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Reduce RAM usage


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Can anyone give me tips on reducing RAM usage? I have my game beautifuly modded and my FPS is fine. I have 4 gigs of VRam but I keep reaching the RAM usage limit really fast. Can anyone give me tips on how I can reduce the RAM usage? I am using ENboost already- crashes within 10 seconds without it.

I have also optimized my textures to 2048. The most problematic area is around whiterun and near my Player Home.

Edited by Canderis
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I have also optimized my textures to 2048


I'm not sure in what context you are using "optimized."

2048 is quite a bit larger than the vanilla, and even the official hi-res. If you have changed all of your textures to 2048, that is what is eating your RAM.

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/\ /\ /\ Yeah, what she said.... optimized means better but if they are causing you to have problems then perhaps it is not "better". Truthfully, many of the textures cannot be told apart between 1k and 2k. Optimize your game to your rigs abilities.



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Its not your 'rig' being the limit, its the game engine + 32-bit application + directx9 which limits it.

Reduce textures. Don't optimize 4/8K textures to 2K... download 2K textures instead... believe it or not, a native 2K texture uses less memory than a downscaled 4K texture because the 2K one generally comes with 1K normal maps, and the downscaled 4K one will have 2K normal maps.


You cannot use Ultra textures if you wanna change all textures. Use 2K textures on environment and trees and use 1K textures on objects. People and armor you generally want higher res, so going 4K of them is fine. If you have Skyrim Ultra HD and combined with all textures overhauls and city overhauls you have to downscale Skyrim Ultra HD to 1K from the 4K it normally is as the author refuses to upload a 512/1K version while 512x512 is more than enough for a bucket texture (this is because City overhauls generally place >1000 new objects in cities which are covered by that mod).

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I did fix my problem, I switched from using the Texture Pack Combiner to just using a few mods and the dlc. Works fine now. Unrelated to RAM, but all my trees and distant buildings have a white glow. I'm using climates of tamriel. Any ideas on how to get rid of that?

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