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(NSFW) Vindey's basement


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Well, I'm hardly a new face around the Nexus, been here nearly three years give or take. I'm not a modder, not anymore, but I can write, and so I've decided to start posting things here. Before I begin, a few ground rules.

1: My writing isn't copyrighted. It will never be published. However, you will not upload it elsewhere, modify it, or use it for anything other than reading material without first asking very nicely for my permission.

2: This is my story. That means I'm in charge. If you write to me whinging about how my character isn't a stormcloak or should be some half-naked bimbo or doesn't fit your taste then I'll completely ignore you. 3: My story. My rules.

4: This is a story. If you write to me complaining that it's not lore friendly, I won't be happy.

5: If you post complaints/comments in the story thread, I will ask for them to be removed. It's equivalent to talking through a movie. Any comments should be addressed to me via PM.



The following story is to be treated as NSFW(not safe for work) It is within the boundaries of this site's rules, and you view it at YOUR OWN RISK. It does however, contain a high degree of violence, mature themes, and is aimed at and exclusively at adult readers and was never even consider for child viewing. If you allow a child to read this, it's your fault if they grow up to be a demon hunter/vampire/accountant/space-slug. You have been warned.


So what's this about? It started as a school project. I was asked to write a story, and since I was short on time I decided to backstory my Oblivion character(that should date this for you). One thing lead to another, and after spending 7 straight hours furiously typing, the result was a finished short story entitled "Daughter Of Hircine" It was much too bloody, sexy and goth-horror to be appropriate for a school writing project, but I submitted it anyway, and was personally taken to the principles' office shortly after and told that while I exhibited "outstanding talent" that I would have to edit it before it could be read out.


I came back to writing after that, I'd been a bookworm since I'd learned to read, and this is the follow on to that early work. What you're oggling here is the messy first-draft for a fanfic. It's my first foray into writing. If you like it, great! if you don't, PM me and tell me what went wrong(within reason) I'm always open to suggestions, but please don't write if you're just going to say "hurr, needs more chainbikini" Because that would cheapen the whole thing immeasurably.





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Well, my research would suggest this area of the forum gets fewer views than the surface of Venus. I'm going to post a single chapter as a pilot and we'll see how we go this time next week, but unless things change I probably won't waste time and space posting the whole thing; demand seems extremely low.


I had come to Skyrim looking for a better life. But like most people who go looking for that, I hadn't found it.
Until I had arrived, it had seemed like paradise; a quiet place, far away from the madness of the Imperial heartland,
somehwere I might finally be able to rest for a while, to take stock, and to recover from my improsenment. None of that
had happened of course; where there were humans, there were wars, every bit as pointless and self-destructive as the one
I had come to escape. Where there were humans, there was also the core of intolerance, ignorance, and self-righteousness
that ended my hopes of a quieter life far more surely than the pointless civil war the Nords were so obsessed with.
Chap. 1
I had settled in Hild's folley, hoping simply to blend in, another outsider coming to the little hamlet to escape the war.
It would have been perfect but for the simple inability of humans to leave well enough alone. I'd done my time, hadn't I?
110 years in forced Imperial service, the hunting hound of five successive bastard Emperors, each more unworthy of the title
than the last. I'd earned my freedom by doing the dark deeds that they couldn't or wouldn't dirty their precious legion with.
And yet that hadn't been enough; at the end of it all I'd been sold, quite literally, to the Vigil of Stendarr, and spent
eight years hanging in a cage from the wall of a castle.
Hild's Folley had been my one chance to put it all behind me, and vanish. Maybe then I might have peace. But peace was a rare
thing indeed in Skyrim, and as the sun began to rise on only my second day, the gods decided to drag me back into war once again.
Raised voices broke my trance; a trance was the closest I would ever get to sleep these days. I climbed to my feet, uncoiling from
the shadows in a way too fluid and too boneless to be human and slid over to the window.
It was pre-dawn, the sun not yet in the sky. A group of ragged Nords in white robes milled in the center of town, holding lanterns
and maces-Vigilants. The Vigil had been noble once; a group devoted to hunting down Daedra in all their forms. But when you fought
an enemy for long enough, you risked becoming like them. The Vigil were nothing better than thugs who abused their gods-given powers,
stealing under the guise of commandeering, pillaging under the guise of inquisition. I knew. I'd been one once. I didn't need to listen
in to know they were here for me. I was the one who'd gotten away after all, I suppose I'd been naive to think they'd stop hunting me.
I stepped out into the street, and approached the mob. They were already getting rowdy, I would need to intervein soon or they'd hurt
somebody. They liked doing that. They were hardly an impressive sight, the Vigil had once been noble knights, but these men
looked more like bandits. Their white hoods were worn over crude fur armour, their bodies unwashed and reeking. I felt a twinge of
loathing just looking at them. They didn't see me until I was standing in the middle of them, and as I stepped up to their leader
I wondered just where they... we had gone wrong.
"You're a disgrace to the uniform" I called, the shadows falling from me like a discarded silk veil. The men swung to face me, reaching for
their weapons. "Relax" I said "If I was here to fight some of you would be dead already, I'm here to bargain" "Carcette wants you" the big
leader growled "Carcette gonna make us all rich, when bring you to him" "Then I suppose you better take me to Carcette" I replied "but on
one condition" "When you leave with me, you let these people be, they didn't once try to help me, keep them out of this and I'll let you
take me to Carcette for your bounty, and I won't even have to put a curse on you" He looked at me thoughtfully "And what's to stop you getting
loose on the way and killing us all in our sleep? he warned us about you, you're a witch, what's you gonna give us in collateral?"
I stepped forward and extended my hands "You can bind me" I said already starting to regret my attempt at heroism. The Vigilant nodded and placed
silver stocks on my hands. I should have taken that as the warning right then; stocks like that must have cost a fortune, these men were not the
usual bandits in white hoods, but I'd been away from the front for a long time, and so my mistake was perhaps understandable if not forgiveable.
It didn't make in difference in the end; once I was bound they looted and burned the town anyway. Nobody would ever know that the people of Hild's
Folley were simple farmers, the town's fate would go down in history as a great triumph of the Vigil over a town overrun with vampires.
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Wow, really nice! You really are a great writer. The first person perspective is also endearing somehow, and I don't even know the protagonist's name yet!


