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I'm really shocked with these comments. Did they 'moved' the movie to such heights? The only time sex is touched in a 'direct way' is in the whole scene with Laurie and Dan and much as necessary to be so, since the idea was to show the self confidence and changes between the 'real personages' and their heroic alter ego, mainly when oppressed and depressed with minor concerns like nuclear war being more than just a probability. Even so the scenes were almost suggestions and nothing that would shock anyone even in the decade the comics were made.


Now if the nudity in question is that of Jon. Again they must have "exaggerated" alot in the movie if this arises even the perception of it. Since in the comics this were concern to Gibson and possible cause of rejection from DC. But was unavoidable; initially Jon wore some kind of cover, a black something. But with the time he continuously moved away from humanity the whole thing was purposeless. Something Moore did want to make very clear.


Finally the story is anything but meant for child or even teens. The content is 'mature' beyond sex and nudity concerns. Violence is complete and not only the physical one. People are pushed to the limits and morals are at least questionable. Nothing such the perfect contrast between good/evil here, boys and girls. If the contents in this thread is all you see in the movie, either this modern times are losing something or the movie utterly failed.

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My "surprise" is nudity being an issue where so many 'dark gray' areas should be the real concern. Not concern about the perniciously of the story to morals, indeed the conflicts are shown so to lead us to think about them. We may even see some of them in ourselves, something we did not, before.


PS: Moral values are things we place on things, very few are vice or virtue by themselves. We have the power of turning in shameful even the more natural things of life. But the worse is we can do the inverse too, to turn natural and/or acceptable the most shameful things.

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