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Could someone please change how Males walk?


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Slof's mods are history (9:12pm, 11th March)


Yep, I really mean it this time. Years and years and years of insults for simply sharing my creations freely. I guess it builds up after a while to the point where it just cannot be tolerated any more. My mods are gone. They will remain gone.


I have been gradually drifting away from the modding community for some time. I've been feeling increasingly unwelcome on many of the forums I used to inhabit, simply because I don't dribble over females. People I thought were friends turned on me. Thus, I logged out one by one and faded off into the background. However, the insults still followed wherever my mods were mentioned. They were 'gay' or 'girly' or whatever other derogatory nonsense got thrown at them. Nice way to be rewarded for sharing something freely without being asked.


I haven't stopped modding - far from it. I'm continuing as I always did, but not sharing it any more. I'll continue to mod for me. Oblivion and Fallout are single player games and I'll dress my characters whatever way I see fit. I'll play the game whatever way I want.


Any permissions for reuse that I have given already still stand. Stuff I've made for other projects such as the Underdark mod are still valid. I might still - and it's a big 'might' - make the odd item as a request. Unlikely, though, except in very special circumstances.


I ask that my mods not be uploaded anywhere else. To do so is in direct violation of my wishes. No further permissions for use will be given. That's it. It's over. I am moving on.


I am sorry to all those folks who genuinely have enjoyed my mods. I hope you kept them backed up somewhere safe. My health is not good and the further stress of the constant crap has forced me to quit. I don't need another stroke, thanks very much!


Only the mods have attracted all this crap. I will still be updating this site with stories and artwork as normal. I still enjoy the games I'm playing. I probably always will.


I'll finish here with a big thank you to all those who have enjoyed my mods and actively supported me. I'm truly sorry it had to come to this, but my health must come first.


well, that's a very unfortunate loss. one would not imagine someone with her talents would ever feel depressed... too bad. some of her mods were amongst my favourite TES mods of all time.

hope to have her back soon.

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That was last year's news. o_O

Slof's mods are on TESNexus.

some of them... as far as i know she reuploaded those that other mods relied upon. but the vast majority of her work is still unavailable...well... that or i'm totally living under a rock. :unsure:



edit: well yeah, that happened last year... so what? i did'nt know anything about it until...last week or so... so i guess there might be other people living under a rock just like i've been.


so here's all i know: another quote from the hive.


A few mods are back online (7:25pm, 9th May)

I've added a few mods back, especially those that other people's mods were dependent upon, such as my animal resources. When I removed everything, it didn't occur to me about stuff that depended on my work - so for that, accept my apologies for the inconvenience.

So far it's only tame, inoffensive stuff here; whether I put back my large selection of male mods yet remains to be seen. Judging by the endless insults hurled my way for them, I'm not sure the human race is ready for my love of the male form! I suggest that if the community wants the rest back, that it shows me a little more tolerance. Please consider my feelings.

When one is pelted with insults year after year just for being generous, it is no wonder that results in a jaded and bitter feeling. No one is forced to look at, or use, anything I have here. The mods are offered freely for use of those who appreciate them. I mod for me first and foremost and as all my game characters and their companions are male, I mod for males.


The mods I have made available again can be found here.

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so... reading the dates... umm... it's not that i want to be a necromancer, it's just that i did'nt know...and this post...umm... and some other things, is what made me look into it...otherwise... look, my magic crystal ball is not working anymore,so please bear with me :biggrin: and.. sorry for digging up old posts.
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That's old, old, old news. 90% of my mods are here and have been for a while. The other 10% are private mods such as my Basil character that will never be publicly released. Everything else is there. No tit mods, no HGEC nonsense, but it's all there.
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That's old, old, old news. 90% of my mods are here and have been for a while. The other 10% are private mods such as my Basil character that will never be publicly released. Everything else is there. No tit mods, no HGEC nonsense, but it's all there.


thanks for clarifying that point, Slof...it seems i've been lost in space-time for a while. guess i've been missing on a lot of your new stuff for no reason then.


already downloading Victorian Clothes and the new stuff for wizards :happy:



thanks!...and... sorry! :blush:

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Gonna cast a lock spell on this now as it's old, old, old! I'm still around and modding merrily for the mens!


*locky locky*

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