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I moved MO2 to another Drive, how to get profiles now?


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So to save space on my old ass main drive, I moved it to my storage drive (from C to D). And ofc as I expected Id have to re-set all my paths and whatnot.


But the problem is I have no idea how to do this with profiles, or where the MO2 profiles are even located. Anyone able to help with this?


(also once I do have all the paths appropriately set again, this should still load all my mods and not cause any issues right?)


EDIT: to be more precise.. I moved the folder that was installed on my C drive (in appdata/local) where all of the mods are automatically unpacked/installed to for MO2 to use. So how do I make it work now that I've moved this? lol


Or can this only be on C drive?..

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I think the folder with the 'installed' mods in it, needs to be on the same phyiscal drive as the game itself.

Well it is though.. now lol.


I already had my FO4 install folder on D, since the start. But MO2 unpacks and installs all the mods into your "appdata/local" folder, in a folder with the profiles you make.


So I actually moved them onto the same drive, and now this problem is occuring.


Bottom line: I just need to know if it even works this way or the profile folder HAS to be on C.. in appdata/local, because it doesn't look like there's any way to choose a different destination path via MO2 itself..

Edited by hexsim
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