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What happened to ERSO _ Erkeil Real Skyrim Overhaul


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Moderation NEVER is good, in any way. Today exists many other ways to structure information, you dont need ban anyone NEVER in any case.


World is heavily sick. The worst of this is see people heavily brain-washed reapiting things they think are "good" cause is "normal".

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I stumbled across this thread just searching for performance problems with mods. Ive never posted in the forum before. I too noticed erkeilmods disappeared when doing routine updates, along with several other authors, i think although dont quote me on this, immersive creatures, automatic variants, and many others all deleted.


Now about banning. Well apart from the instant banning for pirating which is understandable especially if Bethesda really could take nexus offline. I totally disagree that its up to the moderators discretion whether a user should be banned, my contention is that, as a free of charge site built for the community to share their work, and as the moderators are not the directors or shareholders of a profit making business, they have should have no right to decide who gets banned, and all it equates to is an authoritarian dictatorship, rather than a free democracy where the whole community votes/decides what should be done.

But carry on, im just a lowly user, i hope i don't get banned for expressing my opinion.

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I totally disagree that its up to the moderators discretion whether a user should be banned, my contention is that, as a free of charge site built for the community to share their work, and as the moderators are not the directors or shareholders of a profit making business, they have should have no right to decide who gets banned, and all it equates to is an authoritarian dictatorship, rather than a free democracy where the whole community votes/decides what should be done.


It's not a Democracy though. This is a privately owned site/network and the staff are given any necessary/required powers to keep the place in order by the owner.


From the Terms of Service:



Nexus site staff

Nexus sites are owned and maintained by Robin Scott (member name "Dark0ne"). Robin is regarded as “the law” on Nexus sites and he has the final say on any action that might need to be taken regarding a breach of the terms of service for any Nexus site. What Robin says goes irrespective of whether there has been a breach of the terms of service or not.


Nexus sites and the forums are staffed by un-paid volunteers (known as “moderators” and "staff") who work hard to insure the smooth operation of Nexus sites and encourage a healthy community. The moderators and other admin on the site have been given specific privileges by Robin to keep the site clean of the bad articles listed in these terms and use their own personal judgement, that Robin trusts, to come to decisions.


As to Erkeil, he violated one of the sites most basic rules:



Members are only allowed to be in possession of one account on the site. Members caught using more than one account will be regarded as attempting to exploit or circumvent features on the site and will have both their accounts banned.

( That is from a section of the site Terms of Service: Creating a new account )


So even if he had not been abusing the ratings system, he would still have been trouble if he had just created those other accounts - and yes, the mod removal was his decision, he requested them taken off the site.


To be blunt, no one would get banned if they simply followed the rules set out. Not exactly a difficult thing to do. Most of it is common sense and courtesy. The remainder isn't rocket science. If the rules say don't do something, then don't do it.

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I wrote out a whole long post and then backspaced myself right out of the window but this bit about sums it up ;D


To be blunt, no one would get banned if they simply followed the rules set out. Not exactly a difficult thing to do. Most of it is common sense and courtesy. The remainder isn't rocket science. If the rules say don't do something, then don't do it.

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Why didn't they just remove those 22 endorsements he gave himself, delete all hes account except for the main one, and give him a serious warning about it?

Also publicly stating "you stupid, stupid man" by a moderator is kinda low and unrespectful, especially when you consider the popularity of hes mods, no matter what rules he broke there is no need to insult someone that spend countless hours modding that only improved the nexus's salary.

I agree with masterwizard43 that instant banning like this is good for pirates, but using it against a modder with such popular mods could have been handled in a better fashion, I fear if this continuous Nexus will become less popular and cause its own demise, Its not like they have nothing to fear from other sites like steam or anything, right...?

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Which is why I marked it as a personal comment, that was me - as a user, not a staff member.


It was a showing of my disappointment at him for doing it, not an insult - but yes, there was a lack of respect at some level. I can't respect someone who tries to abuse a system like he was doing. Hence the disappointment.



but using it against a modder with such popular mods could have been handled in a better fashion


The popularity of the mods doesn't even factor in, and it shouldn't. It's the user, the person and personality behind the mods that is being dealt with, not their work. He did something wrong, he was punished for it. You can't class making 22 alternate accounts as a mistake, or a lapse of judegement - it takes too long to create the accounts to be either of those. He also had a chance to appeal, to state his case to return with his files intact and with some temporary restrictions in place on his account if the appeal was successful.


He chose to use that chance to request the removal of his files. Which I carried out shortly after reading the submission.

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He did something wrong, he was punished for it.

Yes he did something wrong, but the fact remains that you as a moderator did not make this issue any better, instead you made it way worse for all the people that use these mods and the general popularity of Nexus.

Next thing you could say is that you did not remove the mods, he did.

Well thats true, but banning someone, then insulting him, and then forcing him to basically "beg" to come back on the nexus on the only one chance of appeal he gets, tends to make this person upset and rather pack hes bags and move on to greener pastures.

Now I think I've said enough and I will bite my tongue on this, but only out of fear for any "punishment" a moderator might throw my way just for arguing about this, because as we all know even something as simple as arguing with moderators is against the rules.

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