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Problems after 1.623


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Hi, I also keep getting the skee64.dll error, but I don't know how to fix it.

Skyrim AE should be 1.6.342 now, the Reliminary AE build is for the 1.6.342. So, it should work, shouldn't it?
Yet it says it does not match the version of skyrim and should be updated....

I don't get why bethesda doesn't give us a choice in updating Skyrim or not. Since it's a SP, it should be our choice...
(especially since Bethesda games flourish only because of the mod-community, and they are destroying that right now)

Edited by BurningFalcon
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ok, so I have a running game on AE it kinda sucks but its playing, I have quite a few mods installed but I noticed in mcm that some of them didnt load (yes they are normally in mcm) also several of my animations and even defeat doesnt work right... my question is what log do I try to read to see if it may tell me what is blocking those mods?

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