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Make virtibird fly higher


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I need to learn how to mod the virtibirds to fly higher. I'm using pine forest redone and I love it, but virtibirds fly 25 feet off the ground and fly right through them. I can't seem to find a specific mod or even anyone talking about this. The virtibird overhaul claims to make virtibirds fly higher but it doesn't and I'm not a fan of the mod. it forces you to not have a companion among other things. I play on survival with 2.5 enemy damage and .50-.75 personal damage (I hate casual game ttk and ttd's) and I need and want companions.


I have a few hundred hours in making settlments in the CK so I'm not a complete moron when it comes to modding, but I have no idea where to begin when it comes to modding existing (scripts?). So I guess talk to me like a moron. Thanks =]

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Thanks for the reply I have seen that one, I prefer to ride rather than drive when the physics are this bad. Anything that isn't sim I hate driving / flying LOL really limits the games I can enjoy. Doesn't bug me when riding though oddly enough! Do you have any idea where to start looking?

Edited by xThehavok
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On a side note, is there a verti bird that the BOS doesn’t crash?

Even when I take out all the opposing forces before they do any damage, they still manage to crash and burn every darn one.

The only one that almost survived was the one carrying me to Fort Strong.

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that is solved by

1) installing mods making vertibirds more durable (I use some brotherhood overhaul)

2) installing that nice small mod turning off generic vertibird encounters (because they are dumb and distraction anyway)


As for ride height vertibirds change height when they meet an obstacle (building or pole or mountain) and that works fine, but they seem to not recognize newly built settlement objects or world objects from mods.

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