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I think I'm the only one who hates NV's story.


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It's just so bland, so boring. If this is what the original games where like, I'm glad I was only 4 years old when they came out. Sure, the gameplay elements (except the perk every two levels) were superior to Fallout 3, but at least FO3 was fun, and interesting. I understand that most people think that the writing was terrible in comparison, but the only writing that was better in NV were the companions. The Capital Wasteland felt like a post apocalyptic wasteland, but the Mojave just felt like an outdated Clint Eastwood movie with hints of Walker Texas Ranger. Excruciatingly boring. I did like the political stuff going on with the factions, but there was just too much grey morality. Realistic? Well, yeah, but if I wanted realism in a video game I would be playing Flashpoint. And that game sucks.

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No, you're not the only one. Those of us who prefer FO3's story, characters and atmosphere are just sick of being told we're wrong because OPINIONS! and so we don't talk about it much anymore.


Personally, I don't feel the writing in NV is terrible. I just cannot get into the bland desert cowboy vibe, couldn't find any npcs who I could connect with (most I cannot even remember their names) and for someone who enjoys exploration as much as I do, the empty gameworld with hardly any enemies and few interesting places to roam through sucks. I'm a Capital Wasteland kind of girl.

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Meh, Fallout 3 murdered the lore. It has many inconsistencies over dates and the amount of radiation everywhere despite the apocolypse happening 200+ years ago. The writing all around was bad when compared to New Vegas. NV was more of a sequel to the first two which is why many who have played Fallout 3 alone feel the dramatic change of location and style uncomfortable and unfamiliar. Fallout 3 is still a great game but when compared to Fallout: New Vegas it is inferior in every single way. The story of New Vegas is too different to 3 to be compared but is, by no means any worse.

Edited by lolworth999
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I thought it was a pretty good story. The part I mainly didn't like was casting the NCR as "teh big ebil gubbermint!" I'd say more but don't want to spark a politics argument here. I love that The Brotherhood of Steel were assholes again, not the big, strong army of adorable, cuddly heroes like in FO3.


I really love how the companions all had their own back story and quest line. I just wish triggering and advancing said quests hadn't been so buggy that they usually didn't work correctly. I had Boone's story figured out in my head without even realizing it.

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and for someone who enjoys exploration as much as I do, the empty gameworld with hardly any enemies and few interesting places to roam through sucks. I'm a Capital Wasteland kind of girl.


I actually thought that NV had a lot more interesting things and places to find, but you ad to go looking for them and they were easy to miss. In FO3 everything was basically thrown at you so it was hard to miss much.


That said, I enjoyed picking through the ruins of DC and the metro tunnels a lot in FO3.

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i've said it many times and i'll say it again fallout 3 has one of the best video game worlds ever made. everytime you step outside to the capital wasteland it was adventure, pretty much every location in the game had a quest, unmarked quest, a story, a secret or an easter egg.


the mojave wasteland...... is just that a wasteland. void, boring, and unimaginative.


FONV had the better gameplay and the characters but outside of quests FONV is dull. exploring the capital wasteland is more rewarding than just about anything in FONV

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yea, i know me and Hector have posted similar things in the past


to me FO3 >>>> FONV. FONV brought some cool new things to FO. like weapon modding and Hardcore mode. Camping and Ammo Crafting (as useless as they were even in Hardcore Mode) too. the Story was just ok in FONV. i dont understand the Hate FO3 gets for its story, because i actually really enjoyed it.


the story for FONV however was a throwback to the original FOs, if you played them, you probably enjoyed FONV more then those who hadnt. that said, many many many people hadnt played the originals, and came in at FO3 (myself included) NCR and Caesar were nothing to me. the Brotherhood side quest was where i fit in, because i was a FO3 newcomer. i understand where FONV was going, giving a game to the original players. but i wasnt one, and as such my opinion is biased from the beginning.


New Vegas as a setting is horrible. it was a desert BEFORE the war, nothing changed since then. i always had the feeling that the shacks and whatnot were there before, not something built after. the sand was there before, no a result of nuclear war. in fact, New Vegas wasnt nuked, it was still mostly intact, so while you may have had the "post-apocalytpic" vibe, you (or at least i) didnt have the post nuclear war FallOut feel.


also, one of my favorite things about FO3 was the 50s feel. the music. the decor, everything....that was absent in FONV. they changed everything to a western feel. and not even really 50s western, except here and there. to me FONV felt like a DLC. it just popped you into a different place, changed some stuff, and that was it. i know the whole "FONV is just FO3 DLC" has been thrown around before, but i sort of agree with it.


as Hector said, FONV had nothing. i didnt have the urge to explore. FONV kind of prevented that. "dont go this way at this time, Deathclaws will kill you in one hit" "dont go this way, its off the main road" it sort of held your hand to lead you in the right direction. and even when you were able to kill all that stuff, there wasnt anything worth searching. just some shacks and lots of sand. FO3 had everything. old Bunkers, fishing shacks, Old Chinese Outposts, subways, different attempts at groups trying to survive. a closet with a skeleton and a gun, a whole sectioned off part of the subway with tons of skeletons and radroach corpses, with a lone Ghoul and a pool or radiation. that in and of itself speaks stories. FONV didnt have that....and dont get me started on the Vaults. i explored all the Vaults in FO3. i came from one, i felt like i needed to see the others. FONV didnt even mention them. you have no connection to them, they play no part. they feel like they were just added because "oh remember this is a FallOut game, there need to be a couple". I searched two of them, and they were both boring. sections closed off by debris, no story. just blah.


FO3 had character. Tenpenny, Megaton, The Captiol, Daves Republic, Rivet City, Enclave, Brotherhood, etc etc. FONV didnt. it had New Vegas and the old Airfield Military base and a few other settlements centered around it. i played FO3, three full complete times, and all the DLC at least once, all on PS3, getting the platinum trophy. and i just bought it and all the DLC for the PC and plan on playing it on there eventually. FONV i had originally pre ordered for PS3. got to level 5 and hated it. traded it in and got it for PC, modded it (perk every 3 levels? nothing like making me HAVE to grind to enjoy the game. Perking is one of the funnest things in Fallout and NV made it suck, so perking every level was the first mod i got) and i still didnt really care for it, for the various reasons listed above. eventually i overpowered myself (gave myself a mini nuke gattling gun lol, among other stuff) and finally beat it. i did some side quests along the way, but i felt the whole time as if i was just dragging through, trying to get to the end. i have played several partial play throughs, including a Hardcore, non modded play through (except perking every level) but still, FO3 is a game ill go back to first before FONV.

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hoofhearted4, Yeah, it probably does have a lot more nostalgia appeal for people who know the stories behind the other games. I came to it having never played anything but FO3 as well, but I'd gone to the wiki between games and read everything about the old lore and that definitely made FNV a lot more fun for me.

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FNV was a Fallout RPG, FO3 was a shooter with some RPG elements and vague references to the Fallout universe. Anyone familiar with the franchise before FO3 will have spent most of their first FO3 playthrough facepalming and laughing. Then there was the atrocious writing in FO3, it was awful even by Bethesdas low standards. Bethesda are great at building worlds, they're pretty much useless at everything else, FO3 is a perfect example of it.

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