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Difficult to manually search for Mods


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It has taken me alot of searching to figure out how I can search for mods by typing in their name, which is easier than searching through tons and tons of files.


My Suggestion would be a easier or clearer path to a Mod Search bar, right now the only way i know how to get there is by clicking on Files directly and none of its dropdown listings.

A good way to do that might be adding "Manual Search" or somthing to the bottom of the dropdown list.

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Go to the main page of the game for which you are searching. Look at the top of the page, next to "Install NMM", you will see "Search" with a symbol of a magnifying glass next to it. Left click on the word "Search" and the search function will open.

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  • 2 months later...

I have to agree on this.


No matter if we use the advanced options to search a mod, I find the search engine is not working 100%.

I often search for mods I have previously opened for some reason, and simply can't find them again. I use specific mod-related words that I know they exist in the mod description, but still they show up in the results.


My example:


In Skyrim mods page, I search for the mod Detailed Rugs. I know this mod has somwehere in the description, the words rugs and textures.


If I use both these words in the description contains... field, I get absolutely no results.

If I search with the words rug and textures, I get 3 different mods, but not the one I want.

If I use the words rug and texture, I get 1 more mod, but still not the one.

And If I try the last singular / plural word combo rugs and texture, then I get no results again.


Lastly, if I search Google with the words "Skyrim rugs texture", I get 10 pages of results, with the 1st link being the one I want. This one here, so you can check it out and see for yourselves:



Just to be sure, I also searched with the words detailed rugs in the file name contains field, and it actually got it this mod as the only result. But I already knew the mod name, and most of the times we don't remember the mod name we're searching, not to mention when we're searching for a mod based on key words, regardless of their name, only for their content. I actually found this mod I told you about in another visuals mod that recommended the Detailed Rugs mod.


Thanks for reading!

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