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End to Skyrim as we know it?


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why the f*** are they doing this



Flog that horse Bethesda, great well back up your exe and turn "only update when I launch the game" and only launch from skse launcher when steam is offline!! So 500 hundred creation club mods thrown in to the game and a Rename, and skse breaker, how awesome (not)

Because they'd have to actually unleash TES 6 if they didn't keep re-releasing 5, of course--and they just aren't ready yet.

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I'm sorry. Given the idea of a Fallout 4 remaster primed to do the same to the compiler for that, I have to ADDRESS THE ELEPHANTS;


1) ESO.

2) Fallout 76.


Both are "Online services", MMOs designed from the ground up to jack your money out of you.

Fallout 4 and Skyrim will be inconvenienced in every excusable way in hopes of harassing everyone into riding the elephants.



...that is all.

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Call me skeptic but whenever I see someone mentioning a future TES 6 release on here or on YT, I just don't see it happening; ever. Not after so many years now, from when the first Skyrim game was released and Bethesda milking the heck out of it like they're doing now with AE and SSE before. Not to mention they got the Elder Scrolls online version now that is probably another cash cow.

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I have enjoyed this game and all the modding which eventually developed since 2011, also contributed mods to give back for the freebies I received, now Bethseda has turned it into a cash cow, and skse is unusable for the forseeable future, I am leaving NMM and cancelling subscription, So Long Folks and thanks for all the fish...


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I'll share my thoughts/ facts:


Skyrim is a Single Player RPG not an MMO. Therefore it doesn't need extra paywalls or subscription models. If i want that i play Black Desert Online or Elder Scrolls Online or any future Bethesda MMO Game if they ever make one. But Skyrim is Skyrim and more importantly a platform for Development of Game Mechanics.


This update is unnecessary but also problematic. We have created 3D LOD Systems, Parallax, ENB, High Quality Texture, High Polygon Meshes, advanced Combat Mechanics and Resistances to Enemies, Immersion and Survival aspects, Interactive Frameworks that make NPC to PC interaction realistic, Proffesional Modern Combat Animations like SkySA project, advancements in I-Frame mechanics, advancements of Physics with the newer tweaked version of HDT that was optimized so we can have Modern Cloak and Clothing Physics, alot of performance tools and tools like DynDOLOD and how Grass and Cells are handled.


We don't need an Update that will force us to break these things unless the update solves Game Limitations.

The Transaction from LE to SE was justified and necessary. But what new will the Anniversary Edition offer for all these aforementioned Projects the community did? The community literally took SkyrimSE and did ''Active Voluntary Development'' Bethesda didn't have to use a development team to develop alot of these innovative creations and can now start and progress developing their Next Game from a Higher and More Advanced point. We climbed half the mountain ''For them'' the only have to reach the Peak now and we carried them on our back.


I believe this is unfair treatment of your Customers and should i also say an insult?


I already only run Mod Organizer 2 to have full manual control over my Game Platform.

I already don't allow Steam to constantly run updates in the background. I use it only for Purchases and Starting a Game. Then it goes Offline Mode.

Its supposed to be a Gate a customer needs to pass for the sake of preventing Piracy and EULA violation, not a Big Brother than will ask ''Feed me'' ''Feed me'' What's next? Active Subscription? Its not an MMO! Even the MMO industry switches to B2P-F2P model. Sub models died with WoW.

When i run the Game i make sure especially with optimization software that only Background resources who run is Windows Desktop and nothing else except of the Game itself. Needless to say that i can play the Platform in High Performance even while overloading with Graphics Scripts and CPU related functions.


So no thank you to Anniversary Edition. The only way i am going to upgrade is once all the type of Mods i listed will be made functional for it.

As for Creation Club. I tested all content from it and the quality is as poor as the Beggar Prince of Namira.

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This is flat out malicious behavior. I'm pretty sure that there is already a fishing mod available that anyone can download right now. Forcing an update to SSE that breaks script addresses and as a result a huge number of mods instead of making a separate AE like LE vs SSE just stinks of Microsoft trying to damage modding intentionally to corral people into the creation club. I'm certainly not updating at this point, I have offline backups of the current skyrim SSE and all the mods I use. Thank god nexus has the archive feature in download pages now, it's just in time because once AE hits any modder who supports it runs the risk of making new releases incompatible. This might be the end, after the split between LE and SSE, having to go through the countless hours upgrading again just isn't worth the effort and people are going to retire. Ideally modders as a collective would refuse to support AE versions of skyrim and only make mods for the current version of SSE, but I don't have that much faith in the community.


So basically Microsoft/Bethesda is trying to destroy the entire modding community again with a mandatory forced update, all for the benefit of some mods that are already free and have bugs and are low quality anyway.

Edited by ModsCanFixSomeParts
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