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Birthers not outraged by Ted Cruz potentially running for president?


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If it is that last link it worked for me. That being said it references a Politico article about Clinton's supporters being the first to come up with the birther stuff. However the Politico article has no references that I saw. They are not really known for their accuracy though their leaning is usually to the left.


I don't think it was either party that came up with this. I suspect it was the public and the parties took it and ran (or not) with it. Either party would be dumb to start up with this again even if it is the truth. If it is true a court will make a ruling on the person's eligibility.

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Apparently, the constitution does NOT require that a candidate for president be "born in the USA", only that they are a 'natural born american citizen'... Given that Cruz's mother was an american citizen, he supposedly is eleigble. Of course, the that same reasoning, if Obama had been born in Kenya, he STILL would have qualified, as he was born an american citizen, regardless of location, due to his mother being an american......


But, of course, this is politics, and what is good for the goose, isn't always applied to the gander.

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Apparently, the constitution does NOT require that a candidate for president be "born in the USA", only that they are a 'natural born american citizen'... Given that Cruz's mother was an american citizen, he supposedly is eleigble. Of course, the that same reasoning, if Obama had been born in Kenya, he STILL would have qualified, as he was born an american citizen, regardless of location, due to his mother being an american......


But, of course, this is politics, and what is good for the goose, isn't always applied to the gander.


It goes deeper than just politics, it's very racial. The people who follow this movement basically seem try to discredit Obama solely because he is the 1st black president. If Obama wasn't black I doubt there would have been a movement to begin with.

Edited by colourwheel
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It's rather easy to attribute these movements to 'racism'. It's rather a hot-button issue, and is always gauranteed to bring out an emotional response. Personally, in the game of politics, nothing surprises me any more. Dirty tricks, and mud-slinging has become the rule of the day. No one campaigns on the issues any more, they just do their best to paint the 'other guy' as some sort of demon. Obama could have been green with pink spots, and this STILL would have become an issue, simply because it is useful to cast doubt on his eligibility to lead this country. The fact that it is STILL going on some five years, and two elections... later, in no way indicates this is anything other than politics as usual. Race does not even come in to play.

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It's rather easy to attribute these movements to 'racism'. It's rather a hot-button issue, and is always gauranteed to bring out an emotional response. Personally, in the game of politics, nothing surprises me any more. Dirty tricks, and mud-slinging has become the rule of the day. No one campaigns on the issues any more, they just do their best to paint the 'other guy' as some sort of demon. Obama could have been green with pink spots, and this STILL would have become an issue, simply because it is useful to cast doubt on his eligibility to lead this country. The fact that it is STILL going on some five years, and two elections... later, in no way indicates this is anything other than politics as usual. Race does not even come in to play.


I would have to strongly disagree with you on this. If race wasn't an issue in this at all then the birther movement would be all over Ted Cruz too, that is assuming Lisnpuppy is right about neither political party starting this movement.

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Ted has already produced his birth certificate, and given it to various news organizations. Something that Obama didn't do until AFTER the election.


Then why are birthers still claiming Obama is not an American when ultimately he has provided his birth certificate too?

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There are only a few out on the fringe that are still pounding that drum. You will note that they do not get much press any more. And if it IS such an issue, why has no one asked for a determination from whatever agency makes such decisions? There are extremist nut-jobs in both parties. Those still claiming that Obama isn't really a citizen are an example of such. (and yes, I DO include Donald in that camp.)

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I really don't think anyone is going to beat that drum again. There is no way to prove it was racism that cause the last or that it is the lack of now.


And you are right HeyYou about the natural born citizen. It is NOT defined in the Constitution nor has it been put up to strong-legal testing. There are two camps and one is much more strict in the interpretation and one is a bit more loose. It comes down to blood and geography. However some assert that people born outside the US on American Naval Bases (like John McCain) or Embassies would not qualify and that is incorrect as these places are considered to be "US Soil."


I just think all this is a bunch to do about nothing. Really both parties are equally guilty of playing smoke and mirrors and the "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" games. None of them will do any work or try to find a true issue for which to stand up. I just think of the work they could have gotten done instead of yammering about this issue with Obama. geez

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Never cared about this. Though I always thought Obama could have ended all that nonsense long ago by simply pulling out his birth certificate in 2008. Instead he allowed it to grow until it became an issue. IMO, Cruz has already nipped that conversation from liberals by showing his BC already.

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