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We're contacted directly by E.T.s, who would represent Humanity?


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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't see our world allowing, much less nominating, a single individual to represent all of humanity in First Contact. I would assume that a special delegation of UN representatives would be compiled consisting of both political officials as well as scientific minds.


None of this matters anyway, though. Unless the extraterrestrial parties involved make their presence known to the entire planet themselves, I don't see the Powers That Be on our little marble making First Contact public knowledge. Certainly not immediately.

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like the Baltic sea Anomaly they are calling it, first contact they say was made well over 100,000 years ago.



The most legit ufo finding to this date and something that can't technically be disputed,

Edited by Thor.
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Can't be disputed? Really? Only one fuzzy sonar image, taken with a cheap, inaccurate, improperly installed and calibrated instrument. No samples taken of the object, that I am aware of, (didn't watch the video) and a man that has a LOT to be gained from extraordinay claims. (taking a wealthy tourist down in a sub, for instance.)


It's a rock. End of story.

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Not just one fuzzy sonar image, they have been studying this thing for 2 years now.


you can even ask them questions directly if you have doubts.




and their homepage.



taking someone down there would be to risky, considering the fact they have been having issues with electronics being jammed, even when they dived down there, some of the divers experienced nose bleeding. Still hasn't stopped them though.

Edited by Thor.
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