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Can no longer change object axis in 'Place Everywhere'


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Greeting and Salutations :smile: !!! I absolutely Love 'Place Everywhere'. But recently, changing rotation axis just stopped working. I select an object an press num0 but the object only rotates on the x axis. Been driving me nuts, I've tried EVERYTHING to fix it, and I'm no stranger to modding. I really don't want to loose another 500 + hours of building and game play. Any help in this matter will be TRULY Appreciated. Utmost Sincerity, Anoxeron


P.s. Attempted altering the hotkey settings but even trying to alter the existing numeric numbers doesn't alter anything. It would help if I had a map of the keyboard key codes, Again, Much Thanks in Advance :) !!!

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Hi'ya HeyYou :) !!! But no, the default hotkey is numpad0. And I'd try to switch it to something else if I knew the keyboard numerical values ... just to see if I've conflicting control settings. But Thanks for replying and Be Well :) !!! Anoxeron

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Hello HeyYou :) !!! Mine Set the rotation as a toggle through X,Y, Z axis through numpad0. The only other keys were F menu keys and Q to activate Place Everywhere. Hey Thanks for replying and Take Care, Anoxeron

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Wonder when that changed. :) I printed the various keys off when I installed it last time around, but, that has been several updates ago. :) Looking at the mod page, the controls listed match what I have on my cheat sheet. Did you change the control set??

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No I didn't, well ... I did alter key mapping but the mod was working fine until I updated NMM to the latest update. I attempted to remap 'Place Everywhere' but even using the existing numeric key codes it altered nothing :sad: !!!!!

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HeyYou, hope all is Well :smile: !!! I got it working through a fresh install and starting over. You were right about Ctrl being the setting that alters axis. But for some reason when I put it in the 1rst only Numpad0 worked. But I'm Very Happy :dance: !!!!! Thanks Much Friend, for returning my replies and You did at least point in the right direction ... Kudos to You :yes: !!! Sincerely, Anoxeron


P.s. I did lose roughly 500 hours of game play but I missed out on a lot of shhtuff and have become a little more adept this play through :dance: !!!!!

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