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Good Game Suggestions.


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Gonna assume you've played the Elder Scrolls series?


The campaigns from SC2 is good, but I'm also a fan of SC1.


I'm surprised to hear that about GW2 though. What servers are you guys on? I'd say it's quite the opposite on the one I'm on.

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JQ. Had a whole guild harrassing me for a while, moderators refused to get involved. It's a pretty trashy community, JQ. Either you're a total dick and thus people will give you the "respect" bullies get, or you try to be a good person like me, and you get every total dick on the server, which is over 50% of the population, trying to make your life hell.

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i havent been on GW2 in such a long time, not since Halloween last year. the community was wonderful back then. has everyone really gone to crap since then?


i really keep wanting to get back in the game, but i get side tracked by other games lol

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I totally get what you mean when you're talking about Zeno Clash, the gameplay is actually really good but what the f*#@ is with the characters, monsters etc.. I'm all for surrealism but thats a bit too much. I played that, and I just bought Metro Last Light from GAME in my town, which is amazing. I've played Borderlands 2 but I really didn't like it, it was fun for the first few hours of gameplay but after around 4 or 5 hours in, it became quite boring for me.. I'm far too picky with my games.

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That sort of sums Zeno Clash up. "WHAT THE <your choice of expletive here> TUNA SANDWICH?!?!?!"


You should grab Metro 2033 if you can get it cheap, it's a sweet little game, I got my copy from a garage sale for $8. Morrowind. Absolute classic, you can grab a copy for quids, it's worth a try, old gold. Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger. It's short, sharp, and beautifully put together for an indy game. Another cheap little diamond; it's a western shooter, and it's got one of most fun story-telling styles I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. No customisation, but you'll quickly love the protagonist.


Other games? heh, Monster Hunter? only good game on the Wii. Fallout NV? you've probably played it, if not, give 'er a go. DeadPool? yet another near-free game. Avoid unless you're a fan of Deadpool, if you are a fan, friggin' download it.

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