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GOP leader threatens to cut CNN and NBC from primary debates


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I don't want the dems to have complete control.

I don't want the repubbies to have complete control.


Given that the republican party is so fractured right now, they don't know their head from a hole in the ground, I foresee the dems picking up some seats in both the house, and the senate, and very possibly the presidency in '16 as well. That is a situation I would just as soon avoid. So, instead of voting for some third-party candidate, that likely has zero chance of winning, I will vote for the opposition that just might have some small chance of offsetting the dems.


I see it as the most effective use of my vote, to make sure that NEITHER party gets control across the board. It isn't the ideal situation, but, when it comes to politics in america, ya work with what ya got.


So let me get this straight if a Republican is "ever" elected again to the presidency, you would be then voting a straight Democratic ticket in the next election cycle? Some how I don't see this being very sincere political logic.


If you ask me I think you are in a bit of political denial where you try to make up reasoning to justify your support of your party. Frankly I would feel a bit embarrassed too if the political party I supported was doing and demanding such ridiculous things like threatening to cut television networks from primary debates over what they broadcast to threatening to shutdown the government over a healthcare law that would most likely go into effect regardless if the shutdown was successful.


I would think the most effective use of your vote would be to vote for people regardless of political affiliation who would do good for the country as a whole. At this point I personally wouldn't have a problem of either party having total control of all government branches as long as they are not trying to run the country into the ground. If you look at what the republicans in power are currently doing you only need to ask what has been accomplished through legislation, basically nothing good.


If even remotely half of the nation felt the way you do about how politics should be it would seem America will be in a perpetual state of political grid lock till one party becomes too extreme for anyone to handle. For the record the republican party seems to be heading in this direction at a fast pace as the years go by. I really don't see the republican party lasting very long if they keep insisting their party to keep moving further to the right of the political spectrum that only seems to be appealing to a base that has a stunted demographic growth.

Edited by colourwheel
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Having watched how the media portrays both sides for the past 30 years, I would love to fire all the reporters and cancel every news station, then make them start over by going back to school to learn how to report facts, and not opinions like they do now.

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Having watched how the media portrays both sides for the past 30 years, I would love to fire all the reporters and cancel every news station, then make them start over by going back to school to learn how to report facts, and not opinions like they do now.


Not sure what media outlets you watch but actual news is reported on facts, just because a reporter injects opinions in their reporting doesn't discredit the facts or the reports they make. Without a human opinion in reporting we might as well just be reading raw data on spreadsheets.

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Opinions have their place in the editorials, not as part of a news broadcast. I want to know the facts, I am intelligent enough to form my own opinion. I don't need to know the reporters opinion.


Then you should be intelligent enough to know how to separate the opinions from the facts and not be so discouraged by how a news casters or reporter reports the facts regardless of how they inject opinions into their reporting.

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If even remotely half of the nation felt the way you do about how politics should be it would seem America will be in a perpetual state of political grid lock till one party becomes too extreme for anyone to handle. For the record the republican party seems to be heading in this direction at a fast pace as the years go by. I really don't see the republican party lasting very long if they keep insisting their party to keep moving further to the right of the political spectrum that only seems to be appealing to a base that has a stunted demographic growth.


It's not because of the merit of their arguments that the left is winning on a national level. The main reason that the Democratic Party is enjoying success is because of mass (mostly illegal) immigration. All political trends are moving steadily conservative, and so the liberals must bring into the country and enfranchise new voters who will reliably cast Democratic ballots. Legal immigration alone will bury the GOP in a few more election cycles. Also, people are getting married later, which benefits the left because married people are more conservative. And they are keeping kids in college for longer. That keeps them from realizing how dysfunctional leftism is by experiencing the real world, and puts them deeper in debt (which prolongs the period in which they're too poor to marry/have kids.)


Now add in that the GOP is unwilling to fight on almost any issue which would change this situation. They're ready to surrender on immigration and gay marriage without even taking the field. The only two issues that the GOP firmly defends is that the rich pay too much in taxes, and that the defense of Israel is a cornerstone of US national security. The GOP doesn't deserve to survive. Romney’s candidacy was proof of the GOP apparatchiks worthlessness, and contempt for the rest of us.


The GOP is nothing but a pseudo-conservative moneyist party, two steps behind the Dems. Even if the GOP lurches even further left to where the Democrats are now, minorities have absolutely no-incentive to vote for them because the Dems will just promise more government goodies than whatever the GOP is peddling.


Half the problem is that conservatives constantly play the game according to the lefts rules. This "moderate conservative" nonsense is what needs to stop. They need to realize that being moderately right when the opposition is clearly no longer moderately left is like pissing into the wind, the time for amicable politics is over.

