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Strikes: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of power attacks by 0.1% per One-Handed level.40 - Duelist's Sweep: Sideways power attacks hit all enemies in front of you.60 - Duelist's Guillotine: Unlocks decapitation. Power attacks have a 0.4% increased chance to decapitate the target per One-Handed level.80 - Duelist's Assault: Able to perform a power attack while sprinting, which deals 0.5% increased damage per One-Handed level.Proficiency0 - One-Handed Mastery: One-handed weapons deal 1% more damage per One-Handed level.10 - Duelist's Frenzy: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of one-handed weapons by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Speed: Increases the attack speed of one-handed weapons by 0.1% per One-Handed level.Sword10 - Duelist's Precision: The critical chance of sword is increased by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Accuracy: Swords cause your opponent to receive a debuff that increases their chance of receiving a critical hit by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit. Smithing PerksCrafting10 - Blacksmith's Luck: Increases your chance of mining double ore and gemstones by 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Efficiency: When crafting and tempering items, there is a 0.5% chance per Smithing level of retaining materials.Smithing0 - Blacksmith's Leather and Iron Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Leather, Leather Strips and Iron. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.10 - Blacksmith's Steel and Corundum Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Steel and Corundum. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Dwarven and Elven Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dwarven Metal and Refined Moonstone. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Orcish Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Orichalcum. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ebony Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Ebony. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.50 - Blacksmith's Glass Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Refined Malachite. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.60 - Blacksmith's Nordic Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Quicksilver. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.70 - Blacksmith's Stalhrim Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Stalhrim. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.80 - Blacksmith's Chitin Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Chitin Plates. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.90 - Blacksmith's Bonemold Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Bone Meal. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Daedric Smithing: Can create Daedric armor and weapons. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Dragon Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dragon Bone and Dragon Scales. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.Tempering10 - Blacksmith's Basic Tempering: Armor and weapons can be tempered by 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Heavy Armor Tempering: Heavy Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Light Armor Tempering: Light Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Shield Tempering: Shields can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Arcana: Enchanted weapons and armor can now be tempered.40 - Blacksmith's One-Handed Tempering: One-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Two-Handed Tempering: Two-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ranged Weapons Tempering: Bows and Crossbows can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level. Two-Handed PerksBattleaxe10 - Barbarian's Wounds: Battleaxes cause the target to bleed 0.75% of their health per second for 5 seconds. This effect is stackable.20 - Barbarian's Laceration: Battleaxes deal 0.2% more damage per Two-Handed level against bleeding targets.Warhammer10 - Barbarian's Blows: Warhammers ignore 0.5% of the targets armor per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Impact: Warhammers have a 0.33% chance per Two-Handed level to knock down targets.Power Attacks10 - Barbarian's Endurance: Reduces the stamina cost of power attacks by 0.33% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Strikes: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of power attacks by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.40 - Barbarian's Sweep: Sideways power attacks hit all enemies in front of you.60 - Barbarian's Guillotine: Unlocks decapitation. Power attacks have a 0.4% increased chance to decapitate the target per Two-Handed level.80 - Barbarian's Assault: Able to perform a power attack while sprinting, which deals 0.50% increased damage per Two-Handed level.Proficiency0 - Two-Handed Mastery: Two-handed weapons deal 1% more damage per Two-Handed level.10 - Barbarian's Frenzy: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of two-handed weapons by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Speed: increases the attack speed of two-handed weapons by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.Greatsword10 - Barbarian's Precision: The critical chance of greatswords is increased by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Accuracy: Greatswords cause your target to receive a debuff that increases their chance of receiving a critical hit by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit. Some final notes:I understand that some of the numbers are arbitrarily chosen. The thing is that I tried to find a balance between being over-powered and under-powered; how fun would it be to have a perk that increases your critical chance to 100% at level 100 One-Handed? It takes the challenge out of every battle. Of course, someone could use a mod that increases skill cap to 1000, with which they can attain 100% critical chance, but I leave it to them.The fact that perks are scalable shifts the incentive structures of acquiring perks; it is no longer the case that you can purchase a perk and then simply have its full effect, but rather acquire it but not feel its full potency until you improve upon that skill (which, in my mind, is closer to reality). Therefore, leveling your skills becomes more important than acquiring perks, to a certain degree. Perks are stackable. This means, for example, that if you acquire "Barbarian's Frenzy", "Barbarian's Precision", "Barbarian's Accuracy", and "Barbarian's Strikes" (from the Two-Handed perk above), you will have a total of 10% + 10% + 10% + 10% = 40% critical chance at level 100 when performing a power attack. Of course, this effect is only first achieved when all of the relevant perks are acquired and you actually reach level 100. Until then, you will only experience a sliver of the benefit that these perks grant. This, I believe, encourages "broad investment", carefully choosing the perks you need and over time feeling their effect more and more. There is also the question of how each perk tree will look like. I would like to make each perk tree resemble its respective constellation. Finally, I want to make it so that each perk has a level requirement, but no "previous perk requirement"; you don't have to unlock any previous perk in order to attain a certain perk. I want the player to be able to choose their desired perks freely, without any restrictions (aside from level requirement).Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! Edited September 5, 2021 by PppPlyr1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strokend Posted September 2, 2021 Share Posted September 2, 2021 Text too large, couldn't read. ...Until I reduced text size, at least. Bigger text is best saved for headers, not the entire thing. I'll take a bit to read through the list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PppPlyr1 Posted September 2, 2021 Author Share Posted September 2, 2021 Text too large, couldn't read. ...Until I reduced text size, at least. Bigger text is best saved for headers, not the entire thing. I'll take a bit to read through the list. My apologies. On my computer, the entire text was the same size, regardless of which text size I chose. I set it to size 12 now, as well as changed the font. Hope it helps! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strokend Posted September 4, 2021 Share Posted September 4, 2021 A few magic classes mention Conjuration level for their casting. Was that a leftover from copy-pasting, or do you intend to have conjuration effect multiple classes of magic? Beyond that, a lot of things seem good as is, but there are a few things I want to mention: Alteration Robes seems like something to half the power of, with actual clothing items boosting it towards that 1%. A character who is nude in order to reduce carry weight that much further would only get a smaller benefit that way.Alteration Robes' Mage's Conversion might be better suited as another level 40 perkConjurer's Blade has strength befitting of a level 10 perk, but enchanting your Bound Weapons with soul trap is a bit strong. Maybe attach that to Conjurer's depletion instead?Conjurer's Banishment should be 0.5% chance per Conjuration level. At level 100, it would have a half chance of banishing or turning. The scalability can be changed up, but at the most it should only hit 100% at level 100.Necromancer's Pact seems worded to give your zombies an aura which drains the meters of their nearby foes, but I feel it would be better to give the zombies "vampiric" attacks which only steal the damage they deal.Enchanter's Plentitude seems a bit sudden. Either have it have two stages at level 50 and 100, or make it start at level 50 and allow one more enchantment every 50 levels, so from 50-99 you can still do two enchantments.Something I feel is missing from Scrolls perks is the chance to not destroy the scroll when using it. Even something that scales 0.05% per level would still theoretically allow one in twenty scrolls to be kept after use, though I wouldn't complain if it were as high as 0.2% per level (1 in 5 are kept)Enchanter's Conduit doesn't exactly explain which charges it's effecting. Only weapons actually carry charge, so does it only effect itself and the other hand, or does it work just having a staff in your inventory? If the latter, does carrying multiple staves stack the effect?Illusionist's Craze should probably be 0.75% per level instead of 1%. This reduction would mean if you cast frenzy on somebody when you're their only (or easiest) target, you'll still take some damage from them.Will Healer's Retribution turn healing spells into Poison or Arcane class spells against foes? Will they benefit from perks that effect those classes? Or will they simply be classed as negative healing?Regarding Healer's Wrath, the weapon enchantment already deals triple damage to undead, would the perk effect the enchantment or only spells, so that all Sun spells hit all targets?Alchemist's Palate is just a perfect solution. No more working it step by step, now you can cram a dozen ingredients into your mouth and reasonably discover all the effects--and might discover the third or fourth before the second.Getting Unarmed boost from both Light and Heavy armor means that through legendary skills (or just focusing on those two trees) a person can get really high unarmed damage, or else just focus on one for the