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Am I the only one - All Beth games on PC issue....


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Fallout 3 recently got an update that broke FOSE.

Really? Fallout 3??? That's wild. Beth had said they were 'done' with FO3 YEARS ago........


The StarField dev team found all the bugs in StarField so they were twiddling their thumbs. Guess they found some things do do.*



*Just kidding. Bethesda devs do not create bugs, they are 'happy little accidents' and are left in the game as undocumented features.




Someone has been busy, Oblivion and New Vegas got patches in October to increase the frame rate to 60 on the XBone X and Series X.


Oblivion got an update??????? Wow......



They can update my Oblivion once they pry the GotY DVD from my cold dead fingers!!

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