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Masochism in MW/Spoiled potions?

Jenlyn Fayre

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There are a couple of things I have found in MW that is really kind of pointless.


1.) I currently have a enchanted piece of armor that "reduces magicka 3 pts on self." Why the hell would anyone want to take away from their OWN magicka? :huh:


And also,


2.) I notice some merchants actually sell potions that are "spoiled." Why would the creators have them sell potions that are spoiled? :blink:


Any insights anyone??

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As for the armour, its for slaves. Its so they cant use their magic and break free (I'm thinking). If you kill or free a slave and find their bracer, either drop it or sell it. They're useless for you.


The potions... Well, I dunno. Maybe they just havent had a customer in a while.

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There are several game artifacts that have mixed results as well as purely deleterious ones. Several posters have suffered the wrath of the sword 'Fury'. Then there are the Boots of Blinding Speed (fortify speed 200 pts, Blind 100%), the BiPolar blade (Frenzy and Calm humanoid together), Goblin Buckler, Robe of the Lich etc.


Maybe they are there to stop over-enthusiastic players equipping everything without first checking!

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