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Shutting down the government over Obamacare?


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Erm, the deficit isn't even a real problem? Really? You don't think spending damn near a trillion dollars more than we take in EVERY YEAR isn't a problem? Seriously?


Here is where conservatives get duped by buying in on just "faith" what they hear from right wing media being told the Deficit is some how completely out of control and outrageously growing under the Obama administration. For one thing the debt and the deficit are two different things and most people who hear about either will think they are the same thing which they are not. It's very shocking why I keep hearing from people who support republicans in office claim the deficit is a huge problem when it is obviously not even anything to worry about even looking directly at the raw numbers and data.




"Over the first four years of the Obama presidency, the deficit shrunk by a total of $300 billion dollars. That is not the national debt- it is the amount of money we spend each year relative to the amount we take in. And while this improving deficit picture is not what those who believe in a balanced budget would be looking for, it is a shrinking deficit just the same."


“Compared to the size of the economy, the deficit in 2013 is much lower than in 2009, when Obama took office. The deficit will be 5.3 percent of gross domestic product this year, nearly half the 10.1 percent of GDP in 2009.”




"It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic scratch his head in confusion." Obama is actually the smallest government spender since Eisenhower...


But it seems to just sound great to claim Obama is some how a big spender and making a deficit out to be some huge problem under his administration to rally conservative support showing no real evidence to back this claim up. Conservatives would rather keep their constituency confused and in the dark duping them with anything to make Obama look bad even when things are completely false and easy to research themselves...


I hate to say this HeyYou, but you have been totally duped by the Republican party on the Deficit.

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Terribly sorry, but, that doesn't even address the deficit at all. That just shows government spending growth is slowing. Has nothing at all to do with the fed spending more than it takes in. (the definition of deficit spending.....) Have a look here for a better picture of where we are at, and where we are heading. The picture isn't good.

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Terribly sorry, but, that doesn't even address the deficit at all. That just shows government spending growth is slowing. Has nothing at all to do with the fed spending more than it takes in. (the definition of deficit spending.....) Have a look here for a better picture of where we are at, and where we are heading. The picture isn't good.


Government debt, the accumulated amount of deficits; "debt" and "deficit" you seem to be some how confused between the two. Was never claiming the national debt wasn't outrageously high but in regards to the deficit, the Deficit is empirically shrinking under Obama's administration.


Plus I don't know how credible I would actually view a "blog" called "instapundit" as a reliable resource... expecially after reading a line like this from that link you posted in your comment...


"UPDATE: Here’s another, more precise one, from a reader who asks to remain anonymous."


Reading something like this just makes one wonder could it be because they don't want scrutiny on how unaccurate and misleading the data is on the blog?










A deficit is a shortage. Similar to anaccount that is overdrawn. in other words you are spending money that does in reality not exist yet.


Deficit spending is spending money you don't own in other words borrowed money.


A deficit, or deficit financing, is what happens when the government spends more money than it takes in from taxes. Deficit spending can be accomplished by borrowing or simply by printing more money.

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I am quite familiar with the terms, and know precisely what they mean, and what they imply. Did you bother following my link?


The Deficit IS currently shrinking, however, that is projected to change DRAMATICALLY over the next several years. The debt is still growing at an alarming rate. We borrow right round 40 cents of every dollar our government spends. How is that in any way "not important"?

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The Deficit IS currently shrinking, however, that is projected to change DRAMATICALLY over the next several years. The debt is still growing at an alarming rate. We borrow right round 40 cents of every dollar our government spends. How is that in any way "not important"?


Was never saying the national Debt was "not" important. Just the Deficit is not really that important compared to other presidencies. Obama is actually historically the smallest government spender since Eisenhower. In every other presidency since the Eisenhower administration the Deficits have been vastly larger. So I really don't see why anyone would think that all of a sudden now the deficit is a problem. Also would like to point out, your link is outdated. After the Sequester cuts of this year, those "projected" figures in that blog chart have drastically changed. The Deficit is only going to keep on shrinking even more. Our Country currently has no deficit problem. Also right now no one knows exactly how many cents of every dollar our government has been spending over borrowing this year, we won't know specifically till sometime next year.

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Our Country currently has no deficit problem.

Burying your head in the sand does not make the problem go away.


Spending GROWTH is on the decline, but, spending is still going up. National debt is still increasing. The portion of the federal budget to simply service that debt is still increasing. How can you NOT see this as a problem?


Projected budgets are also STILL showing deficit spending. If I tried to run my household budget that way, I would be in prison in short order, how can we allow our government to do so? There is going to come a time when all those folks we borrow money from start wondering when, or even IF, they are going to see their money back. China has already made noises in this direction. Japan is altering its fiscal policy in such manner that borrowing from them is going to become more and more expensive. (I think they are the number 2 holder of american debt.)


We are heading for a fall that will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.

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Our Country currently has no deficit problem.

Burying your head in the sand does not make the problem go away.


Spending GROWTH is on the decline, but, spending is still going up. National debt is still increasing. The portion of the federal budget to simply service that debt is still increasing. How can you NOT see this as a problem?


I guess we can just agree to disagree. Because during every presidency deficits always increase and decrease but when looking at the bigger picture things are not so "out of control". Thinking our country has a deficit problem because we are spending a certain amount of every dollar taken in is like thinking someone who borrows money to pay off a house loan is insane because of having to pay interest.


"Significantly, in 2000 America had a budget surplus. By 2009 surpluses were long gone and the country was racking up historic deficits as taxes were cut while simultaneously outlays for defense skyrocketed to cover costs of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, banks were on the edge of failing due to unregulated real estate speculation and massive derivative losses."


"Today the Congressional Budget Office is reporting a $200B decrease in the deficit almost entirely due to increased revenue from a growing economy and higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans. The deficit is now only 4% of the GDP, down from over 10% at the end of Bush’s administration – and projections are for it to be only 2% by 2015 (before Obama leaves office.) America’s “debt problem” seems largely solved, and almost all due to growth rather than austerity."




It just sounds good to rally partisan conservative support to keep on claiming we have some kind of out of control problem because you say the "National debt is still increasing".



We are heading for a fall that will make 2008 look like a walk in the park.


In regards to this statement I would totally concede "if" you are correct but there is just too much evidence out there suggesting the contrary...

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The US is heading for hyperinflation if it isn't careful, you can only inflate so much debt away, do it too much and investors will start demanding much higher yields on bonds to counter the loss from inflation, at that point the cost of borrowing increases and the only way to keep it going to is print more money, that in turn leads to more inflation, higher bond yields, more printing and yet more inflation. The people hardest hit by this will be the low paid and those on fixed incomes, the very people the spendaholic left say they care about.

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