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Mods Reloaded


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I really mean no offense but aren't we better having the one, reliable source of mods (and their important updates)?



Why would we need another one?

Stuff happens. Do not be fooled into thinking that the Nexus will live forever or any other site for that matter. If, Heaven forbid, Dark0ne were hit by a bus, this site would cease to exist rather quickly. Dark0ne is at the center of keeping this boat afloat. There are many factors necessary that must be kept inline for this site to thrive and Dark0ne is at the center of it all.


Reference Post


I have always been an advocate for making backups in case of disaster. For those that have been around when TESSource.net went dark, many people woke up and noticed the huge black hole in its absence. Thankfully, TESNexus came up from the ashes but without any images...thus a mad dash to restore as many images as we (the community) could find.


When uploading mods, try to add it to two major sites that index mods (makes them searchable) like the Nexus and PES. These can be primary sites which also allow updates without changing the URLs of the original uploads. Then add the files to file mirrors such as MediaFire, 4Shared and FileFront for example. See this page for many more alternatives.


I will check out this new site and see how it fits in my list of online resources. ;)




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The site works fairly well. The only thing standing in the way of a mass upload from me is not being able to have multiple files associated to a single mod.


I would never upload Lost Paladins unless I could attach all the related files and it would be a bit much to archive all archives into a single download (such as all translations, body types, etc.)


Any hope for allowing multiple files in the future or is it set in stone?


Thanks for the great site. I will add it to the resource page when I finish my review of features.


EDIT: Seems I ran into a snag. I uploaded the actual mod file initially when I created the "Arctic Gear Improved" page but when I tried to add an additional file (the UFF conversion), I found out it overwrote the 1st file. When trying to upload the original file again, I keep getting the same error message over and over again:


The Target Mod does not exist. Please report the error to the WebMaster.



An error occured during the operation.



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I have uploaded 17 of my mods to the site an have become quite familiar with the process.


Here are my recommendations for improvement (feel free to ignore)

  1. The uploaded files need to be partially renamed with a random number on the end. When I downloaded the files, they retained the exact same filename as what I uploaded. This is most likely going to be a problem (as noted in prior post) if the same file is uploaded a second time and the old file is orphaned (not purged). I also wonder if it would cause problems between other mods with the same filenames. Example: MyMod.7z is uploaded but when downloaded it shows something like MyMod-1234.7z
  2. There seems to be very little control of the uploads after they are uploaded. New files can replace the current (for updates) and the description can be edited but the entire mod cannot be deleted nor the uploaded screenshots in case there was an uh-oh.
  3. Would like to have the ability to upload multiple files for a single mod page (individual file descriptions would be a must for this as well)
  4. It would also be nice if the screenshots retained part of their filename as well...or at least renamed to match file mod rather than just a completely random filename. Example: MyMod1.jpg, MyMod2.jpg, MyMod3.jpg, etc.
  5. It would save a lot of time if multiple images could be uploaded at once.
  6. I noticed that you have multiple screenshots, that you need to upload the primary screenshot twice so it shows in the image gallery as well as the mod page itself.
  7. Would like to see both upload pages combined into a single upload page or at least allow the file upload to work in the background while setup the rest of the fields such as the description.
  8. Would like to see a preview option for the description.
  9. Would like to see the COLOR BBCode added (very minor request)

Thanks for taking the time to read these suggestions.


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It would save a lot of time if multiple images could be uploaded at once.


I spoke with Webslug (Aka. Slugworld) today and he said he is currently adding this feature. As for the others, no word yet.

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Thanks for the lookup Lhammonds.


The uploaded files need to be partially renamed with a random number on the end. When I downloaded the files, they retained the exact same filename as what I uploaded. This is most likely going to be a problem (as noted in prior post) if the same file is uploaded a second time and the old file is orphaned (not purged). I also wonder if it would cause problems between other mods with the same filenames. Example: MyMod.7z is uploaded but when downloaded it shows something like MyMod-1234.7z


There is no need to add a random file number to the end of the file. The file names are preserved initially and the mods are temporarily renamed with a random string. Upon download the file is presented with the original name intact.


I noticed that you have multiple screenshots, that you need to upload the primary screenshot twice so it shows in the image gallery as well as the mod page itself.


This has now been fixed.


The multi image uploader is also in development. I'm adding adult content controls, names and descriptions and its going to take a while to get it all up and running.


Your Patience is appreciated.

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