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Shadowrun Returns and Chivalry Medieval Warfare now supported on the N


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In response to post #8709770. #8710697 is also a reply to the same post.

Got to understand the setup now. I don't handle fixing the load issues. That's for the coders to sort out. Adding 2 new sites adds no extra work load to the people fixing things and the traffic addition is so negligible as to be not worth talking about. These problems will occur with new sites or without them.

I can either sit on my ass playing glorified PR while the coders fix things or I can get on and do things. I choose to get on and do things. Edited by Dark0ne
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In response to post #8709770. #8710697, #8710877 are all replies on the same post.

I see, I'm in agreement on other parts of the nexus not having really any traffic worth mentioning, and the quantity of mods can never compare to Oblivion and Skyrim. I'm just experiencing slowdowns still. =/

Edit: Oh, you meant the additions, well...it's still true what I said. :p Edited by Rethrain
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In response to post #8709770. #8710697, #8710877, #8710993 are all replies on the same post.

I think what we mean is even after the new server things for me and it would seem others haven't changed much, ive had the 502 error most of tonight,so adding more strain as little as it maybe seems counter productive until the whole site is running smooth ?.
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In response to post #8709770. #8710697, #8710877, #8710993, #8711589 are all replies on the same post.

The site's not going to be smooth until we move to the cloud setup mentioned in one of the previous news posts. It's on order, it needs to be built and the sites need to be converted to work on it. All of it takes time.

My work isn't going to stop until that stuff is ready because my work doesn't really affect the other work. As far as I know all the Nexus sites except Skyrim are running much better these days, except when the cluster decides to hiccup, which isn't often. And indeed even Skyrim has picked up some. Skyrim is still limited. The solution is being worked on. Edited by Dark0ne
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