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Easiest way to install mods / Playlists or/and Modlist


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hi, first of all sorry if I made this topic in the wrong section but i wanted to ask you two questions.


what is the easiest way to find and install mods? is there any method that lets you download a person's modlist/playlist and install the mods with just a single click? or do you have to install each mod separately each time? if it's possible, can someone give me their modlist or atleast a video with the mod list so I can install them quick without hours of searching :) i will be grateful


the second question, can someone suggest me some graphics mods (enb, textures, effects, all the good stuff) for the GTX 1060 3GB version? :( I know it's an old video card, I should have stayed on the Oldrim) I really want to play on the 50-60 fps range ... i've tried some ENBs but my pc would go crazy.




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Vortex is a charm but I do not think that you can download/install mods in a stack .. you have to do it one by one and if you are new to modding your game, I would recommend the below steps :

1 - Decide what is it that you want in your game or in what way you want to play your game

2 - Read, read and read each mod : description, posts, logs and not less important : Requirements ... some mods must have other mods installed to work

3 - Play your game without mods ( vanilla ) and when you get out of Helgen, save it and modify your .ini file for modding your game ( look in YouTube )

4 - In Vortex settings, set it up accordingly. Read the tutorials, read forums and ask questions before starting downloading your mods

5 - Once you have it setup correctly, start downloading / installing / deploying your mods

6 - Forget about LOOT and let Vortex to sort out your plugins automatically.

7 - Launch your game via SKSE and enjoy it !!


​Now, in relation to your video card, I would say that it is an old card. You would need at least 8 gb of RAM and at least 4 - 8 gb of video to play this game, especially if you are modding it. The best graphic mods are Skyrim 2020 Parallax. Read the description of this mod and follow them step by step. There are several mods that you need to install before installing this one but let me tell you that it is the best in the graphic department.


Happy gaming !

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Your advice on point 3 is kinda dangerous.... you should really start a brand new save with all your mods installed. Adding them into an existing save as you describe can be very problematic.


Perhaps I did not explain myself very well, but before modding Skyrim, we should start a new game ( without mods ) and play Helgen. Once out of Helgen, save it. Then modify the Pref.ini file for modding. Then start modding the game and once all mods are installed, continue playing the game.


Also, adding mods to an existing game is not dangerous but the opposite. Deleting mods ( entirely ) from an existing modded game is problematic. However, I do have one mod in my current game now that I had to disable it in Vortex and since I did that, I've never had any problem with my game but I will never try to entirely delete it ( from archive ) cause that action could potentially mess up with my game. That is another beauty of Vortex by the way.


NOTE : Just out of curiosity, one day I decided ( on purpose ) to start a new game with mods installed, just to find out what would happen and it was messy. The carriage wheels were on the top of my head and I was attacked by bandits and creatures when I got to Helgen .. lol ... so definitely it is not recommended.

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