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Claim Dungeon as Player Home


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I noticed that a lot of dungeons, especially bandit camps like the Silent Moons Camp, could be made into serviceable player homes, since they often have campfires, smithing equipment, beds/tents, containers, and so on. I don't know how much programming it would entail, but you could have it so that after clearing a dungeon three times, you would have the option of making it a permanent residence (i.e. all the containers become safe for personal storage, beds grant Well Rested instead of Rested, followers can regroup there, etc.) It would provide a cheaper alternative to buying a house in the city or building one through Hearthfire, and allow players to roleplay a bandit chief or something. Any thoughts?

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That's actually a cool idea. I don't like the house mods because they give you houses with too much without you having to do any work for it.

I think that it would be pretty fun to play as a bandit chief. What would also be fun is if you could go on

raids with the bandits. I like, good alternative. Not too much work, not too little.

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I like this idea as well. There's too much respawning in Skyrim. When I find a good camp I add stuff to it with Pocket Empire Builder and when I return I sometimes have to clear out bandits again, but a safe home would be a great idea.


I know someone who has made some ruins and towers liveable, but it's a mod that removes spawn points, makes containers safe etc.


I'd also like to see places like Halted Stream Camp taken over by Whiterun guards. It's part of a triangle with Whitewatch Tower and Dragonreach, you can see it from the Dragonreach balcony and yet the country is overrun by bandits due to the war. When you clear out some of these places, they should be reclaimed by the Jarl's men. The ore will respawn, bandits could try and repopulate the place and have a battle with the guards, but it would make more sense.


And Whiterun will need the iron for the war. When Balgruuff finally makes up his mind.



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That place made me want a mod like this BUT the places are often way to big :/ Then we have the problem with quests and respawning enemies.. Heck maybe i should just learn myself some modding and change one of the broken towers into a housing area and add a small basement for beds etc.

Edited by Dinkydamn
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