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Thing's about the game that don't make sense


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i found a strange thing too...


its about the megaton bomb...


ok its an atom bobb .shouldnt it have destroyed all of the capital wasteland?

even springvale is unaffected by the bomb.

tenpenny tower,the citadel and even the republic of dave should have been destroyed.

because the average atom bomb should destroy anithin inside maybe 100 miles..


click the egg/hatchling!

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  • 2 weeks later...

the Megaton thingy looks like the "Fatman" that went down on hiroshima. That would mean it "only" has 10 kilotons yield, which would be an even sh ittier Name for the town.


Springvale should have been damaged a bit further though. Also, in a Game called "Fallout", why is there no Fallout? Maybe because it never ever rains in the capital Wasteland.



The Bomb that hit the White House is something unique. That yield must have been smaller then any nuclear device would need to be able to pull off the actual nuclear chainreaction. That may explain where the Atombombs come from; you see, when father Atombomb loves a mother Atombomb really much, they make a wish and then they'll get a baby atombomb...



Mr.Gutsy and Mr.Handy Robots have, for some Reason, the most complicated artificial Balancing System ever created. Whatever. It looks like they burn fossil Fuel in a Rocket Engine just to keep them afloat; how is it that they don't burn everything below them to dust? A Rocketengine strong enough to keep about 200 Pounds afloat (the absolute minimum weight i presume for a robot of that Size) would create a flame with about 3000° Celsius. Well, this Engine apparently runs on magic, since the fuel never runs out and the Flame wont burn anything.



Cultural Development has ground to a screeching halt for some Reason. The Divergence to the real World doesn't begin after the WW2 as stated in the Wiki, it begins sometime into the late thirties. Anyhow, what happened in the Music sector? Nothing, apparently... That Hippie Guy in Rivet City is on the forefront of cultural Evolution, because the Fallout world never came that far. There was no Hippie Movement, no Punk, no ending to the Cold War.

Sure, its nice to have some viable Explanation for the Style of the Game in there and i really love said style. Also, you can stuff some Public domain Music in there and give the Players some musical Choice, which may be, given the Style of the Game, even be immersive.

But i think the nuclear war should have been in Cold War times, so that the Development in just about everything but Technology directly related to the Game didn't have to stop for no Reason for over a century.


No i know three Dog plays this Songs because he can't find anything else in the Radio Station. Well, what Radiostation in todays World would have that Stuff and only that stuff lying around? How about that in 60 Years?



In a nuclear War Scenario in Cold War times, you can not have Laser Weapons. Or can you? Well, we do play in a world with Computers with cathode ray tube Monitors, monochrome no less. A world with no Transistor. And no Microprocessor. But with artificial Intelligence. You can't call laser Weapons in the fifties unrealistic and then have just about any Development in anythig grind to a halt for a century.





The overabundance of Raiders also bugged me. Why so many? The Pitt must have looked really bad if Elder Lyons decided to smoke the Place but leave the capital Wasteland be...

The Regulators should be really broke in anyone else decided that killing Raiders is a good way to make money.

Seriously though, why are there so many Raiders out there? They are big enough in Numbers to overrun the Citadel and make a cozy living.

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the Megaton thingy looks like the "Fatman" that went down on hiroshima. That would mean it "only" has 10 kilotons yield, which would be an even sh ittier Name for the town.


Springvale should have been damaged a bit further though. Also, in a Game called "Fallout", why is there no Fallout? Maybe because it never ever rains in the capital Wasteland.



The Bomb that hit the White House is something unique. That yield must have been smaller then any nuclear device would need to be able to pull off the actual nuclear chainreaction. That may explain where the Atombombs come from; you see, when father Atombomb loves a mother Atombomb really much, they make a wish and then they'll get a baby atombomb...



Mr.Gutsy and Mr.Handy Robots have, for some Reason, the most complicated artificial Balancing System ever created. Whatever. It looks like they burn fossil Fuel in a Rocket Engine just to keep them afloat; how is it that they don't burn everything below them to dust? A Rocketengine strong enough to keep about 200 Pounds afloat (the absolute minimum weight i presume for a robot of that Size) would create a flame with about 3000° Celsius. Well, this Engine apparently runs on magic, since the fuel never runs out and the Flame wont burn anything.



