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Engine Fixes and NetScript CTDs


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My Skyrim SE game keeps crashing before it even launches. NetScript keeps saying that a NetScript .dll file is missing and Engine Fixes keeps saying that REL/Relocation.h(567): failed to open file. I have no idea what any of that means, let alone how to fix it. I have asked for help on both of the home pages and all I've received is mocking and condescension.

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You were told that the .NetScriptFramework does not work with the version of Skyrim you are using. That's a very simple and clear explanation. It doesn't work...period.


As for Engine Fixes, I'd be surprised if you got "mocking and condescension". You would likely be directed to the sticky that helps with diagnosing problems. The particular error you are showing indicates that you either don't have the Address Library mod installed or have an incorrect version of the Address Library mod installed. Alternatively, you made a mistake in installing the "Part 2" files for Engine Fixes, but the Address Library one is more likely.

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