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R&D XCOM Map Alterations


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Sorry, I completely forgot that UEE decompiles certain (numbered) names incorrectly. Working enum definition is:

enum ETeam
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Yeah, we could make a textureless halfcover pickups and van parking lot right away if we wanted to :smile: I haven't successfuly compiled the xcom worlddata class.. we have to find exactly where the vision blocking gets set up.


@wghost oh, its a decompiler problem then. I've moved the definition of ETeam to Object but without noticable changes in the behavior of change team.


Can't we just move all actors to a position like (0,0,-5000)? Would the game render them even if the floor hides them?

I tried loading a map,then streaming another map which has the real objects referenced by my stubs, finaly I loaded my stream.

Well, the stubs got replaced but I'm not sure that the performance hit is acceptable for more than a small test map.

Is it possible in some way load only the referenced objects?



Could someone enlighten me why does this crash the compiler?

It's only part of the struct but it crashes for reasons unknown

add to the default Engine.Worldinfo

struct native XComHeightFogParameters
var() bool bEnabled;
var() float FogDensity;
var() float FogHeight;
var() float FogHeightFalloff;
var() float FogMaxOpacity;

var(XCom) XComHeightFogParameters XComHeightFog;

just after


class WorldInfo extends ZoneInfo

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Destructable actors are on-line :smile: And we have tons of options in customization! Of course the xcom setup must be manualy recreated. It's not hard but it's grinding.

Setting up a github is a pain.. I have to include content packages+XComGame+Engine+Core and ignore all the other stuff



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You're getting VERY near to take "Grinding" off the equation for custom maps creation, Liquid.


What we'll (eventually) require to process the minimal assets (and produce a working Mission with all necessary components) is a form of SDK style isometric GUI for some rapid deploy by casual creators.

IIRC, Doom had quite a sturdy freeware (with whole source codes being available, btw) that would perform such a task. In principle, it would be somehow easy to adapt (or Fix_IT_to_XCOM_parametrics) the device to your special needs.

The future is bright.

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It may be crashing because of the native setting. The free udk doesn't support native code. I know the engine won't load packages that contain native stuff unless they have the licensee marker in them, I encountered this with the voice packs and we had to work around the lack of native support in the scripts. Not sure if that's why it crashes the compiler or not, but that's my first thought.


If its a legitimate compiler bug just add and remove bits of code until you can isolate what is triggering the crash, and then you can maybe try to find alternative code that doesn't trigger it. ICEs are tricky sometimes :)

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It's the float declaration :blink: if I set them to bool it compiles. Removing the word "native" doesn't change anything

I've got the interactive actors working! The code can support windows and doors as it is but it needs the skelmesh assets extracted through umodel and set up in udk. At the moment I'm able to create a bomb/node/antena interactive actor :smile: Of course it doesn't have any visual feedback, when it is clicked it fires a kismet event which I set to play a sound. Actualy in bomb maps the nodes/bombs are static actors and there is an interactive actor in the same position. We cat setup the directions in which the actor interacts through skelmesh sockets and udk


@Zyxplislon, rebuilding the textures,materials and particle emitters will take a lot of work, skinless meshes import without too much pain but I haven't tried to setup a stub materials for them or the stubs


Here's the repository containing all the uc files, stub objects and maps, it's the entire udk folder tree without most of the useless files

Engine and Core contain large part of the default udk classes but some of them are modified for xcom



The current streaming level XCOM_STREAM must be loaded on top of CB2_MP_Blank


if you don't use the DefaultEngine.ini contained in it, remeber to update [Engine.ScriptPackages] as follows:




I've figured out why my first cube mesh did not provide cover, it didn't have a collision box.


to add a dynamic shadow to an actor open the options of the static mesh , go to lighting and toggle "use precomputed shadows"


to test the interactive actor place a unit next to it and leftclick to play sound





After this update I'm taking a break for a bit because I've have more urgent matters at hand, but I'm still around the forums if anyone needs explanation about the map stubs.

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Out of schedule update xD : Working Wave System( it is a placeable object in the world) and fully functional exalt radar! Also the code for decoder ,transmitter and meld pod is in (without art assets). Moreover, the capture areas logic and visual fx are functional (I think the ai likes going towards the capture zones). I'm sure that at this point new exalt missions can be made using the UDK :smile: The only flaw (minor in this case) is that the exalt radars do not provide vision blocking.The radar actor was quite a surprise, it does it's setup in a function and not in the UDK


edit: alien loot destructable actors code is in (for surgery tables, computers, food, power cores etc..)

the code is on github https://github.com/iiiLiQuiDiii/UDK


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So... when are you gonna bring that shrubbery?


But in all seriousness, good work. I'm personally holding off till we've reached a stable point (I gave up learning things as they were being developed, it is just so annoying), but once we've got a sound basis I'll probably start building maps.

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Niiiii xD

Thank you! Well the mission logic is quite usable, like spawning aliens, trigger volumes, kismet actions etc.. I haven't imported all the kismet commands yet because I haven't tested if they're working as intended. But yeah ,we're still in the prototype/proof-of-concept phase. Hopefully the A-Team will too take a look at this after beta15

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