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GOP leader threatens to cut CNN and NBC from primary debates


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This is submental political faddism, the kind of eye-rolling, dull trendiness that afflicts beltway analysts whose sole claim to pundit status is the ability to stay au courant with whatever is making the rounds among the chief blogs/papers. In its vulgarity and cynicism it is really beneath reply. It makes one wonder aloud if the GOP's "tough choice" might perhaps involve actually determining which policy is best for America as a nation, and worrying less about how to manipulate its base using ad techniques better suited to advertizing consumer goods.


When you look at it that way, it's fairly obvious that whatever the Mexican/white liberal/big corporate axis represents, it isn't conservative and it is destroying the nation. Let me repeat what I previously posted: The Republican Party hopes to curry favor with these groups anyway, because it is apparently fine with the idea of ruling a rapidly declining wasteland. Hey, it still counts as ruling!

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This is submental political faddism, the kind of eye-rolling, dull trendiness that afflicts beltway analysts whose sole claim to pundit status is the ability to stay au courant with whatever is making the rounds among the chief blogs/papers. In its vulgarity and cynicism it is really beneath reply. It makes one wonder aloud if the GOP's "tough choice" might perhaps involve actually determining which policy is best for America as a nation, and worrying less about how to manipulate its base using ad techniques better suited to advertizing consumer goods.


I respect your opinion but I think it's the social policies that make a majority of the nation view the Republican party as a whole in such a negative way. Republican social policies are very anti-women, anti-immigration, anti-LGTB, and against the poor, middle, and low waged working classes. These demographic groups are what make up the majority of the nation which is America. If it's determination of policies in reflection to what is "best for America as a nation", social conservative policies are not the answer. The social ideology across the nation of the republican party makes the party unpopular for a person like me. Any political party that makes one feel like a second class citizen isn't going to have an easy time gaining any support.

Edited by colourwheel
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This is submental political faddism, the kind of eye-rolling, dull trendiness that afflicts beltway analysts whose sole claim to pundit status is the ability to stay au courant with whatever is making the rounds among the chief blogs/papers. In its vulgarity and cynicism it is really beneath reply. It makes one wonder aloud if the GOP's "tough choice" might perhaps involve actually determining which policy is best for America as a nation, and worrying less about how to manipulate its base using ad techniques better suited to advertizing consumer goods.


I respect your opinion but I think it's the social policies that make a majority of the nation view the Republican party as a whole in such a negative way. Republican social policies are very anti-women, anti-immigration, anti-LGTB, and against the poor, middle, and low waged working classes. These demographic groups are what make up the majority of the nation which is America. If it's determination of policies in reflection to what is "best for America as a nation", social conservative policies are not the answer. The social ideology across the nation of the republican party makes the party unpopular for a person like me. Any political party that makes one feel like a second class citizen isn't going to have an easy time gaining any support.



The Democrats aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is replacing low paid indigenous workers with cheap imported labour helping to the poorest? how is printing money and driving up inflation helpful to the poorest? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful? both parties are pandering to the groups they think will give them the best shot at office, neither is doing what's best for the country.

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The Democrats aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is replacing low paid indigenous workers with cheap imported labour helping to the poorest? how is printing money and driving up inflation helpful to the poorest? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful? both parties are pandering to the groups they think will give them the best shot at office, neither is doing what's best for the country.


With all due respect almost the exact kind of blame game can be easily said about Republicans...


"The Republicans aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is giving tax cuts to the rich helping to the poorest? how is corporate deregulation and defunding government programs helpful to the poorest when living costs are being driven up? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful?"


The national debt can't be blamed as a whole on Democrats alone. Republicans are just as much to blame for the "nations debt" and in some respects even more so to blame for why the debt is as big as it is due to the bush administration putting two wars on a credit card while at the same time cutting taxes for the entire nation. I have stated in another thread recently, that Obama is the smallest government spender since Eisenhower. Deficits have never been so small since world war II. "Maybe" currently neither party is doing what's best for the country, but the Republicans on capital hill are not even giving democrats a chance to even properly govern. Blocking legislation every chance they get leaving no constructive input to make things better, wasting time trying to deny Obama every appointed staff member. A political party that has recently stood for nothing but being anti-Obama where as almost more than a third of the republicans in office on capital hill are elected to govern who do not even believe in government to begin with who seem to only obstruct government and government progress.


But going back to the point of social policies... even "if" a political party had the best interest of the country and was viewed having outstanding fiscal policies that seem to be working, who would really want to be governed by even in such a government utopia when a majority of the nation feels like 2nd class citizens due to forced social policies the party stands for? This is where The modern Republican party seems to be in a snag over. It would seem the Republican party as a whole is unwilling to disassociate "maybe" even "if" it's unintentional forcing of social ideology on the country where as a majority of the nation does not relate.