boost. Clever design.Lockpicker's Bag and Pickpocket's Bag provide an interesting change. I take it this takes place to the natural carry weight, before any buffs? Even so, without any stamina upgrades, you're getting up to +200 carry weight just off them--and stamina upgrades boost that further.Lockpicker's Stealth is something nice to have earlier, but level 10 might be too early. Maybe it can swap places with Luck.If the tree progress cannot be removed, Lockpicker's Craft better be its own branch so that Lockpicker's Finesse can be obtained without magically grabbing keys that stop your lockpick levelling.Pickpocket's Fading is a perfect addition.Does Pickpocket's Eye effect merchant wallets, so that merchants "magically" have more gold to buy your items?Pockpocket's Venom was definitely a needed boost.Pickpocket's Silence is the reverse of something many new players assumed was a thing (anybody seeing you reduced your odds of success), so a perk to do the opposite (nobody seeing you increases your odds) is niceSneak's attack batch quickly builds up a lot of damage if you stack the perks.How will Elocutionist's Taming work? Is it a power, with a limit of one animal?What about Crossbow's Penetration? Enhanced crossbows already penetrate 50% of armor, do they now do 75% (50% of what remains) or 100%?For Blocker's Bash, what is the damage percent based on? Is it the shield's armor rating, or the character's entire armor rating?Stalhrim Smithing shouldn't need to unlock anything--the unlocks are handled by the quest A New Source of Stalhrim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PppPlyr1 Posted September 5, 2021 Author Share Posted September 5, 2021 (edited) A few magic classes mention Conjuration level for their casting. Was that a leftover from copy-pasting, or do you intend to have conjuration effect multiple classes of magic? Beyond that, a lot of things seem good as is, but there are a few things I want to mention: Alteration Robes seems like something to half the power of, with actual clothing items boosting it towards that 1%. A character who is nude in order to reduce carry weight that much further would only get a smaller benefit that way.Alteration Robes' Mage's Conversion might be better suited as another level 40 perkConjurer's Blade has strength befitting of a level 10 perk, but enchanting your Bound Weapons with soul trap is a bit strong. Maybe attach that to Conjurer's depletion instead?Conjurer's Banishment should be 0.5% chance per Conjuration level. At level 100, it would have a half chance of banishing or turning. The scalability can be changed up, but at the most it should only hit 100% at level 100.Necromancer's Pact seems worded to give your zombies an aura which drains the meters of their nearby foes, but I feel it would be better to give the zombies "vampiric" attacks which only steal the damage they deal.Enchanter's Plentitude seems a bit sudden. Either have it have two stages at level 50 and 100, or make it start at level 50 and allow one more enchantment every 50 levels, so from 50-99 you can still do two enchantments.Something I feel is missing from Scrolls perks is the chance to not destroy the scroll when using it. Even something that scales 0.05% per level would still theoretically allow one in twenty scrolls to be kept after use, though I wouldn't complain if it were as high as 0.2% per level (1 in 5 are kept)Enchanter's Conduit doesn't exactly explain which charges it's effecting. Only weapons actually carry charge, so does it only effect itself and the other hand, or does it work just having a staff in your inventory? If the latter, does carrying multiple staves stack the effect?Illusionist's Craze should probably be 0.75% per level instead of 1%. This reduction would mean if you cast frenzy on somebody when you're their only (or easiest) target, you'll still take some damage from them.Will Healer's Retribution turn healing spells into Poison or Arcane class spells against foes? Will they benefit from perks that effect those classes? Or will they simply be classed as negative healing?Regarding Healer's Wrath, the weapon enchantment already deals triple damage to undead, would the perk effect the enchantment or only spells, so that all Sun spells hit all targets?Alchemist's Palate is just a perfect solution. No more working it step by step, now you can cram a dozen ingredients into your mouth and reasonably discover all the effects--and might discover the third or fourth before the second.Getting Unarmed boost from both Light and Heavy armor means that through legendary skills (or just focusing on those two trees) a person can get really high unarmed damage, or else just focus on one for the boost. Clever design.Lockpicker's Bag and Pickpocket's Bag provide an interesting change. I take it this takes place to the natural carry weight, before any buffs? Even so, without any stamina upgrades, you're getting up to +200 carry weight just off them--and stamina upgrades boost that further.Lockpicker's Stealth is something nice to have earlier, but level 10 might be too early. Maybe it can swap places with Luck.If the tree progress cannot be removed, Lockpicker's Craft better be its own branch so that Lockpicker's Finesse can be obtained without magically grabbing keys that stop your lockpick levelling.Pickpocket's Fading is a perfect addition.Does Pickpocket's Eye effect merchant wallets, so that merchants "magically" have more gold to buy your items?Pockpocket's Venom was definitely a needed boost.Pickpocket's Silence is the reverse of something many new players assumed was a thing (anybody seeing you reduced your odds of success), so a perk to do the opposite (nobody seeing you increases your odds) is niceSneak's attack batch quickly builds up a lot of damage if you stack the perks.How will Elocutionist's Taming work? Is it a power, with a limit of one animal?What about Crossbow's Penetration? Enhanced crossbows already penetrate 50% of armor, do they now do 75% (50% of what remains) or 100%?For Blocker's Bash, what is the damage percent based on? Is it the shield's armor rating, or the character's entire armor rating?Stalhrim Smithing shouldn't need to unlock anything--the unlocks are handled by the quest A New Source of Stalhrim. Thank you so much for your thorough feedback. This is exactly what I need to make this mod as good as possible! First of all, yes, the "Conjuration" thing was a typo from copy-pasting the descriptions. All good now. As for the rest of your feedback (I've marked your feedback and yellow and my responses in white): Alteration Robes seems like something to half the power of, with actual clothing items boosting it towards that 1%. A character who is nude in order to reduce carry weight that much further would only get a smaller benefit that way.It's a good thing that you pointed out something that I overlooked; by simply writing "when wearing no armor", then the same benefits can be acquired, regardless of if you're actually wearing any clothes or not. Thing is, there are some players whom I can imagine want to play only with robes, and no gloves, boots or headwear, but if this perk required clothing to be worn, then that would effectively force players to wear a full set of clothing. Then again, the same argument could be said about Light and Heavy Armor. In the end, I decided to simply add "When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or headwear) and no armor". Hopefully that clarifies it. Alteration Robes' Mage's Conversion might be better suited as another level 40 perkI'm guessing you mean "Mage's Conservation", the one that decreases spell cost? In any case, maybe I should remove it. There are plenty of other perks that already decrease spell cost in every school of magic. Conjurer's Blade has strength befitting of a level 10 perk, but enchanting your Bound Weapons with soul trap is a bit strong. Maybe attach that to Conjurer's depletion instead?Good point. I moved it to "Conjurer's Depletion" instead. On the same note, the name for the perk does fit very well with the whole concept of Soul Trapping, don't you think? Conjurer's Banishment should be 0.5% chance per Conjuration level. At level 100, it would have a half chance of banishing or turning. The scalability can be changed up, but at the most it should only hit 100% at level 100.Good point. Changed it to "Bound Weapons have a 1% chance per Conjuration level of banishing summoned creatures and turn reanimated ones". Necromancer's Pact seems worded to give your zombies an aura which drains the meters of their nearby foes, but I feel it would be better to give the zombies "vampiric" attacks which only steal the damage they deal.Good point. Changed it so that every successful attacks drain the target's health, magicka and stamina, instead of an aura. Enchanter's Plentitude seems a bit sudden. Either have it have two stages at level 50 and 100, or make it start at level 50 and allow one more enchantment every 50 levels, so from 50-99 you can still do two enchantments.Changed it so that you can only add two enchantments on the same item. Vanilla, sure, but it does stop the player from becoming OP through multiple enchantments. Something I feel is missing from Scrolls perks is the chance to not destroy the scroll when using it. Even something that scales 0.05% per level would still theoretically allow one in twenty scrolls to be kept after use, though I wouldn't complain if it were as high as 0.2% per level (1 in 5 are kept)Great idea! I present to you: "60 - Enchanter's Preservation: Scrolls have a 0.25% chance per Enchanting level of not being consumed when casted." Enchanter's Conduit doesn't exactly explain which charges it's effecting. Only weapons actually carry charge, so does it only effect itself and the other hand, or does it work just having a staff in your inventory? If the latter, does carrying multiple staves stack the effect?Good point. Changed the description to "40 - Enchanter's Conduit: Wielded staves decrease the charge consumption of enchanted weapons by 0.25% per Enchanting level." Illusionist's Craze should probably be 0.75% per level instead of 1%. This reduction would mean if you cast frenzy on somebody when you're their only (or easiest) target, you'll still take some damage from them.Good point. The reason why I initially wanted the damage reduction to be 100% at level 100 was because I didn't want the player to be restricted from using any Frenzy spells simply because there is no one around whom the affected target can attack. Then again, if you only have one target, there are plenty of ways of disposing of it than just Frenzy spells. Besides, if there is a chance of you also being attacked, that plays into the whole "Unless controlled, magic can and will destroy you", as our dear Tolfdir once said. Will Healer's Retribution turn healing spells into Poison or Arcane class spells against foes? Will they benefit from perks that effect those classes? Or will they simply be classed as negative healing?It will simply be counted as negative healing. It is still a restoration effect, though, so I imagine that undead targets will be immune to it. Then again, the school of Restoration has other means of killing undead. Regarding Healer's Wrath, the weapon enchantment already deals triple damage to undead, would the perk effect the enchantment or only spells, so that all Sun spells hit all targets?I think clarification is in order. You see, the point of this perk is not that it enhances the Sun damage that you already