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Which armor is best overall?


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Which armor do you think is the best overall? I am thinking of changing my class in oblivion and switching her from heavy armor to light, since more light armor seems to be enchanted (seen tons pre-made for light seen 0 for heavy so far) I have Fcom, and all offical plugins. help me decide XD.
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Ill got some chars with heavy armor but also with light armor and some with only clothes on...

i think in the end it does not really matter which one you got becouse there is not only one pre made armor that fits for one class with its enchantments so ill make my own... and its just a matter of time untill you get an armor rateing of 85 which is supposed to be maximum and sadly there are plenty of slightly unballanced armors from moders ( one time il got 85 armor rateing at lvl 4 so i could not use this over powered armor without breaking the fun out of the game)


but i would say you should use light armor if you want to do more damage in meele because you used to be faster with your attacks and are able to dodge/evade attacks better at least even a master of heavy armor got to be encoumdert by it at 25 % as a expert of light armor you got the same fast movement as in clothes ;)

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I use mostly light armor for my characters as well, but my playing style is a bit of a mix of all classes. I sneak around invisible, prefer longswords and bows, and use Destruction magic in my fights just as much as melee weapons, though I play no mage characters. :"D


Light armor is better in a lot of ways, as it doesn't weigh as much (at least at beginning levels this is an advantage - skill perks kind of even it out at higher levels though), doesn't slow you down, etcetc. Light armor is also usually prettier and more feminine, and as I play female chars I really don't want to look like a man (daedric is really the only exception to the fact that light armor is prettier). ^_^

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I always prefer stealth and lighter armor. Therefore light. Imagine yourself if you had to wear that pesty heavy armor, probably weighing tens of kilograms, how'd you like it :D
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It comes down to what type of character you're gonna play.


If you're gonna do a front line fighter who wants to tank, take heavy armor.


If you're gonna sneak around in the shadows and bring death from afar, take light.



My favorite class to play in western fantasy games is a Paladin -- So therefore I Like to play a heal tank.....heavy armor for me.


P.S. There are plenty of armors you'd count as heavy that can look plenty feminine in oblivion....why dont you download the exnem stock armor replacers?

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