Putting it in a fictitious perspective, "If" the Republican party all of a sudden had a very strong Muslim ideology in America where as the social policies they forced on the nation represented strongly reflecting as such, I could see the party quickly becoming very unpopular having a stunted demographic support. This is kind of how I feel about the republican party, after Obama was elected president in 2008 the republican party changed over night in a very extreme way.


Liberal social ideology does not make any particular demographic group feel like 2nd class citizens.

Edited by colourwheel
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The Democrats aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is replacing low paid indigenous workers with cheap imported labour helping to the poorest? how is printing money and driving up inflation helpful to the poorest? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful? both parties are pandering to the groups they think will give them the best shot at office, neither is doing what's best for the country.


With all due respect almost the exact kind of blame game can be easily said about Republicans...


"The Republicans aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is giving tax cuts to the rich helping to the poorest? how is corporate deregulation and defunding government programs helpful to the poorest when living costs are being driven up? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful?"


This. Exactly.


The problem is, NEITHER of the major parties have the best interests of THIS country at heart. They only represent the folks that can donate millions to their campaign coffers. Until we change the rules regarding political campaigns/contributions/lobbyists, NOTHING is going to change. Only problem is, the only folks that CAN make those changes, are the very same folks that benefit most from NOT changing them.

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The Democrats aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is replacing low paid indigenous workers with cheap imported labour helping to the poorest? how is printing money and driving up inflation helpful to the poorest? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful? both parties are pandering to the groups they think will give them the best shot at office, neither is doing what's best for the country.


With all due respect almost the exact kind of blame game can be easily said about Republicans...


"The Republicans aren't exactly helping the poorest either, how is giving tax cuts to the rich helping to the poorest? how is corporate deregulation and defunding government programs helpful to the poorest when living costs are being driven up? how is running up massive debts that the nations children will have to pay helpful?"


The national debt can't be blamed as a whole on Democrats alone. Republicans are just as much to blame for the "nations debt" and in some respects even more so to blame for why the debt is as big as it is due to the bush administration putting two wars on a credit card while at the same time cutting taxes for the entire nation. I have stated in another thread recently, that Obama is the smallest government spender since Eisenhower. Deficits have never been so small since world war II. "Maybe" currently neither party is doing what's best for the country, but the Republicans on capital hill are not even giving democrats a chance to even properly govern. Blocking legislation every chance they get leaving no constructive input to make things better, wasting time trying to deny Obama every appointed staff member. A political party that has recently stood for nothing but being anti-Obama where as almost more than a third of the republicans in office on capital hill are elected to govern who do not even believe in government to begin with who seem to only obstruct government and government progress.


But going back to the point of social policies... even "if" a political party had the best interest of the country and was viewed having outstanding fiscal policies that seem to be working, who would really want to be governed by even in such a government utopia when a majority of the nation feels like 2nd class citizens due to forced social policies the party stands for? This is where The modern Republican party seems to be in a snag over. It would seem the Republican party as a whole is unwilling to disassociate "maybe" even "if" it's unintentional forcing of social ideology on the country where as a majority of the nation does not relate.


Putting it in a fictitious perspective, "If" the Republican party all of a sudden had a very strong Muslim ideology in America where as the social policies they forced on the nation represented strongly reflecting as such, I could see the party quickly becoming very unpopular having a stunted demographic support. This is kind of how I feel about the republican party, after Obama was elected president in 2008 the republican party changed over night in a very extreme way.


Liberal social ideology does not make any particular demographic group feel like 2nd class citizens.



I said both parties, I wasn't singling out the democrats. I was pointing out that the democrats don't care for the poor either, if they did they wouldn't be doing what they are. Don't judge politicians on their rhetoric, judge them on their actions, if you do that then you'll see the democrats are no different to the republicans, both put their own interests before the interests of the nation.

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The GOP seems to wish to put their party back in a political bubble yet again....


"The head of the Republican Party threatened Monday to cut out CNN and NBC from the GOP presidential primary debates if the networks do not shelve their plans to air lengthy features on Hillary Clinton -- who is widely expected to be a Democratic candidate in the 2016 election. "


In a written statement, Priebus said if the networks don't meet his demands, he will seek a "binding vote" at the upcoming Aug. 14 RNC meeting declaring that the party "will neither partner with these networks in 2016 primary debates nor sanction primary debates they sponsor."


The funny thing about this is that NBC news and NBC entertainment have nothing to do with each other when it comes to the Hillary Clinton Mini series. Not to mention the Mini series scheduled to be aired on NBC will be produced by Fox TV Studios which is closer related to FoxNews than MSNBC or NBC.