deal, but rather that Sun spells also affect the living, daedra, etc. As I understand it, most Sun spells only deal damage if cast on Undead, and if cast on anyone else, they deal no damage whatsoever. That is why most perk mods include a perk that makes Sun spells deal damage against other kinds of enemies as well. Alchemist's Palate is just a perfect solution. No more working it step by step, now you can cram a dozen ingredients into your mouth and reasonably discover all the effects--and might discover the third or fourth before the second.Thank you! It always bothered me how some perk mods allowed you to only discover the effects of any ingredient in a specific row (not sure that that's how chemistry/biology works), or allowed you to discover all of them at once. Getting Unarmed boost from both Light and Heavy armor means that through legendary skills (or just focusing on those two trees) a person can get really high unarmed damage, or else just focus on one for the boost. Clever design.Hmm, perhaps I should add some clarification. The unarmed perks in the Light Armor tree are only in effect if you are wearing light armor, and the same applies to heavy armor. What I was aiming at is granting the player the option of playing either as a brute who pummels their enemies into the dust, or someone who uses dexterity to overcome their enemies. I've added "When wearing light armor gauntlets" to the light armor descriptions, and vice versa. Lockpicker's Bag and Pickpocket's Bag provide an interesting change. I take it this takes place to the natural carry weight, before any buffs? Even so, without any stamina upgrades, you're getting up to +200 carry weight just off them--and stamina upgrades boost that further.I think clarification is in order. Changed the description so that now, both perks add 1 point of carry weight per level. Lockpicker's Stealth is something nice to have earlier, but level 10 might be too early. Maybe it can swap places with Luck.Done and done. If the tree progress cannot be removed, Lockpicker's Craft better be its own branch so that Lockpicker's Finesse can be obtained without magically grabbing keys that stop your lockpick levelling.Switched places with the perks, so that now, you don't have to get "Lockpicker's Craft" unless you want to. Pickpocket's Fading is a perfect addition.Thank you. I figured being able to lose your bounty is part of the trade of being a thief, right? Does Pickpocket's Eye affect merchant wallets, so that merchants "magically" have more gold to buy your items?Preferably, the amount of money that NPCs carry around is only multiplied when actually pickpocketing them. Otherwise, as you pointed out, the entire economy of Skyrim would magically be given a huge boost, and I don't think any perk should be that powerful (even if you wanted to role-play as an agent of Nocturnal, whose influence increases the amount of gold that people carry). Pickpocket's Venom was definitely a needed boost.Indeed, and I intend to allow this perk's boost to stack with "Alchemist's Toxin" as well as "Healer's Toxin". Pickpocket's Silence is the reverse of something many new players assumed was a thing (anybody seeing you reduced your odds of success), so a perk to do the opposite (nobody seeing you increases your odds) is niceThank you. Seems realistic that being undetected would increase the odds of stealing something. Sneak's attack batch quickly builds up a lot of damage if you stack the perks.Good point. Altered the numbers so that "Infiltrator's Strike" deal 5% more damage, "Infiltrator's Shot" deal 5% more damage, "Infiltrator's Blade" deal 5% more damage, and "Infiltrator's Ambush" deal 5% more damage, with a grand total of 15% more damage per Sneak level with daggers. So, at level 100, those perks combined causes your sneak attacks to deal 36 000 damage if you have a dagger with a base damage of 24, for example. Might seem OP, but then again, would you expect any less from someone who's mastered the art of the assassin? In any case, you won't experience those kinds of numbers until you reach level 100. How will Elocutionist's Taming work? Is it a power, with a limit of one animal?Added clarification. It is a power, and can only be activated on one animal at a time. I've been thinking of allowing you to tame more animals, however. Should I add "90 - Companion's Fellowship: You are now able to tame a total of three animals at a time.", or is it too sudden of a boost? What about Crossbow's Penetration? Enhanced crossbows already penetrate 50% of armor, do they now do 75% (50% of what remains) or 100%?Good point. Reduced the penetration so that now, it only penetrates 0.25% per level, and this boost is additive to the Enhanced Crossbow's innate penetration (so a total of 75%). Then again, there are some players who use the Creation Club's crossbows (believe it or not), in which case they're missing out on the penetration boost added by the perk. For Blocker's Bash, what is the damage percent based on? Is it the shield's armor rating, or the character's entire armor rating?Preferably, I would want the percentage to not be based on the shield's armor raring, since that would effectively force the player to acquire the best shield in the game in order to maximize the damage output, but what if you want to role play as someone who only uses iron armor, or Elven armor? Perhaps bash damage should be based on a set number, such as 25, and then the percentages are based on that? Or how about allowing the perk to increase bash damage by 1 point per Block level, and power bashed by 3 points per Block level? Stalhrim Smithing shouldn't need to unlock anything--the unlocks are handled by the quest A New Source of Stalhrim.Good point. Now, the symmetry is ruined, however; whereas every other perk unlocks a crafting type and improves tempering, the Stalhrim only improves tempering. Should I add two different tree lines, one for armor-specific crafting and another for armor-specific tempering? I've also gone through my mod, double-checking everything. Here is an updated list, with altered descriptions: Alteration PerksArmor10 - Armor Specialization: For every Alteration level, Armor spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude.20 - Mage's Armor: If not wearing any armor, Armor spells have a 0.25% increased magnitude and duration per Alteration level.40 - Mage's Bastion: Armor spells also affect allies within 0.5 meters per Alteration level.60 - Mage's Fortress: Armor spells also grant 0.1% Magic Resistance per Alteration level.Casting10 - Spell Charge: After charging an Alteration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Alteration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Alteration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting an Alteration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Alteration level.Defense10 - Mage's Resistance: Increases your Magic Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Flames: Increases your Fire Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Depths: Increases your Frost Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Through the Storm: Increases your Shock Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level.60 - Imposing Presence: Emanate an aura with a radius of 0.5 meters per Alteration level that reduces the Magicka Regeneration of hostile targets by 0.5% per Alteration level.60 - Engulfing Presence: Emanate an Aura with a radius of 0.25 meters per Alteration level that drains 0.1 Magicka per Alteration level per second from hostile targets.80 - Mage's Absorption: Grants 0.1% spell absorption per Alteration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Alteration level, Novice Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Alteration level, Apprentice Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Alteration level, Adept Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Alteration level, Expert Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Alteration level, Master Alteration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Robes10 - Mage's Robes: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, increases your Magicka Regeneration by 1% per Alteration level.20 - Mage's Defense: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, increases the magnitude of armor enchantments by 1% per Alteration level.20 - Mage's Offense: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, increases the magnitude of weapon enchantments by 1% per Alteration level.40 - Mage's Meditation: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, Magicka regeneration is increased by an additional 1% per Alteration level when your Magicka falls below 33%.40 - Mage's Conservation: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, spell cost from every school is reduced by 0.1% per Alteration level.80 - Mage's Redirection: When wearing clothing (body, feet, hands, or head) and no armor, 0.1% of incoming spells per Alteration level are absorbed.Spellblade10 - Spellblade's Skill: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, increases your spell magnitude and duration by 0.1% per Alteration level.20 - Spellblade's Strikes: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, every melee strike decreases your target's Magic Resistance by 0.1% per Alteration level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.40 - Spellblade's Presence: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, enemies within 5 meters lose 0.1% magic resistance per Alteration level.60 - Spellblade's Fortification: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, casting a spell on a target or yourself increases your weapon damage by 0.1% per Alteration level for 10 seconds.80 - Spellblade's Fortress: When wielding a weapon in your right hand and a spell in your left hand, your magic and damage resistance is increased by 0.1% per Alteration level.Telekinesis10 - Mind over Matter: Objects thrown with Telekinesis deal 5% more damage per Alteration level.20 - Mind Reach: Dual casting Telekinesis grabs your enemy.40 - Mind Crush: Grabbing an enemy deals 0.25 damage per second per Alteration level. Conjuration PerksBound10 - Conjurer's Blade: The damage and duration of bound weapons is increased by 1% per Conjuration level.20 - Conjurer's Vulnerability: Bound Weapons cause targets to receive 0.1% more damage per Conjuration level from summoned and reanimated minions for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.20 - Conjurer's Banishment: Bound weapons have a 1% chance per Conjuration level of banishing summoned creatures and turning reanimated ones.40 - Conjurer's Depletion: Bound weapons absorb 1% magicka and stamina per second for 5 seconds from the target. Bound weapons also cast Soul Trap on targets.60 - Conjurer's Dissipation: Bound weapons reduce the magic resistance of targets by 0.15% per Conjuration level.80 - Conjurer's Fortification: Bound weapons grant their wielder 0.1% magic and physical damage resistance per Conjuration level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Conjuration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Conjuration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Conjuration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Conjuration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Conjuration level, Novice Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Conjuration level, Apprentice Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Conjuration