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Thing's about the game that don't make sense


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I think part of the problem is that we're confusing just how much power the propaganda might have had in this timeline. For instance instead of the whispers and accusations of communism we had they might have had outright executions of anyone even suspected of being a communist. Since the games historical data pretty much says that these people were overly violent before WW3 hit that's pretty likely. A power like that would surely effect the arts since anyone who tried to write new music or produce any form of art that wasn't strictly "American" would probably be accused of being a communist and been subsequently executed. The same would go for any other cultural differences, from what I recall of history the the cold war era wasn't a great place to be different in in our timeline, in this one different would have been a fatal disease.
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A point. We tend to romanticize the 1950s (Happy Days, anyone?), but there was some pretty negative stuff going on at that time.


Being known as a non-conformist (or publicly expressing non-conformist views) might not always have gotten you branded COMMUNIST (or jailed / killed), but it was not necessarily a healthy place to be.

Edited by 7thsealord
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As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously!


For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?!




i thought it was really weird that she asks you to deliver a message at all. shes a stranger, why the hell would you ask a stranger to deliver a letter to your family in another town that he hasnt even visited (she has to mark it on your map for you)?


especially in a world like FO3, where life is cheap and most of the population are cannibalistic Mad Max-style bandits? all that she knows about my guy is that hes not from Megaton, and within 15 minutes of arriving he murdered the town sheriff/mayor for his hat, and then threw the hat away because he decided he didnt like how it fit after all.


and why is everyone in town cool with that now 24 hours later? at the time they all wanted to kill me, but 24 hours later its all fine. they even comment disgustedly about how i "enjoyed what i did" so obviously theyre still supposed to know it was me.


Actually, I don't know why Lucy West didn't simply ask / pay one of the Caravan dudes to play postman.


I mean, those guys visit settlements all over the Wastes, including Arefu (which, if I recall correctly, is the next stop after Megaton for them anyhow). Surely they would pass on news / gossip from place to place. It also seems very likely that at least some of them would routinely pass on written messages and small packages - either as favours to friends (or regular clients), or for a small(ish) fee. They're going that way anyhow, and a few extra caps just to deliver an envelope would seem like a good deal.


she is probaly already on the tab of everyone after buy that house... she is a ninja house buyer

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  • 2 weeks later...

As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously!


For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?!




i thought it was really weird that she asks you to deliver a message at all. shes a stranger, why the hell would you ask a stranger to deliver a letter to your family in another town that he hasnt even visited (she has to mark it on your map for you)?


especially in a world like FO3, where life is cheap and most of the population are cannibalistic Mad Max-style bandits? all that she knows about my guy is that hes not from Megaton, and within 15 minutes of arriving he murdered the town sheriff/mayor for his hat, and then threw the hat away because he decided he didnt like how it fit after all.


and why is everyone in town cool with that now 24 hours later? at the time they all wanted to kill me, but 24 hours later its all fine. they even comment disgustedly about how i "enjoyed what i did" so obviously theyre still supposed to know it was me.


Actually, I don't know why Lucy West didn't simply ask / pay one of the Caravan dudes to play postman.


I mean, those guys visit settlements all over the Wastes, including Arefu (which, if I recall correctly, is the next stop after Megaton for them anyhow). Surely they would pass on news / gossip from place to place. It also seems very likely that at least some of them would routinely pass on written messages and small packages - either as favours to friends (or regular clients), or for a small(ish) fee. They're going that way anyhow, and a few extra caps just to deliver an envelope would seem like a good deal.


she is probaly already on the tab of everyone after buy that house... she is a ninja house buyer


Quite possibly. ;)


But, c'mon, just how many caps would a Trader charge to deliver a letter to the next stop of his route? A few. Several at most, I think. Lucy could get that many caps in several minutes just by scavving junk inside Megaton's walls.


Hmmm. Maybe there is a very very simple answer - Lucy is a tightwad. The Caravaners probably all want money up front to do the deed. Why should she pay for her letter to be delivered when she can set things up so her parents will have to pay instead?

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  • 3 weeks later...

For Megaton, talk to Manya. She will fill you in on the history. At least if you have the Tec Vault mod. If you have your own house in Megaton, you are a citizen. Everyone else lives in the Common House.


Of course, you need to remember that the developers wanted the letter to be delivered by the PC. Maybe Lucy has tried multiple times with the traders and needs someone she can rely on. In the dialog you have with her, you get a sense of something like this.

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Based on what was previously said, then Lucy must have really ticked off all of the Traders, if they won't even deliver her envelope for her.

Well what did you expect. Lucy is a bit of a tease.

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  • 2 months later...

Based on what was previously said, then Lucy must have really ticked off all of the Traders, if they won't even deliver her envelope for her.

Well what did you expect. Lucy is a bit of a tease.


Just started a new game, and Lucy specifically mentions having previously sent a number of letters to Arefu, with no response. So I guess it could be inferred that at least some of the Caravan dudes deliver mail - they just aren't very good at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Continuing my new game, and have just gotten through the whole Grayditch experience.


Bryan Wilks, you seem a nice kid, and I KNOW you were traumatized by your experiences. But in the name of all that is holy, WHY in our long and detailed conversation about Garyditch and its citizens, did you not mention that these particular Giant Ants BREATHED FIRE? Yeah, you call them Fire Ants, but that is not exactly a clear description of what they do. I mean, throw me a frickin' bone here, would ya?


Going by Mr Brandice's notes, Giant Ants were rather common in the area. But it all srarted going south when the ones that BREATHED FIRE showed up. Odd that you never mention that - thanks a bunch, kid.

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