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Request for an ultra lite "recruit any NPC" as follower mod...

Guest deleted2027229

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Guest deleted2027229

I know there are many companion mods, but I would like one which just adds 2 dialogue entries to every conversation -


Follow me

Wait here


That's literally it.


No companion share or disposition requirements, no unique dialogue. Just a simple ultra lite means of getting an NPC to be your companion. Like picking up a guard off the road to help you in a fight.


Anyone feel like making this mod or instructing me how to do it?

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Have a look at Fluffy Follower Frill in the CS for some ideas. I can't remember if Contra added all NPCs to the FFF faction or if the default has no faction requirement (been a very long time since I looked at how Contra worked his magic on FF, but I still use it in my game).

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What the dialogues do is to replace 2 packages with each others. To make it even more simple, you could just add a script to the NPC and have 2 options in it from a menu or you can even skip the menu, as when you activate it, it follows you and activate it again and it stay, so fast and smooth, no pop ups or dialogues. Follow me and Wait and it is faster to use then the dialogue, both in CS and in game and use a variable that sets the condition of the 2 packages, which to use and that way, you do not need to remove or add packages, just switch the variable back and forth.

Backside of making the follower as simple as that is when it will fight and when will it fight? To make a follower more interested in fighting and aiding the player, require some modding for sure, if that is your goal and that is to change the aggro in different situations. I made a Jaguar follower and I thought it was as simple as you want it to be but it wasnt. Now the script is in 4 parts and they became very complicated but also extremely well working and optimized for my expectations of what a companion should focus at. You could try my jaguar if you want. It has the follow and wait commands but also commands to drop stuff, go away if it gets in the way and also possibility to show all stats as it is set to level and starts at lvl 1.

Basicly: You only wanna exchange 2 packages with each others. Do you know how to make and add packages to a NPC with CS?

To make it as simple as possible, do check out the Rooster mod, that has a script you can attach to any creature or NPC really. Activate the creature and it follows, activate it again and it stay - Nor dialogues nor menus needed.

I doubt it can be made more simple than this really.

Edited by Pellape
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