level, Adept Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Conjuration level, Expert Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Conjuration level, Master Conjuration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Reanimate10 - Necromancer's Potency: Increases the duration and attack damage of reanimated minions by 1% per Conjuration level.20 - Necromancer's Fervor: The movement and attack speed of reanimated minions is increased by 0.25% per Conjuration level.30 - Necromancer's Defiance: The magic and physical damage resistance of reanimated minions is increased by 0.25% per Conjuration level.40 - Necromancer's Vigor: The health, stamina and magicka of reanimated minions are increased by 1% per Conjuration level.50 - Necromancer's Pact: Your reanimated minions drain 3% health, stamina and magicka from foes when they successfully hit their target.60 - Necromancer's Scourge: The number of minions that can be reanimated is increased by one for every 25th level of Conjuration, up to a maximum of five.70 - Necromancer's Revenge: Reanimated minions are no longer disintegrated when they die. Instead, they cause their killer to lose 5% of their Health, Stamina and Magicka per second for 3 seconds.Summons10 - Summoner's Potency: Increases the duration and attack damage of summoned minions by 1% per Conjuration level.20 - Summoner's Reach: Summon distance is increased by 0.25 meters per Conjuration level.30 - Summoner's Zeal: The movement and attack speed of summoned minions is increased by 0.25% per Conjuration level.40 - Summoner's Resilience: The magic and physical damage resistance of summoned minions is increased by 0.25% per Conjuration level.50 - Summoner's Endurance: The health, stamina and magicka of summoned minions is increased by 1% per Conjuration level.60 - Summoner's Rejuvenation: Summoned minions regenerate 3% of their health, magicka and stamina per second.70 - Summoner's Legion: The number of minions that can be summoned is increased by one for every 25th level of Conjuration, up to a maximum of five. Destruction PerksArcane10 - Arcane Potency: The magnitude of non-elemental destruction spells is increased by 1% per Destruction level.20 - Arcane Penetration: Non-elemental destruction spells reduce the magic resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Arcane Imprint: Non-elemental destruction spells linger, causing an additional 1% of the spell's damage every second. The duration of this effect is equal to 0.25 seconds per Destruction level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Destruction spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Destruction spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Destruction spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Destruction level.60 - Hindrance: Dual cast Destruction spells have a 0.5% chance per Destruction level to stagger the target.Fire10 - Fire Mage's Potency: The magnitude of fire spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your fire resistance by 0.2% per Destruction level.20 - Fire Mage's Penetration: Fire spells reduce the fire resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Fire Mage's Burn: Fire spells damage 1% of the target's health every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Fire Mage's Inferno: Fire spells cause the target to ignite other hostile targets within 5 meters when their health reaches 15% and below. This damage is equal to 1% of the target's health every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level.80 - Fire Mage's Conflagration: Fire spells cause a fire wall to appear beneath any target whose health reaches below 10%.Ice10 - Frost Mage's Potency: The magnitude of frost spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your frost resistance by 0.2% per Destruction level.20 - Frost Mage's Penetration: Frost spells reduce the frost resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Frost Mage's Drain: Frost spells damage 1% of the target's stamina every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Frost Mage's Freeze: Frost spells decrease the target's movement and attack speed by 0.25% per Destruction level.80 - Frost Mage's Glacier: Frost spells freeze any target whose health reaches below 10% in a block of ice.Lightning10 - Lightning Mage's Potency: The magnitude of lightning spells and effects is increased by 1% per Destruction level. Increases your shock resistance by 0.2% per Destruction level.20 - Lightning Mage's Penetration: Lightning spells reduce the lightning resistance of the target by 0.1% per Destruction level. This effect is stackable.40 - Lightning Mage's Drain: Lightning spells damage 1% of the target's magicka every second for 0.25 seconds per Destruction level. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Lightning Mage's Stun: Lightning spells have a chance equal to 0.25% per Destruction level to stun the target.80 - Lightning Mage's Annihilation: Lightning spells disintegrate any target whose health reaches below 10%.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Destruction level, Novice Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Destruction level, Apprentice Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Destruction level, Adept Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Destruction level, Expert Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Destruction level, Master Destruction spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Runes10 - Rune Potency: The magnitude of runes is increased by 1% per Destruction level.20 - Rune Reach: Runes can be placed 1 meter per Destruction level further away.40 - Runes Galore: The number of runes that can be placed is increased by 1 per 25th Destruction level, with a maximum of five runes.60 - Silent Runes: Runes are silent. Enchanting PerksCharge10 - Enchanter's Bounteousness: Soul gems provide 1% more charge per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Maintenance: Weapons drain 0.5% less charge per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Enlargement: Trapped souls are one size larger.60 - Enchanter's Magnitude: Weapon enchantments are stronger when power attacking.80 - Enchanter's Perpetuity: Artifacts consume no charge.Proficiency0 - Enchanting Mastery: New enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.10 - Enchanter's Armor: Enchantments placed on armor and clothing is 1% stronger per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Weapon: Enchantments placed on weapons are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.30 - Enchanter's Shield: Enchantments placed on shields are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Jewelry: Enchantments placed on jewelry and other accessories are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.50 - Enchanter's Preservation: Learning an item's enchantment no longer destroys it.60 - Enchanter's Constitution: Enchantments that boost your health, stamina and magicka, as well as their respective regeneration, are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.70 - Enchanter's Fortification: Skill enchantments are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.80 - Enchanter's Plenitude: Able to place two enchantments on a single item. When you reach level 100 in Enchanting, you are able to place three enchantments on a single item.Scrolls10 - Enchanter's Scrolls: Scrolls are 1% stronger per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Luck: Increases your chance of finding a scroll on a defeated opponent by 1% per Enchanting level.40 - Enchanter's Commerce: Merchants have a 1% chance per Enchanting level of selling scrolls.60 - Enchanter's Preservation: Scrolls have a 0.25% chance per Enchanting level of not being consumed when casted.Staff10 - Enchanter's Staff: Staves consume 0.75% less charge per Enchanting level.20 - Enchanter's Conservation: Staves regenerate their charge by 1% per second.40 - Enchanter's Conduit: Wielded staves decrease the charge consumption of enchanted weapons by 0.25% per Enchanting level. Illusion PerksCalm10 - Calm Specialization: The magnitude and duration of calm spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Escapism: Calm spells have a chance equal to 1% per Illusion level of persisting, even when struck.40 - Illusionist's Serenity: Targets affected by calm spells and effects ignore crimes and attacks against allies.60 - Illusionist's Peace: Calm spells and effects decrease the armor rating and magic resistance of targets by 0.5% per Illusion level.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Conjuration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Conjuration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Conjuration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Conjuration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Conjuration level.60 - Silence: All shouts and spells from any school of magic are silent to others.Courage/Command10 - Courage specialization: The magnitude and duration of courage and command spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Bravery: The health, stamina and magicka of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Heroism: The damage and magic resistance of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 0.25% per Illusion level.60 - Illusionist's Valor: The physical and magical attack damage of targets affected by courage and command spells and effects is increased by 0.25% per Illusion level.Fear10 - Fear Specialization: The magnitude and duration of fear spells is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Anxiety: Absorbs 1% stamina from targets affected by fear spells and effects.40 - Illusionist's Dread: Fear spells and effects have a chance equal to 1% per Illusion level of causing the target to drop their weapons.60 - Illusionist's Panic: Fear spells and effects reduce the armor and magic resistance of the target by 1% per Illusion level.Frenzy10 - Frenzy Specialization: The magnitude and duration of frenzy spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Craze: Targets affected by frenzy spells and effects deal 0.75% less damage against you per Illusion level. Against everyone else, they deal 1% more damage per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Furor: Whenever a target affected by frenzy spells and effects attack someone, they receive 0.25% of their total health as damage per Illusion level.60 - Illusionist's Rage: When a target affected by frenzy spells and effects has no one to attack, they receive 1% of their total health as damage per second for as long as the spell is active.Mind10 - Illusionist's Influence: Mind affecting spells and effects cast on creatures are up to 1 level per Illusion level stronger.20 - Illusionist's Manipulation: Mind affecting spells and effects cast on humanoids are up to 1 level per Illusion level stronger.40 - Illusionist's Dominance: Mind affecting spells and effects now affect Undead, Daedra, and Dwemer automatons.