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left click bow/ switched mouse keys


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Seems I did cause some communication problems, so I'll try to rewrite this post to make my wish clear for everybody.


I just dont get used to have my hands and my mouse buttons crossed.

with deafault settings:

- the left mouse button is for the right hand

- the right mouse button is for the left hand


same in the inventory:

- the left mouse button selects weapon/spell/whatever for the right hand

- the right mouse button selects weapon/spell/whatever for the left hand



If I change my settings now to assign the mouse buttons to their hands

to have:

- the right mouse button is for the right hand

- the left mouse button is for the left hand


there are two problems

- any two-handed-weapon (battleaxes/bows) are now also bound to the right mouse button

- the inventory is still crossed.


I would like to have a mod changing my one-handed weapons and my inventory-selection while leaving all two-handed weapons unaffected

Edited by Azzarrel
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I am not clear if you are left-handed, but I have used this configuration since Daggerfall. Everything is in easy reach and much more intuitive.


There are key remapping mods, but not sure of any that will help you.


Try mapping the wheel click to activate and left to shoot/hit and right to move forward or something.



Key Function New Key
W Fwd Mse L
S Back S
A Left A
D Right D
Mse R Left Hand ALT
Mse L Right Hand Mse R

E Activate Mse Wheel
R Ready Wep Z
TAB Menu Rtn
F Toggle POV TAB
Space Jump \ (between Left Shift and Z on UK keyboard)
ALT Sprint Shift
Z Shout/Power C
Shift Run R
CAPS Always Run CAPS
C Automove Q
Q Favourites F
F5 Quick Save F5
F9 Quick Load F9
T Wait/Rest T
J Journal J
Esc System Tab Esc
I Inventory I
P Magick X
/ Stats /
M Map M



I have a left-handed friend who uses a left-handed mouse and a Belkin game pad as he can't really access the key board very well with his right hand.



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Sounds like what you need is a mouse with more buttons. I've got one with two extra buttons at my thumb, one of which I use for left hand attacks, left click is left default, and right click is used for Dual Wield Parry blocking.

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ok, probably i didn't explain very well. Lets try again.


normal skyrim settings: left mouse button = right hand. right mouse button = left hand -> confuses me.

I hate it to use my spell/weapon/whaever I have in the right hand with my left mouse button.

I can change the mouse buttons, so right button = right hand left button = left hand


- it changes the bow on right button too -> I dont get used to that also

- it does not change the inventory behavior -> left clicking on an item still equips it to the right slot.


I'm looking for a mod to fix that -> "left hand bow" + inventory click inversion

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normal skyrim settings: left mouse button = right hand. right mouse button = left hand -> confuses me.



Oh, God yes! The Syyrim default controls are ridiculous. The same key does different things in different menus, a different key does the same thing another key does in another menu. It's the absolutely worst thing I have ever seen in my life. That's why I re-map them more like Daggerfall and use SkyUI.


I am used to using the right mouse for the right hand as that just makes sense. I have no idea why they did it thet way they did.




I can change the mouse buttons, so right button = right hand left button = left hand


- it changes the bow on right button too -> I dont get used to that also


This is what I don't understand. I use:


Right Mouse for Right Hand

ALT for Left Hand/Block

Left Mouse for Move Forward

Mouse Wheel Button to activate/pick things up/open containers etc


Swords swing with the Right Mouse Button

The bow fires with the Right Mouse Button.

Shields or Left Hand Spells block/fire with left ALT


I don't understand what is happening with you. Do you mean your character holds his bow in his right hand? That would be weird. Mine holds it in his left hand, as normal.


If that is the case, I'd try assigning Block somewhere else as it works for me.


As I say, there are key mapping and binding mods on the Nexus, but I have never tried them and do not know if they will do what you want. Try a search.



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Swords swing with the Right Mouse Button

thats what i want, while


The bow fires with the Right left Mouse Button.

+ left hand weapon swing with left mouse button.


I like moving with wasd, I like using both mouse buttons for each hand, but I dont the bow to switch to the right mouse button by changing the mouse buttons for the weapons.

I'm used to press the left mouse buttons to fire any weapon, but dragons don't seem to be really frightened when I always do the push-back-animation, trying to shoot an arrow.

I would also prefer to use my left mouse button in to swing any two-handed weapon.


... beside that the mod I'm looking for should also change the inventory selection in left mouse button left weapon, right mouse button right hand(without forcing me to change my other key - like all I found did)


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Oh, I get it. You want to shoot the bow with the left mouse because the bow is in your left hand? Well, it's the right hand that draws the string, but if that's your preference...


I've never tried using the left mouse for left hand. I am too used to using left mouse to move forward (or to stop if I automove). After all, it's about 17 years since Daggerfall!


And using my left hand to press ALT for Block, Dual casting and Dual sword wielding feels right to me. I use "S" to move backwards, of course.


Sorry, I have not heard of such a mod, but there are some for better re-mapping an key binding. No idea if they do what you want, though.



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It is not about in which hand the bow is.

I'm just used to press the left mouse button for any weapon, but i don't like to use the "wrong" button for the "wrong" hand for dual-wielding.

So I would like to have my dual weapons changed, while my double-handed weapons are still on the left button.

I'm - just like you are used to move with your left mouse button - used to use my primary weapon with my left button, but if there are two weapons(or a shield/spell), I would prefer to have my primary weapon also in the left hand, using it with the left button, while I have my shield in the right hand, using it with right button.

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  • 1 year later...

I understand. This same thing happened to me - probably because of a new mod.

Started playing Skyrim and the controls for the mouse buttons had been reversed. Used to be left = left hand, right = right hand, but suddenly not any more.


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  • 4 years later...




normal skyrim settings: left mouse button = right hand. right mouse button = left hand -> confuses me.



Oh, God yes! The Syyrim default controls are ridiculous. The same key does different things in different menus, a different key does the same thing another key does in another menu. It's the absolutely worst thing I have ever seen in my life. That's why I re-map them more like Daggerfall and use SkyUI.


I am used to using the right mouse for the right hand as that just makes sense. I have no idea why they did it thet way they did.




I can change the mouse buttons, so right button = right hand left button = left hand


- it changes the bow on right button too -> I dont get used to that also


This is what I don't understand. I use:


Right Mouse for Right Hand

ALT for Left Hand/Block

Left Mouse for Move Forward

Mouse Wheel Button to activate/pick things up/open containers etc


Swords swing with the Right Mouse Button

The bow fires with the Right Mouse Button.

Shields or Left Hand Spells block/fire with left ALT


I don't understand what is happening with you. Do you mean your character holds his bow in his right hand? That would be weird. Mine holds it in his left hand, as normal.


If that is the case, I'd try assigning Block somewhere else as it works for me.


As I say, there are key mapping and binding mods on the Nexus, but I have never tried them and do not know if they will do what you want. Try a search.




do you can fix your problem?

i have this issue like as you brother

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