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Speed up saving?


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60% full, running nice and fast. Got a good CPU, perhaps my GPU is required for saving? It's very old. Also I have a lot of mods, so there may be a lot to save. What confused me is why some saves are quick and some aren't. Not sure why the disk speed should be involved though, as obviously the OS will write cache it.

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Hmmm.... Do you have long save times while playing, or just the exit save? On my rig, saving takes very little time at all. However, the exit save is rather random. Sometimes, the game will flash the 'Saving", and then be gone, other times, it can take several seconds to save, before the game actually exits. I have no clue why there is a difference there......


If I had to hazard a guess, it would be that it is a game engine thing, and there is nothing we can do for it....

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Mainly while playing, I only exit once a day (finally stopped almost all crashes!) and I've never seen that be slow. It does take ages if I save and exit to menu, but if I remember to exit to desktop it's quick. I just thought there may be some stupid design like the slow loading screens linked to FPS that could be bypassed, like I have a mod to do. Also if it can do it fast sometimes and not others, then it clearly doesn't have to take that long.

Edited by hucker75
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Do you have a "script heavy" load order? Or do you have mods that add a lot of objects to the game world?


Maybe you could try this:


- go to a small interior cell (a Player home is good)


- wait for 30 real time seconds


- create a hard save, then exit to the main menu


- load the save you created


- go to sleep or wait in a chair for 10 in-game hours


- press Esc, then wait a bit (10 seconds)


- create a hard save (you can overwrite the previous save)

Edited by LarannKiar
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