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Illusion level, Novice Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Illusion level, Apprentice Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Illusion level, Adept Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Illusion level, Expert Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Illusion level, Master Illusion spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Silence10 - Silence Specialization: The magnitude and duration of silence spells and effects is increased by 1% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Redirection: Silence spells cause defensive spells and effects to be cast on you instead of the target.40 - Illusionist's Rebound: Silence spells cause offensive spells and effects to be cast on the target instead of you.60 - Illusionist's Consumption: You absorb 1% magicka every second from targets affected by silence spells for as long as the spell is active.Stealth10 - Illusionist's Invisibility: While invisible, reduces incoming damage by 0.25% per Illusion level.20 - Illusionist's Stride: While invisible, reduces movement noise by 1% per Illusion level.40 - Illusionist's Cloak: When casting an invisibility spell, allies within 0.25 meters per Illusion level are also granted invisibility. Your allies also benefit from "Illusionist's Stride" and "Illusionist's Invisibility". Restoration PerksAura10 - Healer's Presence: Emanate an aura that restores you and your allies, healing 0.25 health, stamina and magicka per Restoration level per second. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Offense: Emanate an aura that strengthens you and your allies, increasing physical and magical damage by 0.25% per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Protection: Emanate an aura that fortifies you and your allies, increasing magical and physical damage resistance by 0.25% per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Delivery: Emanate an aura that instantly heals yourself and allies when the health bar falls below 15%, regaining 3% of the total health, magicka and stamina for a short time. The duration of this heal is equal to 0.30 seconds per Restoration level. The range of this aura is equal to 0.25 meters per Restoration level. This effect can only happen once per battle.Casting10 - Spell charge: After charging a Restoration spell for 3 seconds, its magnitude and duration is increased by 0.15% per Restoration level.20 - Dual Casting: Allows you to dual cast any Restoration spell. Dual cast spells have an increased magnitude and duration (2.5) and increased Magicka cost (2.0).40 - Persistence: While dual casting a Restoration spell, take 0.1% less spell damage per Restoration level.Divines10 - Healer's Boon: The duration and magnitude of shrine blessings is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Favor: Shrine blessings also increase the duration and magnitude of your Restoration spells by 0.1% per Restoration level.Healing10 - Healer's Emergency: When health reaches 50%, healing spells are 0.25% stronger per Restoration level. When health reaches 25%, healing spells are 0.5% stronger per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Respite: Healing spells also restore stamina.40 - Healer's Mend: Healing spells linger, restoring an additional 1% of the spell's healing for a short time. The duration of this effect is equal to 0.25 seconds per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Abundance: Casting a healing spell on a target with full health overheals them, causing their health to be increased by an amount equal to 1% per Restoration level.80 - Healer's Retribution: When cast on foes, healing spells instead cause damage equal to their healing. This effect also benefits from "Healer's Emergency", "Healer's Respite", "Healer's Mend", and "Healer's Abundance", but in reverse.Magicka10 - Healer's Meditation: Increases your magicka regeneration by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Concentration: Your magicka is regenerated at full speed in combat.Poison/Disease10 - Healer's Toxin: The magnitude and duration of poison and disease spells and effects is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Bane: Poison and disease spells and effects cause your target to suffer lingering damage, damaging the target by 1% of the spell's damage for 0.25 seconds per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Venom: Poison and disease spells and effects decreases the poison and disease resistance of enemies by 0.1% per Restoration level for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable.60 - Healer's Virulence: Poison and disease spells and effects ignore 0.25% of the target's poison and disease resistance per Restoration level.Proficiency0 - Novice: For every Restoration level, Novice Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.20 - Apprentice: For every Restoration level, Apprentice Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.40 - Adept: For every Restoration level, Adept Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.60 - Expert: For every Restoration level, Expert Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.80 - Master: For every Restoration level, Master Restoration spells have a 1% increased duration and magnitude and cost 0.5% less Magicka.Sun10 - Healer's Fury: The magnitude and duration of sun spells is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Daybreak: When hit by a sun spell, the target suffers an additional 1% of the spell's damage as lingering damage for 1 second per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Blaze: Sun spells and effects decreases the target's sun resistance by 0.1% per Restoration level for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable.60 - Healer's Sunlight: Your melee attacks are imbued with the sun, causing 1 sun damage per Restoration level with every successful hit.80 - Healer's Wrath: Sun spells now affect the living, daedra, automatons, and dragons.Turn10 - Healer's Expulsion: The magnitude of Turn Undead spells is increased by 1% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Banishment: Turn Undead spells cause undead to suffer 1% of the spell's damage per Restoration level as lingering damage for as long as the spell is active.40 - Healer's Purge: Turn Undead spells automatically disintegrate undead whose health reaches below 10%.Undead10 - Healer's Smite: Your damage against undead is increased by 0.2% per Restoration level and your incoming damage from undead is decreased by 0.2% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Magnification: The magnitude and duration of restoration spells is increased by 0.25% per Restoration level when targeting undead. This includes yourself if you are undead.Ward10 - Healer's Ward: The magicka cost of wards is reduced by 0.25% per Restoration level.20 - Healer's Shield: Wards reduce incoming physical and magical damage by 0.2% per Restoration level.40 - Healer's Bulwark: If not wearing any armor, the magnitude of wards is increased by 0.25% per Restoration level.60 - Healer's Aegis: When hit by a spell, wards absorb magicka equal to 0.25% of the spell's damage per Restoration level. Alchemy PerksIngredient10 - Alchemist's Palate: When tasting an ingredient, gain a 1% chance per Alchemy level of discovering its second, third and fourth effect. The chance of discovering each effect is calculated separately.20 Alchemist's Harvest: Increases the number of gathered ingredients by 1 ingredient every 25th Alchemy level, up to a total of five ingredients per harvest.40 - Alchemist's Appetite: Reduces the negative effects of eaten ingredients and increases their positive effects by 1% per Alchemy level.60 - Alchemist's Luck: Increases the chance of merchants selling rare ingredients by 1% per Alchemy level.Poison10 - Alchemist's Toxin: Increases the magnitude and duration of poisons by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Resistance: Increases your poison resistance by 0.25% per Alchemy level.40 - Alchemist's Persistence: Poisons applied on weapons last for one more hit per 10th Alchemy level, up to a total of ten hits.60 - Alchemist's Corrosion: Poisoned weapons reduce the poison resistance of your opponent by 1% per Alchemy level.80 - Alchemist's Blade: Poisoned weapons deal 1% more damage per Alchemy level against poisoned targets.Potion10 - Alchemist's Concoctions: Increases the magnitude and duration of potions by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Regeneration: Regenerate an additional 0.25% health, stamina and magicka per Alchemy level when under the effect of a beneficial potion.40 - Alchemist's Haste: Move 0.25% faster per Alchemy level when under the effect of a beneficial potion.60 - Alchemist's Boon: Beneficial potions have a 0.25% chance per Alchemy level of randomly granting an additional 0.25% health, stamina and magicka regeneration as well as an additional 0.25% movement speed per Alchemy level.Proficiency0 - Alchemist Mastery: The duration and magnitude of created potions and poisons is increased by 1% per Alchemy level.20 - Alchemist's Productivity: For every 25th Alchemy level, create one additional potion or poison, up to a total of five.40 - Alchemist's Purity: For every Alchemy level, the negative effects of potions and positive effects of poisons is decreased by 1%. At level 100, negative effects are removed from potions and positive effects are removed from poisons completely. Light Armor PerksAugment10 - Rogue's Celerity: Increases your movement speed and sprinting speed by 0.1% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Retaliation: When struck by your opponent, there is a chance equal to 0.25% per Light Armor level that they will be disarmed.40 - Rogue's Weight: Reduces the weight of worn light armor by 1% per Light Armor level.60 - Rogue's Rejuvenation: For every piece of worn light armor, your stamina regeneration is increased by 5%.80 - Rogue's Landing: Reduces fall damage by 0.5% per Light Armor level.100 - Rogue's Presence: Emanate an aura that increases the attack and movement speed of allies within 0.25 meters per Light Armor level by 0.25% per Light Armor level.Proficiency0 - Light Armor Mastery: The armor rating of light armor is increased by 1% per Light Armor level.10 - Rogue's Padding: If wearing at least three pieces of light armor, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Set: If wearing at least three pieces of light armor from a matching set, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Light Armor.30 - Rogue's Haste: When entering combat, your movement speed is increased by 0.1% per Light Armor level. This effect ends when you leave combat.40 - Rogue's Stamina: When your stamina falls below 50%, your stamina regeneration is increased by 1% per Light Armor level. This effect persists until your stamina reaches 50% and above.50 - Rogue's Dexterity: When an enemy is power attacking towards you, time slows down for 3 seconds, allowing you to dodge their attack.60 - Rogue's Fortitude: The incoming damage of close combat attacks is decreased by 0.1% per Light Armor level.70 - Rogue's Avoidance: There is a chance that incoming damage is reduced to 0%. The likelihood of this effect is equal to 0.1% per Light Armor level.80 - Rogue's Speed: For every enemy within 25 meters, your movement speed is increased by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%.Unarmed10 - Rogue's Punch: When wearing light armor gauntlets, increases unarmed damage by 0.5% per Light Armor level.20 - Rogue's Quickness: When wearing light armor gauntlets, increases unarmed attack speed b 0.33% per Light Armor level.40 - Rogue's Accuracy: When wearing light armor gauntlets, increases unarmed critical chance and critical damage by 0.33% per Light armor level.60 - Rogue's Disarm: When wearing light armor gauntlets, unarmed power attacks have a 0.25% chance per Light Armor level of disarming your opponent. Lockpicking PerksCarry10 - Lockpicker's Bag: Your carry capacity is increased by 1 point per Lockpicking level.Loot10 - Lockpicker's Cache: The amount