Cultural Development has ground to a screeching halt for some Reason. The Divergence to the real World doesn't begin after the WW2 as stated in the Wiki, it begins sometime into the late thirties. Anyhow, what happened in the Music sector? Nothing, apparently... That Hippie Guy in Rivet City is on the forefront of cultural Evolution, because the Fallout world never came that far. There was no Hippie Movement, no Punk, no ending to the Cold War.

Sure, its nice to have some viable Explanation for the Style of the Game in there and i really love said style. Also, you can stuff some Public domain Music in there and give the Players some musical Choice, which may be, given the Style of the Game, even be immersive.

But i think the nuclear war should have been in Cold War times, so that the Development in just about everything but Technology directly related to the Game didn't have to stop for no Reason for over a century.


No i know three Dog plays this Songs because he can't find anything else in the Radio Station. Well, what Radiostation in todays World would have that Stuff and only that stuff lying around? How about that in 60 Years?



In a nuclear War Scenario in Cold War times, you can not have Laser Weapons. Or can you? Well, we do play in a world with Computers with cathode ray tube Monitors, monochrome no less. A world with no Transistor. And no Microprocessor. But with artificial Intelligence. You can't call laser Weapons in the fifties unrealistic and then have just about any Development in anythig grind to a halt for a century.





The overabundance of Raiders also bugged me. Why so many? The Pitt must have looked really bad if Elder Lyons decided to smoke the Place but leave the capital Wasteland be...

The Regulators should be really broke in anyone else decided that killing Raiders is a good way to make money.

Seriously though, why are there so many Raiders out there? They are big enough in Numbers to overrun the Citadel and make a cozy living.


Firstly, in effort to develop a citadel nation against communist insurrections or influence throughout their sector of the world is, it's plenty viable that the development of superordinate weaponry was a bit more crucial to the American macrocosm at the time then putting effort into musical evolution.


Secondly, Fatman went down on Nagasaki, Little Boy went down on Hiroshima (yes I know I may sound like a angel for saying that), and because the bombs may be modeled after one another does not mean that it was intended to be the same. Modern missiles of that sort just don't look quite as nice in a crater.


Third, no, robotics aesthetics are not your métier I may say. Alternate fuels, by 2177, were likely imperfect, but in use. If it was rocket propulsion, yes, it would be immolating the ground beneath it, that should be enough evidence that it is not.


Fourthly, Raider colonies make up a magnitude of the Wasteland's population, yes, but they are unorganized and likely at odds with each other. However, there's no evidence either way.


Lastly, Cold War would be more feasible, yes, but Bethesda did not produce that cognitive content. It's Fallout 3 as you can see. Others decided to swear by a 40's/50's (what evidence do you have that it is 30's, save for music?) and Bethesda could not hold input unto that.

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You're right of course, the Name of the Bomb over Nagasaki was "Little Boy". My Bad...


About the Weapons and the Music; of course Weapons are somewhat more useful when trying to mount a defense of a Nation. But that's just it, it's a Nation. With many People in it who have nothing to do with any effort towards any War. Even Germany, right in the middle of Görings proclaimed "'total' War" had a functioning music and Film industry. It was being abused for the Propaganda of course, but it did produce many Pieces that had nothing to do with the War, with any of it's politics or indeed any politics at all.


Point being, even when a nation is in a firm grip of Propaganda, there will be People who will produce stuff that has nothing to do with it.

Although you could argue that something as omnipresent as War will influence everything in one way or another. Zarah Leander sang "Ich weiss es wird einmal ein Wunder geschehen (i know a Miracle will happen)" in the later Years of the second World War 2; It's said that at least part of it's success came due to the Fact that it gave the Germans Hope which they had lost due to the, well, War.


Still, there oughta be some cultural Development in this Century...

I think the 30's music might be in here because some of the 50's music is not public domain yet. If they'd had some stuff from that period in there People would ask why there is no "Mr. Sandman" or something. So please disregard my comment about the earlier Divergence. At least to some degree ;D



About the Robots: I didn't think of that; the Robots float in the Air with a magical Forcefield like the ones that can be found in every Scifi since the dawn of time; the "Rocket Engine" is merely "eyecandy". I really liked the Idea of "no magical Forcefields that let things float around to be very science fictioni" but the rocket engine as a replacement threw me off a bit.




Raiders may be unorganized and independent of each other but there are more Raiders then "non Raiders" in the Wasteland. In other words, there are more "Robbers" then People who could be robbed.

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A few theories:


The propulsion on the robots is either an "anti-gravity" field thing with the smaller rockets used as a way to balance or propell it, or its not so much a jet engine as it is air being propelled downward.


