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Getting jet pack before gettink perks for it...


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Is there any way to get the jet pack for power armor before I can craft it? I don't care, cheats, mods, whatever. I can't find mod for the power armor, I mean mod't ID, this thing in that box, like weapon/armor mods. Even the Personal Jetpack mod, hav this limitation to craft, Maybe I could get perks for cheats, craft the jet pack, and then get perks back to their previous state, only I don't know their cheats,

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, there is a problem with those perks codes. I have those perks cheated, when I go to the perks list in Pip Boy, I have the perks, but, the game keeps saying I can't update my gear on stations. I have all perks needed, all materials needed, but I can't upgrade guns/armor/power armor etc....

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