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yet another "help me find a game" thread


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I'm looking for an MMO, that isn't WoW, which lets you throw your shield at enemies. Rift used to have this, but no longer does, and I believe FFXIV has it as well, but I'm wondering what other options I have.

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there might be something in GW2 that does this. none of the classes ive used i used a shield on so idk.


um then there is Marvel Heroes. im sure if you pick Captain America (or unlock him or however it works) hed most likely have that move lol.

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GW2 is not really something I'd be willing to get into, it's more of a pvp centered game, which I avoid whenever possible, and Marvel Heroes is only an MMO in the barest sense of the word, not to mention a huge ripoff in terms of monetization.

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GW2 is not really something I'd be willing to get into, it's more of a pvp centered game, which I avoid whenever possible, and Marvel Heroes is only an MMO in the barest sense of the word, not to mention a huge ripoff in terms of monetization.


I strongly recommend avoiding Guild Wars 2. It launched with enormous potential, and you still see a lot of people defending it in forums, but ask any of them, and I'd wager money they haven't played it in weeks/months. The problems are, the community is just atrocious on my server, there's essentially nothing to do at endgame except go to PVP and get farmed by bots, and the game hasn't actually been given a single permanent enhancement since the first week of play. They instead do crappy mini-DLCs every 2 weeks, which is enough to distract some simpletons, but the reality is it's just lipstick on a pig. This game hasn't had a proper gameplay patch in about 8 months, there's classes that are broken for PVE and have been since launch-which are being totally ignored.


One of the worst problems however, is that the moderation is all done by bots. This means that if someone reports you for spamming or gold selling, YOU WILL BE BANNED until you email customer support with chat logs. I've been banned for this 8 times in the last 3 months by raging teammates, the devs don't care, and honestly it alone is enough to push me out. The only worse feature is my server's community. It's like WoW and <that website we aren't allowed to mention> got together. It's that bad. Unless you're a glass-cannon warrior or teleport mesmer, and have a very specific cookiecutter build/gear, it is impossible to get a dungeon group-or even a guild. Nobody will want to play with you, and there's no incentive to try and help other players, so most groups simply kick anyone who gets downed.


Take my advice; it was a great game at launch, but anyone who says it still is, hasn't played it recently. I have, it's a trainwreck seemingly played only by extremely angry Koreans. Best to just wait for ESO.


As for ESO, I can't really talk about it. The beta for it is like Fight Club; you do not talk about it. Seriously, I signed an agreement.


But I have now had a little hands-on time with it, and based on the beta I vehemently <redacted> you to at the very least, <redacted> it. It's a <redacted> game with some really <redacted> <redacted>s. I'm having a <redacted> time with it. Just try it, if it's <redacted> then so <redacted> It's not like you <redacted> anything.


Other MMOs? there's Neverwinter, but it's just another generic Korean Free-To-Play tits N elves car-crash. There's also Rift, but again, same problem as Neverwinter. The issue is, there aren't really many good MMOs around at the moment; the majority are just mass-produced cash-ins made without any love, care or interest. ESO shows some <redacted> but it's still quite some time away. Maybe we'll just have to wait.


Have a <redacted> day! :laugh:

Edited by Vindekarr
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I'm not necessarily even looking for a "great" MMO by most people's standards, I just want to be a tank who can throw his shield at people lol, considering trying out the tanking classes in Everquest 2

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I'd contradict what Vin said about GW2, but OP has already expressed he has no interest in it. So there's no point, other than to say, most of those points of the post aren't correct. However, the ONE thing I will agree is that the annoying thing to me is the temporary 2 week content. I wish they'd get rid of that crap.

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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To clarify, I did own the game at one point, so I have played GW2, and while I did enjoy it for a time, eventually there was just nothing to keep me interested in the game. I didn't like how you learned all your abilities based on what weapon you have equipped, I prefer other MMO systems where you have a spellbook, although it was nice to have your weapon function as something more than a stat stick. I actually ended up refunding the game when they started offering them, and who knows, I *may* go back to it one day if it's ever on sale for like $20 or something, but for me it's just not worth it's current price.

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