The Fission Batteries used by the robots are probably the power source and have absurdly huge amounts of energy in them (much more than gasoline or other fuels) they then get electricity from it and then have some sort of fans or air compression system that just sucks in air and sends it downward to keep them afloat. That way the air wouldn't be hot when its fired (also, the robo-butlers have a Condensation Collector, its likely that they filter the air they intake and store all the dust and air moisture they get. The Mr. Handy effectivly sucks in all the pollen and dust in the house and can extracit air moisture to make delicious purrified water beverages!... plus since they only suck in air near their head ro whatever that explains why they can't vaccume up the litter on the ground).




As for music, it could be that the later music was stored on mediums that were destroyed over the years or wasn't compatable with popular technology. Vault Tech had their Pip-Boys which apparently use Holo Tapes... maybe things like CDs were invented and the music industry started cranking out all their best rock and roll on CDs before the bombs fell... unfortunatly Vault-Tech didn't put any CD players in the Vaults due to them being jerks or not wanting to reconfigure everything for new technology. Thus there are cool songs out there but nothing around to play them... and maybe holo-tapes are designed to be shielded from radiation while the CDs slowly melted.


Or... there were rebelious Rock and Roll songs used by the youth, but when the bombs blew everything up then people wanted the remember the 'good old days' and only played the songs we hear. Anyone with rebelious Rock and Roll songs hated the nostalsia fans and became the first Raiders.


The Raiders origionally just wanted to Rock Out and enjoy the horrible irradiated wasteland the previous generation left them while trying to survive in any way possible. But after years and generations their Music Holotapes broke and they forgot the actual songs... only how to dress up in mokhawks and leather.


All the rock and roll and jazz tapes are gone because the Raiders took them and played them till they broke decades ago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, i can absolutely understand why there's no modern music in the game...

its too difficult keeping an entire music library for the game, which reflects the real spectrum of musicgenres, buying the rights for those tracks.

also they'd have to make some new songs for those future years between now and the war...

its just that much easier to put everything into a 1950s style.

also those robots and everything futuristic is from those pictures scientists made about their futuristic visions.

the cars, the robots, the machines - its all 1950s sci-fi.


if they'd made it different, they would have to release a patch every day just to correct political changes between the 1950s and 2177.

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  • 1 year later...

As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously!


For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?!



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  • 6 months later...

As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously!


For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?!




i thought it was really weird that she asks you to deliver a message at all. shes a stranger, why the hell would you ask a stranger to deliver a letter to your family in another town that he hasnt even visited (she has to mark it on your map for you)?


especially in a world like FO3, where life is cheap and most of the population are cannibalistic Mad Max-style bandits? all that she knows about my guy is that hes not from Megaton, and within 15 minutes of arriving he murdered the town sheriff/mayor for his hat, and then threw the hat away because he decided he didnt like how it fit after all.


and why is everyone in town cool with that now 24 hours later? at the time they all wanted to kill me, but 24 hours later its all fine. they even comment disgustedly about how i "enjoyed what i did" so obviously theyre still supposed to know it was me.

Edited by babyeatingdingo
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As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously!


For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?!




i thought it was really weird that she asks you to deliver a message at all. shes a stranger, why the hell would you ask a stranger to deliver a letter to your family in another town that he hasnt even visited (she has to mark it on your map for you)?


especially in a world like FO3, where life is cheap and most of the population are cannibalistic Mad Max-style bandits? all that she knows about my guy is that hes not from Megaton, and within 15 minutes of arriving he murdered the town sheriff/mayor for his hat, and then threw the hat away because he decided he didnt like how it fit after all.


and why is everyone in town cool with that now 24 hours later? at the time they all wanted to kill me, but 24 hours later its all fine. they even comment disgustedly about how i "enjoyed what i did" so obviously theyre still supposed to know it was me.


Actually, I don't know why Lucy West didn't simply ask / pay one of the Caravan dudes to play postman.


I mean, those guys visit settlements all over the Wastes, including Arefu (which, if I recall correctly, is the next stop after Megaton for them anyhow). Surely they would pass on news / gossip from place to place. It also seems very likely that at least some of them would routinely pass on written messages and small packages - either as favours to friends (or regular clients), or for a small(ish) fee. They're going that way anyhow, and a few extra caps just to deliver an envelope would seem like a good deal.

Edited by 7thsealord
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