of gold found in chests is increased by 1% per Lockpicking level.20 - Lockpicker's Treasure: The chance of finding precious gems in chests is increased by 0.5% per Lockpicking level.40 - Lockpicker's Armory: The chance of finding armor and weapons in chests is increased by 0.5% per Lockpicking level.60 - Lockpicker's Jackpot: The chance of finding rare items, such as enchanted items, crafting materials, books, spells, and jewelry, is increased by 0.25% per Lockpicking level.Proficiency0 - Lockpicking Mastery: Locks are 1% easier per Lockpicking level.10 - Lockpicker's Luck: For every Lockpicking level, lockpicks start 1% closer to lock opening position.20 - Lockpicker's Stealth: Able to pick locks without being noticed.30 - Lockpicker's Finesse: Lockpicks are 1% more durable per Lockpicking level. At level 100 in Lockpicking, lockpicks never break.40 - Lockpicker's Craft: Successfully picking a lock grants you a copy of its key, if there is one. Pickpocket PerksAugment10 - Pickpocket's Chase: After successfully pickpocketing, increases your movement speed by 0.3% per Pickpocket level for 10 seconds.20 - Pickpocket's Inebriation: Consuming alcoholic beverages during combat increases your attack damage and decreases incoming attack damage by 0.3% per Pickpocket level.40 - Pickpocket's Strike: If not wearing armor, increases your physical attack damage by 0.3% per Pickpocket level.60 - Pickpocket's Accuracy: If not wearing armor, increases your critical chance and damage by 0.2% per Pickpocket level.Carry10 - Pickpocket's Bag: Your carry capacity is increased by 1 point per Pickpocket level.Crime10 - Pickpocket's Fading: Your bounties for non-violent crimes diminish by 0.5% per Pickpocket level per day.Loot10 - Pickpocket's Eye: Increases the amount of gold that people carry by 1% per Pickpocket level.Poison10 - Pickpocket's Poison: Silently poison your opponents by placing poisons in their inventory when pickpocketing them.20 - Pickpocket's Venom: The magnitude and duration of silent poisons is increased by 1% per Pickpocket level.Proficiency0 - Pickpocket Mastery: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 1% per Pickpocket level.10 - Pickpocket's Silence: If undetected, increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.20 - Pickpocket's Stealth: If the target is asleep, increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing by 1% per Pickpocket level.30 - Pickpocket's Riches: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing coins and keys by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.40 - Pickpocket's Treasure: Increases the odds of successfully pickpocketing gems and jewelry by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.60 - Pickpocket's Disarm: Can pickpocket equipped weapons. The odds of successfully pickpocketing weapons is increased by 0.1% per Pickpocket level.80 - Pickpocket's Touch: Can pickpocket equipped armor. The odds of successfully pickpocketing armor is increased by 0.1% per Pickpocket level. Sneak PerksAttack10 - Infiltrator's Strike: One-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, and unarmed attacks deal 5% more sneak damage per Sneak level.20 - Infiltrator's Shot: Bows and crossbows deal 5% more sneak damage per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Blade: Daggers deal an additional 5% more sneak damage per sneak level.60 - Infiltrator's Ambush: When striking a target from behind, your sneak attacks deal an additional 5% more damage per Sneak level.80 - Infiltrator's Precision: The critical chance and critical damage of your sneak attacks is increased by 1% per Sneak level.100 - Infiltrator's Pierce: Sneak attacks ignore 1% of the target's armor per Sneak level.Proficiency0 - Sneaking Mastery: You are 0.5% harder to detect per Sneak level. When remaining still, you are 0.75% harder to detect per Sneak level.20 - Infiltrator's Silence: Movement noise is reduced by 1% per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Roll: Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll for 15 stamina. Silent rolls make 1% less noise per Sneak level.60 - Infiltrator's Step: You no longer trigger pressure plates when sneaking.80 - Infiltrator's Stride: Running no longer affects detection.100 - Infiltrator's Cloak: Entering sneak mode in combat makes you invisible for 5 seconds, enabling sneak attacks. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.Spells10 - Infiltrator's Spell: The magnitude and duration of spells is increased by 5% per Sneak level while sneaking.20 - Infiltrator's Accuracy: The critical chance and critical damage of spells is increased by 1% per Sneak level.40 - Infiltrator's Flank: When casting at a target from behind, your spells deal 5% more damage per Sneak level. Speech PerksAnimal10 - Elocutionist's Taming: Grants you the power "Tame", which enables you to tame one animal at a time, making it your companion until you release it.20 - Companion's Endurance: The health, magicka and stamina of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.20 - Companion's Rejuvenation: The health, magicka and stamina regeneration of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.40 - Companion's Assault: The attack damage of your animal companion is increased by 1% per Speech level.40 - Companion's Precision: The critical chance and critical damage of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.60 - Companion's Haste: The movement speed of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.60 - Companion's Quickness: The attack speed of your animal companion is increased by 0.33% per Speech level.80 - Companion's Toughness: The damage resistance of your animal companion is increased by 0.25% per speech level.80 - Companion's Resistance: The magic resistance of your animal companion is increased by 0.25% per Speech level.90 - Companion's Fellowship: You are now able to tame a total of three animals at a time.Bard10 - Elocutionist's Melody: Grants you the power "Perform", which allows you to play a song with either a lute, drums or the flute. Once finished, you receive gold from nearby listeners. The amount of gold you receive is equal to 1% of a listener's total gold per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Sonnet: Listeners of the opposite sex grant you an additional 1% of their total gold per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Tune: Able to activate "Perform" during combat, which forces enemies within 20 meters to start dancing uncontrollably for as long as you are playing.60 - Elocutionist's Soothing: When activating "Perform" during combat, allies within 20 meters regenerate 1% of their total health, stamina and magicka per second for as long as you are playing.70 - Elocutionist's Crescendo: When activating "Perform" during combat, the attack damage, critical chance and critical damage of allies within 20 meters is increased by 0.15% per Speech level.80 - Elocutionist's Discontinuance: When activating "Perform" during combat, the health, stamina and magicka of opponents within 20 meters is reduced by 1% per second, until only 1% of each respective bar remains. Your opponents will keep dancing as long as you are playing, but their health, stamina and magicka will not decrease any further.Conversation10 - Elocutionist's Persuasion: Persuade attempts are 1% more likely to succeed per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Intimidation: Intimidation attempts are 1% more likely to succeed per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Corruption: Can bribe guards to ignore crimes. The price of the bribe is decreased by 0.5% per Speech level.Shout10 - Elocutionist's Thu'um: The magnitude and duration of shouts is increased by 1% per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Drem: The cooldown of shouts is decreased by 0.5% per Speech level.40 - Elocutionist's Kogaan: Shouting restores 1% health, stamina and magicka per second for 0.25 seconds per Speech level.Trade0 - Speechcraft Mastery: Sell items for 0.5% more gold per Speech level. Buy items for 0.5% less gold per Speech level.20 - Elocutionist's Kinship: Prices are 0.15% better per Speech level when trading with the same race.20 - Elocutionist's Allure: Prices are 0.15% better per Speech level when trading with the opposite sex.40 - Elocutionist's Trade: Sell any item to merchants.60 - Elocutionist's Fence: Sell stolen items to any merchant.80 - Elocutionist's Investment: Invest 500 gold with a merchant to permanently increase their available gold. In return, merchants are 1% more likely per Speech level to sell rare items.100 - Elocutionist's Enterprise: Merchants have 10% more gold per Speech level in their inventory. Archery PerksAugment10 - Archer's Retort: Bashing causes your foe to stagger. While the target is staggering, your drawing speed is increased by 0.25% per Archery level and you deal 0.25% more damage per Archery level with bows and crossbows for 5 seconds.20 - Archer's Retrieval: The chance of recovering arrows and bolts from your enemies is increased by 1% per Archery level.40 - Archer's Impediment: Ranged weapons decrease the movement speed of your enemies by 0.25% per Archery level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every successful hit.60 - Archer's Focus: While drawing a bow or crossbow, you are immune to being staggered.Precision10 - Archer's Sight: Pressing block while aiming zooms in your view.20 - Archer's Perception: Zooming while aiming slows down time by 0.5% per Archery level.Proficiency0 - Marksman Mastery: The damage of ranged weapons is increased by 1% per Archery level.20 - Archer's Precision: The critical chance of ranged weapons is increased by 0.25% per Archery level. The critical damage of ranged weapons is increased by 1% per Archery level.40 - Crossbow Specialization: Within 10 meters, crossbows deal 0.2% more damage per Archery level. Within 20 meters, crossbows deal 0.1% more damage per Archery level.60 - Crossbow's Penetration: Crossbows ignore 0.25% armor per Archery level.40 - Bow Specialization: Beyond 20 meters, bows deal 0.1% more damage per Archery level. Beyond 30 meters, bows deal 0.2% more damage per Archery level.60 - Bow's Precision: The critical chance of bows is increased by 0.1% per Archery level, and their critical damage is increased by 0.25% per Archery level.80 - Archer's Bullseye: If your opponent has 100% health, the critical chance of your arrows and bolts is increased by 100%.Speed10 - Archer's Haste: The drawing speed of bows and crossbows is increased by 0.33% per Archery level.20 - Archer's Speed: Your movement speed while drawing a bow or aiming a crossbow is increased by 1% per Archery level. At level 100 in Archery, you move at full speed.40 - Archer's Momentum: Releasing a fully drawn arrow or bolt increases your draw speed by an additional 1% for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable. Block PerksBash10 - Blocker's Bash: Bash damage is increased by 1 point per Block level. Bashes with a shield have a 0.25% chance per Block level to stagger your opponent.20 - Blocker's Shove: Able to do a power bash. Power bashes deal 3 points of damage per Block level. Power bashes with a shield have a 0.5% chance per Block level to stagger your opponent.30 - Blocker's Taunt: Power bashing taunts your enemy, forcing them to attack you for 10 seconds.40 - Blocker's Debilitation: Power bashing an enemy reduces their attack damage by 0.25% per Block level.80 - Blocker's Knockdown: Power bashing an enemy whose stamina is below 25% knocks them