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How to stop Skyrim from updating


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I uninstalled all my mods as many used those so-annoying Cashcow blips (SO MANY BSA FILES! Every damned weapon or armor type was a seperate mod with main and textures BSAs! Every location, every mini-"quest, AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!) Then I used the saving grace of NMM and PURGED THE LOT off my Data folder. Only Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, HearthFires, and DragonBorn remain according to WryeBash and it's stable! Since I have them but not installed I may just be out from under! (Which is good as the Backdater apparently wants to not run!)


Where to begin? USSEP is needed for many mods now. That's a good place, I suppose. USSEP for AE requires four (4) of the seventy-three (73) pains in the ass. So I groaned internally and set forth to install fishing, survival mode (BLECCCCCCCCCCCCHH!) and the other two. That's when I found out that the Bathysphere, in its never-ending quest to suck worse than ever before, rigged it so you have to download them ALL or NONE.


They really are the most evil gauno piles this side of Electronic Arts, aren't they?

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  • 3 months later...

I've also got a neat tidbit I discovered recently.  For those on Steam: After doing the above instructions, and assuming you're running SKSE, if you right click on your game in the steam library, go to "Manage" and select "Hide this Game", it removes it from the installed games list but doesn't install it, then reboot steam.  The benefit of this is that in the "manage download" section you no longer have the constant reminder that the game has an update and you also won't absent-mindedly click on the "play" button instead of skse like I've done so many times before lol.  Learn from my painful mistakes.

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  • 6 months later...

I ve set up a stock game folder for my game. So I have two versions of the game installed (one AE, that gets updated + CK) and my backported (from latest version) 1.5.97 for playing (steam can not update it)
All the filepaths for MO2 (nemesis, xedit and all the tools I need) have to be adjusted, but its well worth it.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest deleted80903
On 1/19/2024 at 7:15 PM, wpgfurry said:

I've also got a neat tidbit I discovered recently.  For those on Steam: After doing the above instructions, and assuming you're running SKSE, if you right click on your game in the steam library, go to "Manage" and select "Hide this Game", it removes it from the installed games list but doesn't install it, then reboot steam.  The benefit of this is that in the "manage download" section you no longer have the constant reminder that the game has an update and you also won't absent-mindedly click on the "play" button instead of skse like I've done so many times before lol.  Learn from my painful mistakes.

Dang, that is such good advice.

Hiding all my modded games now!

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