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There is a mod called Oblivion Online Mod, that has been abandoned.

I am no coder nor modder and am doing the only thing i can to make a dream a reality by posting this.


There have been multiplayer things made for both morrowind and Skyrim,

Oblivion is an amazing game, even to this day, i have dreamed of playing it with others, and have been defeated by failed attempts at making it so.


I am here requesting that someone or some people put their heart and soul into making an Oblivion Online Mod.

I understand this may be asking for a lot, but i am sure there are many who would be behind this.


I have no experience in modding myself, i can only basically work the editor to edit things. If you have knowledge or know of others who do, please send word of this quest.


I have not much else to say Heroes of Cyrodil. I can only dream of this becoming a reality.

Sincerely, all Oblivion Players.


Edited by Cellesteel
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The reason none of those projects have ever really come to full fruition, is because it essentially involves re-writing the game engine, to include code for multi-player. These requests come up shortly after the release of every new TES game, and so far, I have not seen a single project of this nature ever actually work for true, cooperative play. The game simply wasn't designed that way, and adapting it is always just a patch job, that is unstable, and extremely limited.

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It would require OBSE plugin development, and there's only a handful of Oblivion authors that actually make those. The majority of OBSE plugin authors are primarily Skyrim or Fallout NV authors just porting over stuff for Oblivion. The people that do primarily develop for Oblivion are extremely busy with their own mods, and having to undertake the level of scope needed to implement a multiplayer mod a la Skyrim Together would be as much time as it would take for OpenMW to be fully compatible with Oblivion (i.e. 5+ years)


TES3MP is functionally feature complete, and will be merged into OpenMW once version 1.0 is released. This will eliminate the workload for a future Oblivion multiplayer experience, but don't expect anything for at least 5 years

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