down.Proficiency0 - Block Mastery: Blocking is increased by 0.75% per Block level.10 - Blocker's Retaliation: Successfully blocking an incoming attack increases your attack damage by 0.1% per Block level for 5 seconds.20 - Blocker's Deflection: Blocking decreases incoming arrow damage by 0.5% per Block level. Arrows that hit the shield deal no damage.20 - Blocker's Resistance: Blocking decreases incoming spell damage by 0.5% per Block level. Spells that hit the shield deal no damage.40 - Blocker's Sturdiness: Successfully blocking an incoming physical attack increases your physical damage resistance by 0.1% per Block level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every incoming hit.40 - Blocker's Resilience: Successfully blocking an incoming spell increases your magic resistance by 0.1% per Block level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every incoming hit.50 - Blocker's Determination: Successfully blocking an incoming close combat attack staggers the enemy.60 - Blocker's Defiance: While blocking, you are immune to being staggered.70 - Blocker's Exhaustion: Successfully blocking an incoming close combat attack drains 5% of the attacker's stamina.80 - Blocker's Recuperation: While blocking, regenerate 1% of your total health, stamina and magicka per second.Speed10 - Blocker's Haste: Your movement speed while blocking is increased by 1% per Block level. At level 100 in Block, you move at full speed.20 - Blocker's Perception: Blocking during an incoming power attack slows down time for 1 second.40 - Blocker's Charge: Able to sprint with a raised shield, which knocks down enemies.Weapon10 - Weapon Block: Increases the magnitude of blocking with a weapon by 0.25% per Block level.20 - Weapon Retaliation: Successfully blocking an incoming attack with a weapon increases your attack damage by 0.3% per Block level for 5 seconds. Heavy Armor PerksAugment10 - Warrior's Resilience: Increases your stagger resistance by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Retaliation: When struck by your opponent, there is a chance equal to 0.25% per Heavy Armor level that they will be staggered.40 - Warrior's Weight: Reduces the weight of worn heavy armor by 1% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Rejuvenation: For every piece of worn heavy armor, increases your health regeneration by 5%.80 - Warrior's Plunge: Reduces fall damage by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.100 - Warrior's Presence: Emanate an aura that increases the armor rating of allies within 0.25 meters per Heavy Armor level by 0.25% per Heavy Armor level.Proficiency0 - Heavy Armor Mastery: The armor rating of heavy armor is increased by 1% per Heavy Armor level.10 - Warrior's Padding: If wearing at least three pieces of heavy armor, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Set: If wearing at least three pieces of heavy armor in a matching set, your armor rating is increased by 0.2% per Heavy Armor level.30 - Warrior's Defiance: When struck by your enemy, your armor rating is increased by 10% for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit.40 - Warrior's Health: When your health falls below 50%, your health regeneration is increased by 1% per Heavy Armor level. This effect persists until your health reaches 50% and above.50 - Warrior's Supremacy: Incoming damage from enemies whose stamina reaches 50% or less is decreased by 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Fortitude: The incoming damage of arrows and bolts is decreased by 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.70 - Warrior's Fortune: There is a chance that incoming damage is reduced to 0%. The likelihood of this effect is equal to 0.1% per Heavy Armor level.80 - Warrior's Bastion: For every enemy within 25 meters, your armor is increased by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%.Unarmed10 - Warrior's Punch: When wearing heavy armor gauntlets, increases unarmed damage by 0.5% per Heavy Armor level.20 - Warrior's Pummel: When wearing heavy armor gauntlets, increases unarmed power attack damage by 0.5% per Heavy Armor level.40 - Warrior's Efficiency: When wearing heavy armor gauntlets, reduces the stamina cost of unarmed power attacks by 0.33% per Heavy Armor level.60 - Warrior's Knockdown: When wearing heavy armor gauntlets, unarmed power attacks have a 0.25% chance per Heavy Armor level to knock down your enemy. One-Handed PerksAxe10 - Duelist's Wounds: Axes cause the target to bleed 0.75% of their total health per second for 5 seconds. This effect is stackable.20 - Duelist's Laceration: Axes deal 0.2% more damage per One-Handed level against bleeding targets.Dagger10 - Duelist's Cut: The critical chance and critical damage of daggers is increased by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Stab: Daggers cause your opponent to receive a debuff that increases incoming critical damage by 0.2% per One-Handed level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit.Dual10 - Duelist's Quickness: While dual wielding, increases your attack speed by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Incapacitation: While dual wielding, power attacks increases your attack speed by 0.1% per One-Handed level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every power attack.Mace10 - Duelist's Blows: Maces ignore 0.5% of the targets armor per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Impact: Maces have a 0.33% chance per One-Handed level to knock down targets.Power Attacks10 - Duelist's Endurance: Reduces the stamina cost of power attacks by 0.33% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Strikes: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of power attacks by 0.1% per One-Handed level.40 - Duelist's Sweep: Sideways power attacks hit all enemies in front of you.60 - Duelist's Guillotine: Unlocks decapitation. Power attacks have a 0.4% increased chance to decapitate the target per One-Handed level.80 - Duelist's Assault: Able to perform a power attack while sprinting, which deals 0.5% increased damage per One-Handed level.Proficiency0 - One-Handed Mastery: One-handed weapons deal 1% more damage per One-Handed level.10 - Duelist's Frenzy: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of one-handed weapons by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Speed: Increases the attack speed of one-handed weapons by 0.1% per One-Handed level.Sword10 - Duelist's Precision: The critical chance of sword is increased by 0.1% per One-Handed level.20 - Duelist's Accuracy: Swords cause your opponent to receive a debuff that increases their chance of receiving a critical hit by 0.1% per One-Handed level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit. Smithing PerksCrafting10 - Blacksmith's Luck: Increases your chance of mining double ore and gemstones by 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Efficiency: When crafting and tempering items, there is a 0.5% chance per Smithing level of retaining materials.Smithing0 - Blacksmith's Leather and Iron Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Leather, Leather Strips and Iron. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.10 - Blacksmith's Steel and Corundum Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Steel and Corundum. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Dwarven and Elven Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dwarven Metal and Refined Moonstone. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Orcish Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Orichalcum. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ebony Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Ebony. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.50 - Blacksmith's Glass Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Refined Malachite. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.60 - Blacksmith's Nordic Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Quicksilver. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.70 - Blacksmith's Stalhrim Smithing: Armor and weapons that require Stalhrim can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.80 - Blacksmith's Chitin Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Chitin Plates. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.90 - Blacksmith's Bonemold Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Bone Meal. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Daedric Smithing: Can create Daedric armor and weapons. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Dragon Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dragon Bone and Dragon Scales. Can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.Tempering10 - Blacksmith's Basic Tempering: Armor and weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Heavy Armor Tempering: Heavy Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Light Armor Tempering: Light Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Shield Tempering: Shields can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Arcana: Enchanted weapons and armor can now be tempered.40 - Blacksmith's One-Handed Tempering: One-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Two-Handed Tempering: Two-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ranged Weapons Tempering: Bows and Crossbows can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level. Two-Handed PerksBattleaxe10 - Barbarian's Wounds: Battleaxes cause the target to bleed 0.75% of their health per second for 5 seconds. This effect is stackable.20 - Barbarian's Laceration: Battleaxes deal 0.2% more damage per Two-Handed level against bleeding targets.Warhammer10 - Barbarian's Blows: Warhammers ignore 0.5% of the targets armor per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Impact: Warhammers have a 0.33% chance per Two-Handed level to knock down targets.Power Attacks10 - Barbarian's Endurance: Reduces the stamina cost of power attacks by 0.33% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Strikes: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of power attacks by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.40 - Barbarian's Sweep: Sideways power attacks hit all enemies in front of you.60 - Barbarian's Guillotine: Unlocks decapitation. Power attacks have a 0.4% increased chance to decapitate the target per Two-Handed level.80 - Barbarian's Assault: Able to perform a power attack while sprinting, which deals 0.50% increased damage per Two-Handed level.Proficiency0 - Two-Handed Mastery: Two-handed weapons deal 1% more damage per Two-Handed level.10 - Barbarian's Frenzy: Increases the critical chance and critical damage of two-handed weapons by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Speed: increases the attack speed of two-handed weapons by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.Greatsword10 - Barbarian's Precision: The critical chance of greatswords is increased by 0.1% per Two-Handed level.20 - Barbarian's Accuracy: Greatswords cause your target to receive a debuff that increases their chance of receiving a critical hit by 0.1% per Two-Handed level for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshed with every hit. A few more of these back-and-forth sessions, and I'm sure this'll turn out be a fine template for a perk mod! ^^ Edited September 5, 2021 by PppPlyr1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Strokend Posted September 5, 2021 Share Posted September 5, 2021 Conjurer's Blade has strength befitting of a level 10 perk, but enchanting your