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It's not because of the merit of their arguments that the left is winning on a national level. The main reason that the Democratic Party is enjoying success is because of mass (mostly illegal) immigration. All political trends are moving steadily conservative, and so the liberals must bring into the country and enfranchise new voters who will reliably cast Democratic ballots.


As much as some of the things you have posted make some sense, I would have to totally disagree with you on the immigration thing. Unless you can prove democrats control the federal government because of illegal immigration this statement is complete fantasy. The exit polls have been reviewed after the last election and a majority of the nation (legal citizens) have re-elected Obama in both a majority of the electoral votes and popular votes. No amount of Illegal immigrants could possible end up electing a president without someone noticing something was fishy and only about 3.7 percent of the U.S.’s current population is made up undocumented immigrants. I can understand if you might think all political trends are moving steadily conservative but this doesn't seem to be the case when democrats are slowly gaining control on all levels of federal government.

Edited by colourwheel
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@ MajKrAzAm ... Talking of immigrants, I have family who stay in Boston ... when in the States

they're left wing, they vote left and support Obama etc.


These are the same people who used to criticize me when I chose same sex relationships.

Yet they have conservative mindsets.

The reason they do not vote right and I suspect the same reason goes for many immigrants is because

the right wing in the US comes across as old style racist, the very thing they hate.


I reckon the moment the right in the US begins to include immigrants in their patriotic, conservative,

paternalistic, family-orientated lifestyle (not saying that the left is not family orientated), but the moment

the right does this, the just as conservative immigrant will begin to join their ranks.


But as long as they continue with their "verkramte" attitudes in the press they will continue to drive

people away because it seems like they're promoting old style "white" politics.


Having said that, this could always change overnight if some nut job decides to launch an attack on the

States like on the 9/11 attack ... then the entire US goes into war mode and the right wing snatches the poles

and spends another good few terms in office.

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Okay, serious question: When did the debates forum turn into Stormfront-Lite? Has Dark1ne been putting, like, BNP adverts all over the place that I'm not aware of? Has the KKK recently adopted Skyrim as an "Aryan race simulator"? Because it seems like in every single thread on here, one side of the debate always gets taken over by a bona fide white supremacist. This... didn't happen ten years ago. What changed?
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If even remotely half of the nation felt the way you do about how politics should be it would seem America will be in a perpetual state of political grid lock till one party becomes too extreme for anyone to handle. For the record the republican party seems to be heading in this direction at a fast pace as the years go by. I really don't see the republican party lasting very long if they keep insisting their party to keep moving further to the right of the political spectrum that only seems to be appealing to a base that has a stunted demographic growth.


It's not because of the merit of their arguments that the left is winning on a national level. The main reason that the Democratic Party is enjoying success is because of mass (mostly illegal) immigration. All political trends are moving steadily conservative, and so the liberals must bring into the country and enfranchise new voters who will reliably cast Democratic ballots. Legal immigration alone will bury the GOP in a few more election cycles. Also, people are getting married later, which benefits the left because married people are more conservative. And they are keeping kids in college for longer. That keeps them from realizing how dysfunctional leftism is by experiencing the real world, and puts them deeper in debt (which prolongs the period in which they're too poor to marry/have kids.)


Now add in that the GOP is unwilling to fight on almost any issue which would change this situation. They're ready to surrender on immigration and gay marriage without even taking the field. The only two issues that the GOP firmly defends is that the rich pay too much in taxes, and that the defense of Israel is a cornerstone of US national security. The GOP doesn't deserve to survive. Romney’s candidacy was proof of the GOP apparatchiks worthlessness, and contempt for the rest of us.


The GOP is nothing but a pseudo-conservative moneyist party, two steps behind the Dems. Even if the GOP lurches even further left to where the Democrats are now, minorities have absolutely no-incentive to vote for them because the Dems will just promise more government goodies than whatever the GOP is peddling.


Half the problem is that conservatives constantly play the game according to the lefts rules. This "moderate conservative" nonsense is what needs to stop. They need to realize that being moderately right when the opposition is clearly no longer moderately left is like pissing into the wind, the time for amicable politics is over.



The "Conservatives" here in the UK are finding out what lurching to the left does, they've gained no extra support from the left but have lost a lot of their own traditional support, their membership has more than halved since the current leader took over. To make matters worse the left wing Labour party lurched to the right when Blair took over in the 90's, now we have two social democrat parties that are hard to tell apart, needless to say voter apathy is on the rise.




Okay, serious question: When did the debates forum turn into Stormfront-Lite? Has Dark1ne been putting, like, BNP adverts all over the place that I'm not aware of? Has the KKK recently adopted Skyrim as an "Aryan race simulator"? Because it seems like in every single thread on here, one side of the debate always gets taken over by a bona fide white supremacist. This... didn't happen ten years ago. What changed?



Why not address his points rather than calling him racist? his point isn't without merit http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/aug/11/ethnic-minority-votes-decisive-general-election

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