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What happened to ERSO _ Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul


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too bad. I liked SkyRe + few ERSO modules

In personally have found better alternatives to most of the esro modules I used anyways. The main ones I used where the Dragon Priest and Dragon ones. I now use Konahriks Accoutrements and Dragon Combat Overhaul instead. ^_^

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@ArtMurder i mainly use those dragon modules too. I tried DCO some time ago, really liked most of it, but the fact that dragon can send me sky high just by flying above my head forced me to ditch this mod. Fighting two dragons at the same time was impossible, because my character was just tossed left and right till i died from falling damage. Not really realistic if you take in mind that i was big nord in heavy armor that weights ab 100 kg


Anyway... Is it known why he got banned?

Edited by KorinOo
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@ArtMurder i mainly use those dragon modules too. I tried DCO some time ago, really liked most of it, but the fact that dragon can send me sky high just by flying above my head forced me to ditch this mod. Fighting two dragons at the same time was impossible, because my character was just tossed left and right till i died from falling damage. Not really realistic if you take in mind that i was big nord in heavy armor that weights ab 100 kg


Anyway... Is it known why he got banned?

That's weird, I've never experienced that.... Dragons send me flying if they LAND on me, which makes sense, but I've never had one send me flying just by flying over me. o_o


And i remember hearing the phrase "endorsement fraud" being thrown out their, what that actually means, or if that is even for sure the actual reason, I couldn't tell you.

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One of the things I really appreciate about this site is the openness of the administration. The official reason for the ban can be found if you look through the forum rules and strikes board.

It is a shame, I love that mod.

Yeah, same here, I know of other forums where you can be banned for just discussing reasons why someone was banned liked this, they consider it 'confidential information'. Of coarse a lot of those sites involve some sort of pay-to-use system, and are known for their sketchy bannings... In fact, I know some sites where the rules even state "a user can be banned without any given reason or warning, with no ability to protest the ban" Funny how that same site has tons of moderators, yet you never see anything getting moderated, unless it's outright harassment, I once had a moderator on one of those sites basically stalk me and disable my signature/profile over and over for a couple months straight just because I said something in a forum they didn't agree with.


The nexus is a very well moderated site, and is very intelligently run. in fact, the only reason I ever see people insta-banned is pirating, and I get that, because this site could be shut down by Bethesda for supporting pirating! Considering how much money I've sunk into skyrim ($110.00 all together, I bought all the DLC as soon as they came out, individually) it really annoys me personally as well when people pirate this game!

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