CNN defended its planned documentary in a written statement...


"This documentary will be a non-fiction look at the life of a former First Lady and Secretary of State. Instead of making premature decisions about a project that is in the very early stages of development and months from completion, we would encourage the members of the Republican National Committee to reserve judgment until they know more," the statement said. "Should they decide not to participate in debates on CNN, we would find it curious, as limiting their debate participation seems to be the ultimate disservice to voters."


If you ask me this is just an excuse Priebus is making to avoid critical coverage and questioning for the GOP Primary Debates and putting their candidates in a safe and friendly environment to avoid early embarrassment for their potential nominees.


This early Fear and Loathing of Hillary Clinton can't be a good sign for the GOP when Hillary herself has yet to even publically announce if she is even running for presidency....


That depends on what you call non-fiction. From what I've seen by the movies, documentaries and TV movies reflecting the life and times of major political figures have all been skewed to the political leanings of those producing the feature. Wither these are hatchet jobs or glorification displays makes no difference. No media should make them until after the person depicted are irrevocably out of public office


As far as fear or loathing, I think Mrs. Clinton is a public figure that needs to state her case in front of the American people, when the time comes. These movies could very well be an attempt to romanticize her life instead of reveal the truth of it.


What do you think those who lean to the left would say if a major media source had ran a feature reflecting the life of Mit Romney in the same timeline and fashion.

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Washington has degenerated beyond the point of kindergarten playground foolishness. Why anyone votes for ANY of the bozos in DC is beyond me. And that goes for BOTH parties.


Are the american people really so stupid as to continue putting the same idiots back in office, campaigning on the same promises that they failed to deliver on in the last elections? Unfortunately, I think the answer to that question is: "Yes, we really ARE that stupid."



We aren't stupid. We're lazy in mind and body. We would rather believe the drivel the particular parties we are affiliated with, then to research to truth of the matter and make an informed decision. We would rather watch Gerry Springer and friend people we've never met on Facebook, because it doesn't include the magic word that we definately need to change our world and that's the word EFFORT.

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Having watched how the media portrays both sides for the past 30 years, I would love to fire all the reporters and cancel every news station, then make them start over by going back to school to learn how to report facts, and not opinions like they do now.


Not sure what media outlets you watch but actual news is reported on facts, just because a reporter injects opinions in their reporting doesn't discredit the facts or the reports they make. Without a human opinion in reporting we might as well just be reading raw data on spreadsheets.


I had a friend who immigrated from Poland to the U.S. He once told me that the way reporters comment about news stories in this country was the same way the State run media behind The Iron Curtain did to effect public opinion. Opinion is not fact and should never be used to dilute factual information. Opinion is someone's take on any given situation and is only used to influence the reader.

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It's not because of the merit of their arguments that the left is winning on a national level. The main reason that the Democratic Party is enjoying success is because of mass (mostly illegal) immigration. All political trends are moving steadily conservative, and so the liberals must bring into the country and enfranchise new voters who will reliably cast Democratic ballots. Legal immigration alone will bury the GOP in a few more election cycles. Also, people are getting married later, which benefits the left because married people are more conservative. And they are keeping kids in college for longer. That keeps them from realizing how dysfunctional leftism is by experiencing the real world, and puts them deeper in debt (which prolongs the period in which they're too poor to marry/have kids.)

Now add in that the GOP is unwilling to fight on almost any issue which would change this situation. They're ready to surrender on immigration and gay marriage without even taking the field. The only two issues that the GOP firmly defends is that the rich pay too much in taxes, and that the defense of Israel is a cornerstone of US national security. The GOP doesn't deserve to survive. Romney’s candidacy was proof of the GOP apparatchiks worthlessness, and contempt for the rest of us.


The GOP is nothing but a pseudo-conservative moneyist party, two steps behind the Dems. Even if the GOP lurches even further left to where the Democrats are now, minorities have absolutely no-incentive to vote for them because the Dems will just promise more government goodies than whatever the GOP is peddling.


Half the problem is that conservatives constantly play the game according to the lefts rules. This "moderate conservative" nonsense is what needs to stop. They need to realize that being moderately right when the opposition is clearly no longer moderately left is like pissing into the wind, the time for amicable politics is over.



The reason that the left is winning is that America is fractured into so many groups and special interest parties that it isn't even funny.. It's the Multiculturalism that groups people together in voting blocks that care nothing about anything but their own quote/unquote rights. They want their representatives claim is their right and these same mindless hoards despise the opposition because these same representatives tell them the other side is trying to steal it from them.


The left is just better at packaging their swill and I would point out that the last two Republican Candidates were about as personable as a dead fish.

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