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Why the lack of large armies?


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i am not contrary to the idea, but to make the video we/you would already need a large battle. Getting different videos of 3-5 people fighting in one big so, that it looks like there are more people (20<) is probably very difficult (if you want a good effect).


ps: i can't seem to find the right models i mentioned in my previous post

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so....you think that someone will do this? the idea is enough clear and interested but it would need a larger modding team i guess. I could give a hand but i'm useful just as a moddeler. Hope this realy gets attention of the big guys here. :)
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so....you think that someone will do this? the idea is enough clear and interested but it would need a larger modding team i guess. I could give a hand but i'm useful just as a moddeler. Hope this realy gets attention of the big guys here. :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems the OP is playing the wrong game. I would suggest him "Supreme Commander"... indeed Total Annihilation was better but it is now a severely outdated game.


PS: Although I bought Dragonshard sometime ago I refuse to play it and so I don't know if the fusion of RTS and RPG can work fine (being Starforce 'protected', something they did not advertise. makes me feel fooled with this game).

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That won't happen, because a modern computer would probably get about 5 fps for ten seconds and then Oblivion would crash if someone did that. Mine would just start to burn :)


:biggrin: Yeah... think mine would burn to ashes too ROFL

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They could make it for 360 to


Also, an xbox 360 wouldn't be able to play it either. People tend to think that consoles, specifically the 360 and PS3 can play anything, but they are seriously mistaken. These consoles are incredibly strong, but are also limited. It even venture as far as to say they are already dated, as a few high end computers are capable of a lot more than them nowadays.

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