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Am I saving too much?


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I'm 51 hours into the game and have already saved 956 times... Is this... Is this bad?

I'm completely addicted to saving. In dungeons, I save every few steps because I'm afraid of a monster popping out and somehow killing me.

I save every time I pick something up, before I drop something, before I talk to someone, before I sell something, before I fast travel, before I sleep, before I mess with the contents of a dresser or chest, and generally just whenever I feel like it.

Is this too much? Should I try my best to cut back? Are there any negative effects to saving too much, such as a larger game file?

And, since we're on this topic, how many saves do you have?

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I have 7 characters (all over level 200) and a save game of 631... i do however have auto save set at 15 mins/travel/sleep/exit load doors/inventory checking and now again i do quick saves just to make sure i loose nothing if doing a large tomb or what ever, then after a few days i have a clear out and delete the quick/auto saves when i have made Hard saves of them. :)


So no you can never have to many saves im just not sure if it can break anything or swell you're saves.

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I save when I do something important or when I get past a hard part and I don't wanna lose progress. E.g. getting past a part of a dungeon where I've died multiple times.

Otherwise I let autosave do it's thing, it works really well I've noticed. It doesn't save too much as to completely fill up the save list and doesn't save to little as to make it redundant.


Saving often is a good thing I'd say. If the game CTD at least you won't lose loads of progress.

Edited by mikejaxer
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You can never save too often. If you feel your save file filling up, back up your older saves and do some winnowing. Never totally rely on autosaves, nothing beats a manually save that you can revert to if you run into a corrupted save.

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OP ....Play your own game I probably save too little 500+h and 3 saves. The best advice is to save often but the auto saves work for me.

Just make a hard save before any important decision.

Important is joining Guilds and the like.

Not important is saving because you got your ass kicked in a cave , and don't want to repeat.

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I've been playing cRPGs since there have been home computers and have lost count of the times I've cried "Why didn't you save the game!?". I still do it with Skyrim. You can never save too often, so do what makes you comfortable. I've never seen a claim that frequent manual saves cause any problems. Some people swear autosave can cause corrupted saves, while others swear it doesn't. To be safe, I don't use it, preferring frequent manual saves.

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I'm 51 hours into the game and have already saved 956 times... Is this... Is this bad?


I'm completely addicted to saving. In dungeons, I save every few steps because I'm afraid of a monster popping out and somehow killing me.


I save every time I pick something up, before I drop something, before I talk to someone, before I sell something, before I fast travel, before I sleep, before I mess with the contents of a dresser or chest, and generally just whenever I feel like it.


Is this too much? Should I try my best to cut back? Are there any negative effects to saving too much, such as a larger game file?


And, since we're on this topic, how many saves do you have?




It sounds like you may possibly be OCD about saving, but better to be OCD than to lose a lot of play time to a crash, bug, or corruption. I am currently at about 77h into the game in my latest save which is number 3145, so if you are a saving addict then I am definitely on the high end of OCD, but this is a learned "skill" from decades of losing play time to computer issues after having gone 3h or more without a manual save.

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I did save more than a thousand times, if I sum up all my three characters. I used to do it cause my game froze regularily back then and I had texture issues which forced me to reload. By the way, it doesn't matter for the size of your save file whether you save once an hour or every few minutes. It's the same. And better safe than sorry, I'd say. You never know if you don't get killed around the next corner. I totally understand you and there's nothing wrong about your amount of save times.

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