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Mech suit?


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I think it would be cool if we could have mechanized armor! Not power armor but something more along the lines of the mech in quake 4. http://www.freakygaming.com/gallery/action...ty_backdrop.jpg . It could move at a walking pace so the companions don't get left behind. Also make it so that it has miniguns and missile launchers that use ammo from your inventory.
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It looks like a modder's nightmare, but anyone who can do this well should be given a pat on the back. Chicken walkers would be fun. Y'know, minus the horrible controls from their original series (right leg, left leg, right leg)


I'd try this out for sure if it was ever made.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, lets look at this from a modding side of view:


Firstly, let's talk about feasibility:


It lacks arms, head, and the legs are waay to far from each other to use the normal human "skeleton". Means, you can't make this into an armor. A fose-movable mech-shaped "chair"? (you could make the player invisible once he's sitting by giving him a full body textureless armor, so no clipping probs there) perhaps. I'm rather clueless about them and how actors react if you "move" the chair they're sitting on or shoot at it / the player. Further thinking from somebody with more knowledge of such objects is required... Having a WALKING chair.. now you're pushing it...


Having miniguns and missile launchers... ugh.. doable. Having DOUBLE FIRING missiles and miniguns.. sh*t!.

Consider that no "double pistol" mod has been made. There are reasons for this.

Luckily, since the 'arms' are static, and require no animation, it *may* be doable, or at least i got an idea of how that would be done.


If somebody is willing to make a walking "chair" with meshes and textures and all (which i'm clueless on), i can script the controls and the firing and such.

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