I've pictured him as a dunmer, strangely enough. But, I reason he's Imperial.


Also, I think that the views tally on the forums hasn't been working properly lately, as I've viewed this topic a few times now and it seems to be stuck on zero.


EDIT: No wait, now it went up to 28. Odd.

Edited by billyro
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Funny you say that, my original protagonist was a Dunmer, but I lost some of my original notes for this, so I decided to edit in a new character. You'll get to know them eventually. And I'm absolutely certain views are broken, because I'm showing 0 views 0 replies. Can't be the case, clearly.

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I sat in the dark in the back of the carriage. It may have been light outside I knew, but I couldn't see it. The vigilants had been thorough, they had cut out my tongue, torn out my eyes, and broken every bone they could, but my will remained unbroken. I had been through far worse, and pain didn't frighten me anymore. I had nothing to do but rest and regret my naivety, so that was what I did. I lay back against the frame of the wagon, closed my eyelids, and myself fade. I hadn't actually slept for years, but I could rest, rebuild myself, and prepare for whatever would come next.


Though once human, I was now more Daedra than mortal. In life I had been a sorceress of great ability, and great arrogance. I had thought that my "mastery" of the Conjuration school somehow gave me the power or right to try and bind a fragment of Oblivion to my being, and the Sixteen had punished me for it. I had been pulled into the depths of Oblivion along with my entire coven. All but two of us died, drowning in the maelstrom of emotion, magicka and Daedric essence-I had survived, revived by the terrifying power of the Voidstream, the wellspring from which all Daedric life began and where a Daedra was reborn after being cast back into Oblivion upon death.


I had been reborn as a Shade. Half human, half Daedra. A shade was the incredibly rare result of a favoured Daedric sorcerer becoming lost in the depths of Oblivion as a result of magical accident or death, coming into direct contact with their demonic patron. Sometimes said patron would return their servant to life, and in a few truly rare situations when the sorcerer's body could no longer sustain their life, be reborn as a Shade. Shades were neither fully Daedra, nor mortal, and always embodied the aspect of their patron.


This was why the Vigil had so doggedly hunted me. To them I was the ultimate abomination; the mortal embodiment of everything they hated. They didn't care that I'd never harmed innocents or committed a crime, the very fact I was a shade was enough justification for their hatred. My only real chance to get my life back was to either convince Carcette, their leader, to leave me be, or to exterminate the entire Vigil. And so with that I rested, planned, and recovered. The power of the Void rose in me, potent Daedric magic coursing through my veins like fire.

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I really like your story so far. I was surprised and a bit ashamed of myself that the protagonist is female....shame on me.


Really though well done, Vin. I hope you keep posting as I am caught up in it. It is obvious that this is a character that you know and love.

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Thanks both of you, but yeah it's a heterogeneous mix of an old script and a character I wrote for a different story but was never able to fully realize. The script is largely unchanged, though I added some new characters.

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Unfortunately it could be as late as next month before I can continue this. I've got a hell of a month of work to get through before I'll be able to really sit down and write this.

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