Bound Weapons with soul trap is a bit strong. Maybe attach that to Conjurer's depletion instead?Good point. I moved it to "Conjurer's Depletion" instead. On the same note, the name for the perk does fit very well with the whole concept of Soul Trapping, don't you think?The name and other effects to it were fitting, yes. Regarding Healer's Wrath, the weapon enchantment already deals triple damage to undead, would the perk effect the enchantment or only spells, so that all Sun spells hit all targets?I think clarification is in order. You see, the point of this perk is not that it enhances the Sun damage that you already deal, but rather that Sun spells also affect the living, daedra, etc. As I understand it, most Sun spells only deal damage if cast on Undead, and if cast on anyone else, they deal no damage whatsoever. That is why most perk mods include a perk that makes Sun spells deal damage against other kinds of enemies as well.Huh, I was reading the UESP Sun Damage page and it mentioned that some effects damage all targets, but I guess that only applies to the enchantment, and is never used for actual spells (aside from potential mods). Lockpicker's Bag and Pickpocket's Bag provide an interesting change. I take it this takes place to the natural carry weight, before any buffs? Even so, without any stamina upgrades, you're getting up to +200 carry weight just off them--and stamina upgrades boost that further.I think clarification is in order. Changed the description so that now, both perks add 1 point of carry weight per level.That feels like a downgrade. I actually like it being a percent so that stamina upgrades bump it up, but that will be up to whoever eventually makes this a mod. How will Elocutionist's Taming work? Is it a power, with a limit of one animal?Added clarification. It is a power, and can only be activated on one animal at a time. I've been thinking of allowing you to tame more animals, however. Should I add "90 - Companion's Fellowship: You are now able to tame a total of three animals at a time.", or is it too sudden of a boost?That's tough for me to answer. I'm fine with one animal companion, but there's something to be said for playing the Pied Piper with an army of Skeevers. Especially with the inclusion of the bar skills where you could actually play the flute while your skeevers fight. Stalhrim Smithing shouldn't need to unlock anything--the unlocks are handled by the quest A New Source of Stalhrim.Good point. Now, the symmetry is ruined, however; whereas every other perk unlocks a crafting type and improves tempering, the Stalhrim only improves tempering. Should I add two different tree lines, one for armor-specific crafting and another for armor-specific tempering?That would play in well to a player who purchases their armor instead of building it. You would have to hunt down a merchant who sells the armor you want, but if you find them, you can skip the crafting tree and just temper it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gnarly1 Posted September 5, 2021 Share Posted September 5, 2021 You could use this framework: Custom Skills Framework Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PppPlyr1 Posted September 6, 2021 Author Share Posted September 6, 2021 (edited) Conjurer's Blade has strength befitting of a level 10 perk, but enchanting your Bound Weapons with soul trap is a bit strong. Maybe attach that to Conjurer's depletion instead?Good point. I moved it to "Conjurer's Depletion" instead. On the same note, the name for the perk does fit very well with the whole concept of Soul Trapping, don't you think?The name and other effects to it were fitting, yes. Regarding Healer's Wrath, the weapon enchantment already deals triple damage to undead, would the perk effect the enchantment or only spells, so that all Sun spells hit all targets?I think clarification is in order. You see, the point of this perk is not that it enhances the Sun damage that you already deal, but rather that Sun spells also affect the living, daedra, etc. As I understand it, most Sun spells only deal damage if cast on Undead, and if cast on anyone else, they deal no damage whatsoever. That is why most perk mods include a perk that makes Sun spells deal damage against other kinds of enemies as well.Huh, I was reading the UESP Sun Damage page and it mentioned that some effects damage all targets, but I guess that only applies to the enchantment, and is never used for actual spells (aside from potential mods). Lockpicker's Bag and Pickpocket's Bag provide an interesting change. I take it this takes place to the natural carry weight, before any buffs? Even so, without any stamina upgrades, you're getting up to +200 carry weight just off them--and stamina upgrades boost that further.I think clarification is in order. Changed the description so that now, both perks add 1 point of carry weight per level.That feels like a downgrade. I actually like it being a percent so that stamina upgrades bump it up, but that will be up to whoever eventually makes this a mod. How will Elocutionist's Taming work? Is it a power, with a limit of one animal?Added clarification. It is a power, and can only be activated on one animal at a time. I've been thinking of allowing you to tame more animals, however. Should I add "90 - Companion's Fellowship: You are now able to tame a total of three animals at a time.", or is it too sudden of a boost?That's tough for me to answer. I'm fine with one animal companion, but there's something to be said for playing the Pied Piper with an army of Skeevers. Especially with the inclusion of the bar skills where you could actually play the flute while your skeevers fight. Stalhrim Smithing shouldn't need to unlock anything--the unlocks are handled by the quest A New Source of Stalhrim.Good point. Now, the symmetry is ruined, however; whereas every other perk unlocks a crafting type and improves tempering, the Stalhrim only improves tempering. Should I add two different tree lines, one for armor-specific crafting and another for armor-specific tempering?That would play in well to a player who purchases their armor instead of building it. You would have to hunt down a merchant who sells the armor you want, but if you find them, you can skip the crafting tree and just temper it. Thank you again for the feedback! So, I reversed the perks "Pickpocket's Bag" and "Lockpicker's Bag", so now, they add 1% more carry weight per respective level, granting you a 200% increase in carry weight at level 100 (this calculation happens after the stamina is used to determine your carry weight). Also, the following changes has been done to the Smithing tree: Smithing PerksCrafting10 - Blacksmith's Luck: Increases your chance of mining double ore and gemstones by 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Efficiency: When crafting and tempering items, there is a 0.5% chance per Smithing level of retaining materials.Smithing0 - Blacksmith's Leather and Iron Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Leather, Leather Strips and Iron.10 - Blacksmith's Steel and Corundum Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Steel and Corundum.20 - Blacksmith's Dwarven and Elven Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dwarven Metal and Refined Moonstone.30 - Blacksmith's Orcish Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Orichalcum.40 - Blacksmith's Ebony Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Ebony.50 - Blacksmith's Glass Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Refined Malachite.60 - Blacksmith's Nordic Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Quicksilver.80 - Blacksmith's Chitin Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Chitin Plates.90 - Blacksmith's Bonemold Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Bone Meal.100 - Blacksmith's Daedric Smithing: Can create Daedric armor and weapons.100 - Blacksmith's Dragon Smithing: Can create armor and weapons that require Dragon Bone and Dragon Scales.Specialization20 - Blacksmith's Heavy Armor Specialization: Heavy Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Light Armor Specialization: Light Armor can be tempered by an additional 1% per smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Shield Specialization: Shields can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Arcana: Enchanted weapons and armor can now be tempered.40 - Blacksmith's One-Handed Specialization: One-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Two-Handed Specialization: Two-Handed Weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ranged Weapons Specialization: Bows and Crossbows can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.Tempering5 - Blacksmith's Leather and Iron Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Leather, Leather Strips and Iron to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.10 - Blacksmith's Steel and Corundum Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Steel and Corundum to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.20 - Blacksmith's Dwarven and Elven Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Dwarven Metal and Refined Moonstone to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.30 - Blacksmith's Orcish Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Orichalcum to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.40 - Blacksmith's Ebony Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Ebony to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.50 - Blacksmith's Glass Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Refined Malachite to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.60 - Blacksmith's Nordic Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Quicksilver to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.70 - Blacksmith's Stalhrim Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Stalhrim to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.80 - Blacksmith's Chitin Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Chitin Plates to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.90 - Blacksmith's Bonemold Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Bone Meal to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Daedric Tempering: Daedric armor and weapons can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level.100 - Blacksmith's Dragon Tempering: Armor and weapons that require Dragon Bone and Dragon Scales to be crafted can be tempered by an additional 1% per Smithing level. Edited September 6, 2021 by PppPlyr1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PppPlyr1 Posted September 6, 2021 Author Share Posted September 6, 2021 You could use this framework: Custom Skills Framework Thank you for your suggestion. As much as I like the Custom Skills Framework, I would prefer to change the original perk trees themselves. Otherwise, people could get a perk mod (or even keep the vanilla perks) and then add my perks on top of it. The problem with that is that it can quickly become unbalanced/OP, given how you have perk upon perk that basically change the same thing. Not only that, I would probably have to add one item per perk tree, a total of 18 items, which might clutter the inventory (unless you can add one item that gives you access to all 18 perks, but then, that still does not solve the first problem with using CSF). Personally, I think it would be a better idea to alter the original perks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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